Source for file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php
Documentation is available at ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php
* Loading the supirior class on which this class depends.
require_once( CLASSPATH. "databases/Database.class.php" );
* @author Daniel Plücken <>
* @license
* GNU Lesser General Public License
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2004 Daniel Plücken <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* The name of the databasetable.
* Carries the field's objects of this databasetable.
* Will be set to true if the fields's information become stored.
* @var boolean $field_info_stored
// var $field_info_stored = false;
* Carries the fieldnames of this databasetable.
* Will be set to true if the fieldnames become stored.
* @var boolean $field_names_stored
* Carries the field properties whether they can be NULL.
* @var array $field_can_be_null
* Carries the field properties whether they are a member of a primary key.
* @var array $field_is_primary_member
* Carries the field properties whether they have auto increment.
* @var array $field_has_auto_increment
* Will be set to true if the field flags become stored.
* @var boolean $field_flags_stored
* Refers to the database in which this relation lies.
* Stores the last query made to the underlying database table.
* @var string $last_query
* Stores the last insert id of the underlying database table.
* @var integer $insert_id
* Holds the field members of the primary key of this table object.
* @var array $primary_key
* Holds the fieldname of the auto increment Column.
* @var string $auto_increment_field
* Shows whether the fieldnames are overruled.
* @var boolean $overruled_fieldnames
echo "<h3>This is an abstract class. "
. "You cannot get an instance of it!</h3>";
* @param Database $parent
* @return ABSTDatabaseTable
is_a( $parent, "Database" )
echo "<h3>The third parameter is not a reference to an object "
echo "<b>BACKTRACE DEBUG</b><br />\r\n";
"<h3>You have to give a name to this database table!</h3>"
. "<b>Use following Syntax:<b><br><br>\r\n"
. " \x24dbt = new {$kind}DatabaseTable"
. "( \x24name, \x24parent );\r\n"
* Sets the name of the databasetable.
* @param string $string The name the database table should get.
{ $this->name = $string; }
* Sets the parent of this object.
* @param string $obj_ref Should be a reference of a database object.
{ $this->parent = &$obj_ref; }
is_a( $obj_ref, "Database" )
{ $this->parent = &$obj_ref; }
"<h3>The given parameter is not a reference "
. "of an object of a database!</h3>"
* Adds a join's reference to this object of a database table.
* @param object $obj_ref Should be a reference of a join object.
{ $this->join[] = & $obj_ref; }
{ $this->join[] = & $obj_ref; }
"<h3>The given parameter is not a reference "
. "of an object of a join!</h3>"
* Adds a field's reference to this object of a database table.
{ $this->field[] = & $obj_ref; }
* Adds a field's reference to this object of a database table.
* Returns the name of the database table.
* Returns the table's fieldnames.
* Returns the last stored database query.
* Returns the parent object of this object.
* Returns the id of the connection resource to the database host.
* Returns the last insert id that was made to the underlying database
* This method has to be implement in a subclass!
"Please implement in subclass - this is an abstract method in "
} // End of class ABSTDatabaseTable