[ class tree: core ] [ index: core ] [ all elements ]

    * forms/items/NumberTextInput.class.php (Method "get")
      Right fieldname for onBlur-value.
    * databases/Join.class.php (Method "setType")
      Will now allow empty strings for equi-joins.
    * forms/items/HTMLCheckbox.class.php (Method "setLabel")
      Passing the correct variable to generate a label on string receiving.
    * databases/mysql/MySQLDatabase.class.php (Methods "query" and
      Passing the resource id of the connection to the function
      mysql_db_query() and mysql_list_tables().
      The string "-->" in SQL-inserts concat to
      $GLOBALS["GilliGan_MySQL_QueryLog"] will be replaced by
      comment end tag in a query closes the emracing html comment.
    * data_structures/ABSTObject.class.php (Methods "printComplexData" and
      The regular expression, that describes the fieldnames who shouldn't be
      print, will now be passed through the recursive routine. You can avoid
      infinite loops by listing the corresponding fieldnames in the regular
    * DatabaseEntity.class.php (Method "replace")
      Accounts now the auto increment field, if there is one in the table. The
      method will update the according field in the class too. So several
      invocations of the method "replace" one after another will no longer
      create a corresponding count of datasets. Only one dataset will be created
      and updated by following invocations.
    * data_structures/DatabaseEntity.class.php
      (Method "putRequestValuesIntoObjectFields")
      Now handles data correct with the magic quotes approach.
    * communication/EMail.class.php (Method "getAttachmentContent")
      Changed separator char of the mail-header to the objects variable
    * forms/items/BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php (Method "interpretDate")
      changed that it can be called statically.
    * forms/items/DBKeySelect.class.php (Constructor)
      Passed in parameter as array to the function array_merge().
    * forms/items/HTMLHiddenInput.class.php (Method "get")
      Zero value will no longer the same as null value.
    * forms/HTMLForm.class.php (Method "setFormBody")
      Correct handling if the member $str_layout is set.
      Layout string wasn't saved to class member.
    * forms/HTMLForm.class.php (Method "setLayoutString")
      Layout string wasn't saved to class member.
    * forms/items/HTMLCheckbox.class.php (Method "setLabel")
      Will now store the reference of the given HTMLLabel-object, not the copy.
    * forms/items/ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php (Method "get")
      Handles the property enabled now correctly. The user can't interact with
      the input if it is disabled. Use the property manipulateable if you need
      that the user can mark the text in the text input and the value should be
      sent on form submit.
    * databases/mysql/MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php (Method "query")
      Querylog will now be written, if the constant MYSQLDEBUGGING is set to
      true, independently whether an error occurs or not.
      Included into the script.
    * forms/items/ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php (Method "get")
      Fills in " in the value-attribute of the input-tag instead of ".
    * data_structures/Vector.class.php (Method "select")
      Avoid to divide by zero on vector lenth zero.
    * filesystem/FilesystemTree.class.php (Method "setTree")
      The folder and files will no longer placed in the arrays with help of the
      control variable $i. Now the indices of the arrays are integrated.
    * forms/items/HTMLSelect.class.php (Methods "getJS2getAllValuesFrom" and
      Beautyfied javascript source code.
    * forms/items/MultiRelationSelect.class.php (Method "get")
      Invoking the javascript function "moveItemTo" in the namespace window.
    * forms/items/DateFormatter.class.php (Method "setTimestamp")
      Returns now if the given timestamp is lower than zero.
    * data_structures/DatabaseEntity.class.php (Method "delete")
      Trys to delete a dataset in the database table with values from the
      primary key.
    * databases/ABSTDatabaseTable (Method "getPrimaryKey")
      This abstract method has to be implement in a subclass!
    * core/Arrays.class.php (Method "primaryValueToTuple")
      Returns a new array with the values from the given key of the second
      dimension as keys in first dimension refering to the second dimension
    * core/Arrays.class.php (Method "flatten")
      Converts a multidimensional array in a one dimensional array.
    * html/HTMLDocument.class.php (Method "get")
      New attributes "onScroll" and "onResize" in body-tag.
    * filesystem/CSVFiles.class.php (Method "headerForExcel")
      Sets the header for an excel output.
    * html/HTMLImage.class.php (Method "get")
      Attribute "onClick" will be now handled.
    * core/PlainTextFormatter.class.php (Function "formatSQL")
      Included that equi-joins will be formatted too.
    * databases/ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php (Field "insert_id" and Method
      Components to manage the last insert id to the underlying database table.
    * databases/ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php (Method "getResourceID")
      databases/Database.class.php (Method "getResourceID")
      databases/ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php (Method "getResourceID")
      databases/ABSTView.class.php (Method "getResourceID")
      Returns the id of the connection resource to the database host.
    * data_structures/ABSTObject.class.php (Function "clone")
      Function to clone objects.
    * data_structures/ABSTObject.class.php (Methods "sameReference" and "same")
      Methods to check whether references refer to the same object.
    * communication/FTPHost.class.php (Method "chmod")
      Attempts to change the mode of the specified file to that given in mode.
    * databases/ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php (Field $auto_increment_field)
      (Method "getAutoIncrementField")
      Returns the fieldname of the auto increment field if there is one.
    * forms/items/HTMLSelect.class.php (Method "setSingleValueTemplate";
      Attribute $str_single_value_template)
      If the single value template is set, then the method get() will only
      output the parsed template instead of the selectbox. You can use the
      template variable [#label#] to place the single label in the template
    * html/JavaScript.class.php (Method "get")
      New parameter $bool_no_html_comments. If it is set to true, there will be
      no html-comments added at first and last script line.
    * data_structures/DatabaseEntity.class.php
      (Method "putRequestValuesIntoObjectFields")
      Puts the values of the passed kind of request variables into the fields
      of the object. This is useful to update a dataset with entered form data
      before writing it back to the database table were it come from.
    * html/HTMLLink.class.php (Method "get")
      Added mouseaction-attributes blur, click and mousemove.
    * core/String.class.php (new Method "strToUpper")
      (Method "putSingleDatasetIntoRequestVars")
    * communication/FTPHost.class.php (Method "copy")
      Can now be controlled that it will not be disconnect after copy.
    * data_structures/DatabaseEntity.class.php
      (Method "createEntitiesFromMultiTuple")
      The output array can now be ordred, that the keys follow the primary key
      to each tuple.
    * html/Stylesheet.class.php (Field $str_media, Method "setMedia")
      Abillity to set the mediatype.
    * data_structures/DatabaseEntity (Method "printStructure")
      Prints out the Structure of this Object without the management data.
    * data_structures/ABSTObject.class.php (new object)
      A class to inspect objects that are an extension of this class.
    * html/HTMLDocument.class.php (Method "setMode" and "getMode")
      Methods to manipulate the mode of the document to quirk or standard mode.
    * communication/EMail.class.php (Field $str_header_separator)
      Stores the chars to seperate header information. It is immediatly adviced
      to let it the character "\n", because some email-provider can't handle
      header information separated by "\r\n" correctly!
    * (Constants "SINGLE_QUOTATION_STRING" and
      Constants to recognize single or double quotation strings.
    * filesystem/FilesystemTree.class.php (Method "getFilesArray")
      filesystem/Folder.class.php (Method "getFilesArray")
      Returns the file objects of this filesystem tree object in pre-order.
    * forms/items/BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php (Method "setDateTemplate")
      Sets the template how to display date in the text input. The rules follow
      the parameter rules of the date()-function.
    * core/Numbers.class.php (Method "translateDoubleVal")
      Returns a double from a given string. Translates a number from other
      language formates.
    * forms/HTMLForm.class.php (Method "getRightRequestData")
      Returns raw data from a given request variable; Removes escapings if magic
      quotes is enabled.
    * filesystem/FilesystemTree.class.php (Method "getVectorFromTree")
      Builds and returns a Vector from the filesystem trees. That means that
      all files will be in a list, so for example you can operate with next()-
      and prev()-function to navigate in that list.
    * data_structures/Vector.class.php (Method "add")
      Push one element onto the end of the intern array.
    * html/components/OverInfo.class.php (Method "writeToDocumentDirectly")
      Order that the div-tag (popup layer) should be written directly to the
      body; otherwise the div-tag will be written onload-event of the body-tag.
      It is useful to keep the javascript function trough an ajax request, when
      the body is already loaded.
    * filesystem/FilesystemTree.class.php (Method "findFile")
      Search an Files object in the tree that is equal to the given one. The
      two File objects will be accounted as equal, if the the filenames and
      pathes match each other.
    * filesystem/Files.class.php (Method "equals")
      Compares the given Files object with this one. If both equal each other it
      will be returned true, otherwise false. The two file objects will be
      accounted as equal, if the the filenames and pathes match each other.
    * communication/Services_JSON.class.php (new object taken from PEAR)
      Converts to and from JSON format.
    * filesystem/FilesystemToolkit.class.php (Method "size_readable")
      Return human readable sizes.
    * filesystem/ImageFiles.class.php (Method "createHandle")
      Creates a handle to this image to be able to manipulate the image data.
      The handle will be stored in $this->handle.
    * filesystem/FilesystemTree.class.php (Constructor and Method "setTree";
      Parameter $handle_known_filetypes)
      For example, images will now put into a ImageFiles object, instead of a
      Files object, if the paremeter is set to true.
    * filesystem/FileSystemToolkit.class.php (Method "getFileSuffix")
      Returns the suffix of a file. To be returned, the suffix has to have three
      or four digits and contains only letters (ASCII) and numbers.
    * html/SWFObject.class.php (Method "setDelay"; Field $delay)
      Stores the delay for writing the object into the html-container. This can
      be used if a browser have problems with the display on a site refresh.
    * html/HTMLLayer.class.php (Method "get")
      Added the onClick-attribute to the output.
    * forms/items/DateFormatter.class.php (Method "setTimestamp")
      Returns an iso date from a given timestamp or extracts the iso date from
      request data of a form component, that was generated with this class. In
      last case you only have to give in the name you used with the constructor
      to generate an object of this class. In both upper cases this method can
      be called statically. If no parameter was given, the method tries to get
      the date from class variable $timestamp, which can be set by the method
      setTimestamp() of this class.
    * html/components/OverInfo.class.php
      (Field $move_popup_with_mouseMethod)
      Stores whether the popuplayer should or should not follow the mouse
      Controling the backtrace amount.
    * forms/items/HTMLRadioGroup.class.php (Method "get")
      Attribute "checked" is now xhtml-conform. Removed   between buttons
      and label to get more effect with stylesheets.
    * databases/mysql/MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php (Methods "replace" and
      Last insert id will be stored in the object field "insert_id".
    * data_structures/ABSTObject.class.php (Method "printStructure")
      Changed output sequence of field types.
    * html/ABSTHTMLTag.class.php
      The classes in these files will now extend the class ABSTObject.
    * forms/items/HTMLSelect.class.php (Method "get")
      If the single value template is set, then the method get() will only
      output the parsed template instead of the selectbox. You can use the
      template variable [#label#] to place the single label in the template
    * html/HTMLTable.class.php (Method "get")
      Removed the id-functionality for each row of the table.
    * form/items/DateSelect.class.php (Method "get")
      If a label-object was found, it will be used to create a fieldset to wrap
      the selects of the date select.
    * databases/mysql/MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php
      (Method "putSingleDatasetIntoGetVars" and "putSingleDatasetIntoPostVars")
      This methods are now delegating to the new method
    * filesystem/ImagesFiles.class.php (Methods "proportionalHeightScale"
                                            and "proportionalHeightScale")
      Now trys to preserve transparency info for GIFs & PNGs.
    * filesystem/Files.class.php (Method "saveAs")
      The passed path and filename will now be set to the class variables.
    * html/HTMLDocument.class.php (Method "get")
      Considers now the mode quirk or standard.
    * core/PlainTextFormatter (Method "formatSQL")
      Now it also formats fieldnames of selects and names of database tables in
      the from-clause of selects.
    * forms/items/BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php (Method "interpretDate")
      Changed parameter $store_format to standard value false, for better static
    * forms/items/BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php (Method "get" and Constructor)
      Simplified the handling of the date template.
      The template can also be given by fourth parameter of the constructor.
    * forms/items/HTMLSubmitButton.class.php (Method "get")
      Added attributes for events to the output.
    * forms/HTMLForm.class.php (Method "isFormItem")
      Simplified the checking of the correctness of form items. A form item now
      has only to be derived from the class ABSTHTMLFormItem.
    * forms/items/ResetSubmitButton.class.php (extends now the class
    * forms/items/SubmitCancelButton.class.php (extends now the class
    * forms/HTMLForm.class.php (Method "getFieldsAndValues")
      Now uses the new Method "getRightRequestData" to correct incoming data
      from a request.
    * databases/mysql/MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php (Method "getDataOrder",
      "insert", "update" and "replace")
      This Methods now using the function mysql_real_escape_string to escape
      special characters, instead of using a custom regular expression.
    * filesystem/FilesystemTree.class.php (Method "FilesystemTree" and Field
      The name of the root folder of the underlying tree will now be stored.
    * html/components/OverInfo.class.php (Method "setGlobalJavaScript")
      Now the select boxes will only hide on MSIE < 7.0.
    * core/Arrays.class.php (Method "getFirstIndexOf")
      Can now handle objects with the method equals to compare the given object
      with objects in the array.
    * html/components/OverInfo.class.php (Methods "get")
      Implemented what the function writeToDocumentDirectly() provides (see
      ADDED-section of this changelog).
    * filesystem/Files.class.php (Method "getFilesize")
      If the intern filesize of the object contains zero, it will try to get the
      filesize fresh from the filesystem.
    * filesystem/ImageFiles.class.php (Constructor and Methods
      "proportionalWidthScale" and "proportionalHeightScale")
      The file handle will no longer be created in constructor. It now will
      create if it's need.
    * filesystem/ImageFiles.class.php (Methods "getWidth" and "getHeight")
      The GD-Lib is no longer needed to get the dimension of an image.
    * forms/items/HTMLSelect.class.php (Method "get")
      Functionality to the object attribute $manipulateable.
    * forms/ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php (Methods "setManipulateable" and
      Now this functions corrects the object attribute $enabled, too.
    * databases/mysql/MySQLDatabase.class.php (Methods "probeConnection" and
      Function of the constant DEBUG_COMPLETE_BACKTRACES.
    * html/components/OverInfo.class.php (Method "setGlobalJavaScript" and
      Implemented the functionality, that the popup layer can be positioned by
      following the mouse cursor or that the position of the layer can be set
      statically and relatively to the dom object that cause the appearance of
      the popup layer.
    * core/DateFormatter.class.php (Method "getTranslatedDate")
      Now this method supports isodates, too.
    forms/items/EMailTextInput.class.php (Method "getJSFunctionsToCheckEmail")
    forms/items/NumberTextInput.class.php (Method "getJSFunctionsToCheckNumber")
    Moved the javascript functions to the namespace window. So it will function
    too, if the text inputs were load through an ajax request.
    html/components/OverInfo.class.php (All methods canged!)
    Now the popup-<div> will be wrote at the top-level of the document, so that
    it can be position absolutely. This serves a better interpretation in
    several browsers.
    forms/items/HTMLSelect.class.php (Method "getJS2getSelectedValue",
    "getJS2getSelectedOption" and "getJS2getAllValuesFrom")
    Moved the output functions in the namespace "window".
    The intern arrays had to be reset for the next invoke of get().
    html/components/OverInfo.class.php (Method "setGlobalJavaScript")
    Display-Problems on Safari.
    forms/items/HTMLSelect.class.php (Method "get")
    The intern arrays had to be reset for the next invoke of get().
    communication/EMail.class.php (Method "is_guilty")
    Static invokation of EMail::is_valid().
    html/ABSTSourceObject.class.php (Method "setSRC")
    Now windows paths are allowed, too.
    html/JavaScript.class.php (Method "getSerialize")
    core/DateFormatter.class.php (Method "getTranslatedDate")
    Right display of umlauts if days or month will be shown as text and GilliGan
    was initiate with define( LANG, "de" ).
    forms/items/HTMLSelect.class.php (Method "get")
    Correct view of special characters on single option, when the select is
    forms/HTMLForm.class.php (Method "setFormBody")
    DateSelects weren't output anymore, cause of the new template feature ...
    forms/items/DateSelect.class.php (Methods "setWeekDaySelect" and
    Right display of umlauts if days or month will be shown as text and GilliGan
    was initiate with define( LANG, "de" ).
    forms/items/HTMLCheckbox.class.php (Method "get")
    The id-attribute will now be written.
    forms/items/HTMLPasswordInput.class.php (Method "get"; Parameter $type)
    Deleted the needless parameter.
    forms/items/HTMLSelect.class.php (Method "get")
    Security-Bug on select box labels.
    forms/items/HTMLRadioGroup.class.php (Method "setLabelFreeStyle")
    This function is to set the inline styles of the labels for the
    forms/items/HTMLCheckBox.class.php (Methods "setLabelPositionLeft" and
    Sets the position of the label to the left/right side.
    forms/items/HTMLSelect.class.php (Method "getJS2getSelectedOption")
    Returns an javascript-function to get the selectedoption-object of a given
    data_structures/DatabaseEntity.class.php (Methods
    "putDatabaseFieldsIntoPostVars" and "putDatabaseFieldsIntoGetVars")
    Puts the fields of the underlying Object, that correspond with the fields of
    the database table, into the $_REQUEST-Array.
    forms/items/HTMLSelect.class.php (Method "addOptionAt")
    Now there can be put an option element at a specified position in the option
    element list.
    forms/items/ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php (Method "setLabel")
    Stores the given label object to the extended underlying form component.
    forms/items/DateSelect.class.php (Method "setOutputTemplate"
    Field $output_template_str)
    Ability to set a template to manipulate the output order for the selects.
    forms/items/HTMLRadioButton.class.php (new object)
    databases/ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php (Method "setConnectionErrorCallback";
    Field $error_callback)
    databases/ABSTView.class.php (Method "setErrorCallback"; Field
    databases/Database.class.php (Method "setErrorCallback"; Field
    To set functions which will be called on a error. This provides to overwrite
    the build in error handling.
    html/JavaScript.class.php (Method "setTypeOf" und "getTypeOf")
    jslib/array.js (new object)
    An object to process arrays.
    core/DateFormatter.class.php (Method "str2time")
    Returns a timestamp from a date.
    forms/items/TimeTextInput.class.php (new object)
    forms/items/BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php (Methods "getISODate" and
    "interpretDate"; Fields $day, $month, $year und $first_output)
    To handle the value of the form item.
    forms/items/HTMLTextInput.class.php (Method "setStandardText";
    Field $standard_text)
    Stores the text that should be shown if the textfields value is empty.
    html/HTMLImage.class.php (Method "setTitle")
    Sets the title-attribute of the image-tag.
    forms/items/HTMLTextArea.class.php (Method "get")
    Implemented the  onClick-, onFocus-, onMouseup-, onMouseover-, onMousemove-,
    onMouseout- and onBlur-attribute.
    forms/items/ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php (Method "get")
    Implemented the onFocus-attribute.
    html/ABSTHTMLTag.class.php (Methods "setOnFocus" and "setOnBlur";
    Fields $focus and $blur)
    To set the onFocus- and onBlur-attribute of a html-tag.
    filesystem/ImageFiles.class.php (Methods "proportionalHeightScale",
    "getHeight" and "getWidth")
    forms/HTMLLabel.class.php (Method "setBody")
    (Method "createEntitiesFromMultiTuple"; Parameter $classname)
    Possibility to give the classname of the subclass to DatabaseEntity to
    invoke the methods of this subclass in subsequent processes.
    Furthermore database views can now processed too.
    communication/FTPHost.class.php (Method "rename"; Parameter $disconnect)
    communication/FTPHost.class.php (Method "dissolveDir")
    To dissolve a directory means that all containing files will be shifted up
    a level and the directory itself will be removed.
    forms/items/HTMLSelect.class.php (Methods "setStyles" and "setStyles";
    new Field $style_class_arr)
    Sets the style classes of the options of this select in order to the given
    forms/items/DateSelect.class.php (Method "get" Parameter $str_format)
    To change the order of the selects.
    html/components/OverInfo.class.php (Method "setGlobalJavaScript")
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php (Methods "echoBufferedDump" and
    "getDataOrder" Prameter $where)
    Puts out the data buffered with flush() and can now generate a filtred dump.
    forms/items/HTMLCheckBox.class.php (Method "get")
    Decision whether the label should be shown left or right in relation to the
    forms/items/HTMLForm.class.php (Method "idFormItem")
    Implemented the useability of the new object HTMLRadioButton.class.php.
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabase.class.php (Method "query")
    databases/mysql/MySQLView.class.php (Method "getDatasetsWithFields")
    Call the callback functions on error.
    forms/items/MultiRelationSelect.class.php (Constructor)
    invocation name of the javascript function to serialize the option values.
    html/JavaScript.class.php (Method "getUnserialize" and "getSerialize")
    Renamed the javascript functions that they have the prefix "php_", cause
    name conflicts with the js-library prototype.js
    forms/HTMLForm.class.php (Method "addFormItem")
    Returns now a reference to the item object copied into the form.
    forms/itmes/HTMLButton.class.php (Method "get")
    Implemented the disabled-attribute to the input-tag.
    jslib/table.js (Method "table.setAlternatingRowStyle")
    Now you can give an array as fourth parameter to the function. All rows with
    the index listed in that array, will not prepare for alternating the row
    jslib/array.js (Method "array.in_array")
    Function simplified.
    jslib/table.js (Method "table.setOverRowEffect")
    Now you can give an array as third parameter to the function. All rows with
    the index listed in that array, will not prepare for mouseover effects.
    html/HTMLTable.class.php (Method "get")
    Now the table has a tbody-tag.
    databases/mysql/MySQLView.class.php (Method "getSingleDataset")
    Semantically synchronized with the method "getSingleDataset" of class
    databases/mysql/MySQLView.class.php (Method "getDatasets")
    Semantically synchronized with the method "getDatasets" of class
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php (Method "getDatasets")
    Semantically synchronized with the method "getDatasets" of class MySQLView.
    forms/items/MultiRelationSelect.class.php (Constructor)
    Removed Call-by-References.
    html/components/OverInfo.class.php (Method "OverInfo" and
    Access of a Javascript/DOM object reference changed, cause of changed source
    output format in the classes HTMLSpan and HTMLLayer.
    html/HTMLSpan.class.php (Method "get")
    Changed the source output format.
    html/HTMLTable.class.php (Method "get")
    Changed the source output format.
    html/HTMLLayer.class.php (Method "get")
    Changed the source output format.
    forms/items/HTMLButton.class.php (Method "get")
    Implemented the output of several tag attributes. (Contant ISOTIME)
    To validate a time in ISO-format.
    forms/items/TimeTextInput.class.php (Methods "isFormItem" and
    Managing the new type TimeTextInput.
    forms/HTMLForm.class.php (Method "getFieldsAndValues")
    Manages now BirthdayDateTextInput, too.
    forms/items/BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php (Methods
    "getJSFunctionsToCheckDate" and "get")
    Put out the date in the template format.
    forms/items/HTMLCheckBox.class.php (Method "get")
    Implemented the output of several tag attributes.
    forms/items/HTMLSelect.class.php (Methods "get" and "setCharset";
    Field $charset)
    The charset for correct entity en-/decoding to the option label.
    forms/items/HTMLSelect.class.php (Method "get")
    First invoke "html_entity_decode" an then "htmlentities" for the
    optionlabels to avoid that entitys will encode twice.
    html/HTMLImage.class.php (Methods "get" and "setAlt")
    Sets the title-attribute of the image-tag.
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php (Methods "insert", "update" and
    The arrays for the fields and values can now be associative, too.
    forms/items/HTMLCheckBox.class.php (Methods "setLabel" and "HTMLCheckBox")
    The label of a checkbox will now managed through a intern HTMLLabel-object;
    not longer as a string.
    html/JavaScript.class.php (Method "setOpenCentredWindow")
    The generated window object is now reachable trough the given windowname!
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabase.class.php (Method "importSingleDump")
    Reads now in buffered mode to handle large datastreams.
    forms/items/HTMLCheckBox.class.php (Flield $changeOrder)
    Is now handled by $mouseup.
    forms/items/ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php (Method "setOnBlur";
    Field $onBlur)
    Because it is already implemented in ABSTHTMLTag.
    forms/items/URLTextInput.class.php (Methods "getJSFunctionsToCheckURL")
    forms/items/EMailTextInput.class.php (Methods "getJSFunctionsToCheckEmail")
    data_structures/Vector.class.php (Methods "contains", "deleteRecordValue"
                                      and "getFirstIndexOf")
    data_structures/TreeRoot.class.php (Method "buildTree")
    data_structures/DatabaseEntity.class.php (Method "addKeyTable")
    html/components/WebsiteNavigation.class.php (Method "deleteElementAt")
    html/components/OverInfo.class.php (Method "OverInfo")
    forms/HTMLForm.class.php (Methods "setLayoutTable", "addFormItem" and
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php (Method "addDB")
    call-by-reference to call-by-value (PHP 4.4.1+ and 5.1+ compatible)
    forms/items/NumberTextInput.class (Method "getValidationOrder")
    Sent wrong value on formsubmit if the value was decimal, greater than
    thousand and the input was declared as mandatory field.
    data_structures/DatabaseEntity.class.php (Method "replace")
    Replaces the underlying object in the database table.
    forms/items/DateSelect.class.php (Method "setStandardDateFormat")
    Determination whether the date should handled as timestamp or ISO-Format.
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabasTable.class.php (Method "getDatasetsWithFields"
    parameter $only_one and $array_kind; Method "getDatasets" parameter
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabasView.class.php (Method "getDatasetsWithFields"
    parameter $array_kind; Method "getDatasets" parameter $array_kind)
    databases/mysql/ (new)
    html/JavaScript.class.php (Method "getBodyIsHorizontallyScrollable",
    "getBodyIsVerticallyScrollable" and "getGetInnerWindowHeight")
    data_structures/Matrix.class.php (new Object)
    A Class to operate with matrices.
    html/HTMLTable (Method "putMatrixOnPosition")
    html/components/WebsiteNavigation.class.php (Method "setSelectedValue")
    An alias for the function "setMarkedValue".
    forms/HTMLForm.class.php (Methods "getFieldsAndValues")
    Handling the new feature of the class "DateSelect"
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabasTable.class.php (Method "getSingleDataset")
    Now delegates the task to Method "getDatasetsWithFields".
    html/components/WebsiteNavigation.class.php (Constructor)
    Added a new array parameter "$value_arr" to input the values of the list
    items. It is the third parameter in list, the parameter for the styles
    moved to the fourth position :$.
    html/HTMLImage.class.php (Method "setSRC")
    Correct handling of image URLs without error message.
    core/PlainTextFormatter (Method "formatSQL")
    All keywords, except SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and REPLACE, will now only
    recognised, if they follow at least a spacing char. For example land
    will no longer parsed to "l" and "AND".
    html/Strings,class.php (Method "beginsWith", "endsWith")
    Has now correct behaviour, cause of preg_qoute function.
    databases/mysql/MySQLView.class.php (Method
    "getDatasetsWithPrimaryToMultiple", "getDatasetsWithPrimaryToValue")
    html/components/AlphabetFilter.class.php (new Object)
    forms/HTMLForm.class.php (Method "disableAllFormItems", "disable",
    forms/items/DateSelect.class.php (Method "setISODate")
    core/DateFormatter.class.php (Method "getTimestampFromISODate")
    html/HTMLList.class.php (Fields $mouseover_arr, $mouseover_arr and
    html/components/OverInfo.class.php (Parameter $hide_selects_on_over to
    core/Arrays.class.php (Method "getFirstIntegerValue", "getValuesOfKey"
    and "getFirstPregMatchValue")
    html/WMVObject.class.php (new Object)
    html/AVIObject.class.php (new Object)
    html/MPGObject.class.php (new Object)
    html/QuickTimeObject.class.php (new Object)
    html/MovieObject.class.php (new Object)
    html/ABSTSourceObject.class.php (new Object)
    html/ABSTDimensionObject.class.php (new Object)
    html/components/WebsiteNavigation.class.php (new Object)
    data_structures/DataBaseEntity.class.php (new Object)
    forms/HTMLLabel.class.php (new Object)
    forms/items/ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php (Field $label_obj and
    Method "getLabel")
    html/HTMLSelect (Method "showStandardLabel" and "setValues")
    A form item to put in URLs.
    Definition of language specified errormessages for the URLTextInput.
    filesystem/FilesystemToolkit.class.php (Method "url_exists")
    Checks whether an url can access.
    databases/Join.class.php (Method "swapLeftRight")
    Swaps the left-right definition. The reference from the left table moves
    to the reference of the right database table and the other way around.
    This is useful for some complications with the join generation.
    databases/mysql/MySQLView.class.php (Method "getCorrectWhere")
    This private Method returns the correct where clause with given where
    concate with the fixed where clause. The fixed where clause is a new
    feature to the class MySQLView and can be set by the Method
    "setFixedWhere". The fixed where clause will always be add on querys of a
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php (Method
    "getDatasetsWithPrimaryToMultiple", "getDatasetsWithPrimaryToValue")
    As-alias in fieldlist will now intepreted. Only the alias will now set for
    the intern array index. It's only for cleaner handling.
    html/HTMLList.class.php (Method "get")
    html/HTMLImage.class.php (Methods "setWidth", "setHeight" and "setSRC"
    moved to the new parent classes "ABSTDimensionObject" and
    forms/items/ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php (Methods "get" that it invoke
    the method "getLabel" of the parent object to get the HTML data for the
    label-tag that refers to the current text input)
    databases/mysql/MySQLView.class.php (Method "getDatasetsWithFields",
    "getCount", "getArrayOfDataField" and "getDatasets")
    Modified source output.
    The use of Method "getCorrectWhere" was added (see above).
    forms/HTMLForm.class.php (Method "isFormItem", "getFieldsAndValues",
    "setFormBody" and new "setLayoutString"; new Field $str_layout)
    So that an object of the type URLTextInput will identified correctly as a
    guilty form item.
    The filename (and only the filename) from an uploaded file via the
    HTMLFileInput will now be used for the value of the inputs variblename.
    forms/items/EMailTextInput.class.php (Method "getJSFunctionsToCheckEmail")
    So that the javascript focus the textfield again if the content is not in
    a proper format.
    html/HTMLSelect (Method "showStandardLabel" and "setValues")
    html/HTMLSelect (Constructor and Method "showStandardLabel" and "setValues")
    The first option-value will now be explicity set as selected, if no selected
    value is given. This is for the right handling of viewed data, behind the
    definition in a form.
    html/ABSTHTMLTag (Method "idExists")
    Stores all used ids and makes sure that every id in the document is
    unique. It should called in every get method of classes in the packages
    forms and html.
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabaseTable.clas.php (Method "doCSVImport")
    Imports the data from a CSV-file into the underlying database table of the
    Structure to put in the method "doCSVImport" of the class "MySQLDatabase".
    Extensible to generate CSV-data-files.
    A class to generate window-frames in a html document.
    html/HTMLImage.class.php (Parameter $validate_path in Constructor and
                              Method "setSRC")
    This is added to assign whether the path to the image should formal
    validate or not.
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabase.class.php (Method "importSingleDump")
    The interruption of the import if ";\r\n" appears in the data is fixed.
    core/Strings.class.php (Method "pregpos")
    It functions like "strpos" with the different that a regular expression can
    give as the needle parameter.
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php (Method "swapFieldValuesOf")
    Swaps values of a specified field from two tupel.
    The Method and fields move to the class "ABSTHTMLFormItem", because every
    kind of form item object has a value!
    If there were no changes made to the image, then getContent() will return
    the original data, not these of the intern file handle.
    communication/EMail.class.php (Better RegExp to extract an email address
    from a string)
    filesystem/ImageFiles.class.php (Method "setJPEGCompression",
    "setJPGCompression" )
    Now you can affect the comression quality of JPG output data.
    If a select item has only one entry as label, then it will be disabled an a
    hidden item will be placed with it, to send the right value on form submit.
    The Attribute "style" will now be shown if it was set by the method
    communication/EMail.class.php (Method "send")
    Prevent to add a "Cc:" or "Bcc:" on empty arrays for this copy receiver.
    html/ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php (Field "$click" and "$mousemove"; Method
    forms/items/ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php (Fields "click", "mouseup",
    "mouseover", "mousemove" and "mouseout" to tag-output)
    communication/EMail.class.php (Field "$content_type",
    Method "setContentType")
    Ability to send html e-mail.
    databases/mysql/MySQLView.class.php (Method "getArrayOfDataField")
    Standardlabels for submit- and cancel-buttons can now administrate in the
    language files.
    forms/DBTfillingForm.class.php (Method updateDBT)
    The primary key for updating datasets is now allowed in the right order.
    databases/mysql/MySQLView.class.php (Method getSingleDataFieldValue)
    core/Arrays.class.php (Method "is_empty")
    Using foreach-loop instead of while-loop for walking through the array to
    prevent a wrong result. I don't know why "while ( list( $key, $val )
    = each( $array ) )" doesn't work well.
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabase.class.php (Method "getDatasets")
    Debugging information if the fieldlist is empty.
    communication/FTPHost.class.php (Method "is_dir")
    Remove of the output of remembered foldernames.
    filesystem/TAR.class.php (Method "addDirectory")
    Right handling of recursive folder adding via ftp.
    filesystem/TAR.class.php (Method "addFile")
    Remove of beginning slash in the filename for right file adding.
    communication/EMail.class.php (Field "$attachment_filename_arr",
    Field "$attachment_data_arr", Field "$str_attachment_boundary",
    Method "addAttachment", Method "getAttachmentContent" and changes to
    Method "send")
    Ability to handle Attachments in an email.
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabase.class.php (Method "importSingleDump")
    Check whether the last tok ends with a html entity or unicode. If it ends
    with that, then do not execute the query and concatenate this tok with the
    next query. This procedure will be repeat until there isn't such a entity
    or unicode at the end of a to execute query.
    forms/items/HTMLSelect.class.php (Field "$text_on_hidden",
    Method "setAlternativeTextOnHidden", changed Method "get")
    databases/mysql/MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php (Method "getArrayOfDataField")
The initial release on Sourceforge!

Documentation generated on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 19:09:37 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.1