Simply put the main folder in a directory of your choice.
Now you have to make a few settings:
- Open the file ""
:: change the constant ADMINEMAIL!
- Open the file ""
:: read the comments in the file and make your changes.
Now the framework is ready for use.
For example to use the class "HTMLDocument" you have to define the constant
"CLASSPATH" before you include the file "HTMLDocument.class.php", so that other
dependence classes can be included too. The classpath has to be the (relative)
path (with an ending slash (/)) to the main folder of the Framework.
For example your serverside-filetree is as follows:
*- libs
| |
| *- DOMIT
| | |
| | *-[...]
| |
| *- GilliGan
| |
| *- core
| *- [...]
| *- html
| | |
| | *- HTMLDocument.class.php
| |
| *- tutorials
*- content
| |
| *-[...]
| *- home.php
If you now want to use the class "HTMLDocument" in the file "home.php", the
constant CLASSPATH has to be "../libs/GilliGan/".
define( "CLASSPATH", "../libs/GilliGan/" );
include( CLASSPATH."html/HTMLDocument.class.php" );
In some cases GilliGan will offer you to define the constant "LANG". This
constant will be used to load language specific labels of for example drop-down
menus or javascript errormessages.
Normally the filenames of language specific files looking like LANG.".inc.php",
for example "" or "". Feel free to add language packages
to GilliGan and let me know about that.
Information about version numbers in the framework:
- The version numbers of the whole framework has four digits.
- The version number of a class has three digits.
- The version number of a method has two digits.
- The value of the @since-tag of a class is meant in relation to the version
of the whole framework.
- The value of the @since-tag of a method in a class is meant in relation to
the version of the enclosing class.