Index of all elements
[ a ]
[ b ]
[ c ]
[ d ]
[ e ]
[ f ]
[ g ]
[ h ]
[ i ]
[ j ]
[ k ]
[ l ]
[ m ]
[ n ]
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[ s ]
[ t ]
[ u ]
[ v ]
[ w ]
[ x ]
[ y ]
[ z ]
[ _ ]
- $alias_left
- in file Join.class.php, variable Join::$alias_left
Carries an alias of the tablename of $this->dbt_left.
- $alias_right
- in file Join.class.php, variable Join::$alias_right
Carries an alias of the tablename of $this->dbt_right.
- $alt
- in file HTMLImage.class.php, variable HTMLImage::$alt
The alt-attribute of the image-tag.
- $attachment_data_arr
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$attachment_data_arr
Stores the content of the attachments.
- $attachment_filename_arr
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$attachment_filename_arr
Stores the filenames of attached files.
- $attributesArr
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$attributesArr
Stores all customized attributes of each tabledata. This array carries two dimensions of string types. The first dimension stands for the rows of the table, the second one stands for the cols of the table.
- $auto_increment_field
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseTable::$auto_increment_field
Holds the fieldname of the auto increment Column.
- ABSTDatabaseHost
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, class ABSTDatabaseHost
- ABSTDatabaseHost
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::ABSTDatabaseHost()
- ABSTDatabaseTable
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, class ABSTDatabaseTable
- ABSTDatabaseTable
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseTable::ABSTDatabaseTable()
- ABSTDimensionObject
- in file ABSTDimensionObject.class.php, class ABSTDimensionObject
- ABSTDimensionObject
- in file ABSTDimensionObject.class.php, method ABSTDimensionObject::ABSTDimensionObject()
The Constructor let the script die, cause this is an abstract class!
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, class ABSTHTMLFormItem
An abstract class as base for classes to create form items.
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, class ABSTHTMLTag
An abstract class to create HTML-Tags.
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, class ABSTHTMLTextInput
A class to generate text input fields.
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::ABSTHTMLTextInput()
- ABSTObject
- in file ABSTObject.class.php, class ABSTObject
Class to inspect objects that are an extension of this class.
- ABSTSourceObject
- in file ABSTSourceObject.class.php, method ABSTSourceObject::ABSTSourceObject()
The Constructor let the script die, cause this is an abstract class!
- ABSTSourceObject
- in file ABSTSourceObject.class.php, class ABSTSourceObject
- ABSTView
- in file ABSTView.class.php, method ABSTView::ABSTView()
- ABSTView
- in file ABSTView.class.php, class ABSTView
- add
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::add()
Adds a string to the content of this javascript.
- add
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::add()
Push one element onto the end of the intern array.
- addAttachment
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::addAttachment()
Adds an attachment to this email.
- addAttributeToRow
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::addAttributeToRow()
Adds a custom-attribute to the given row of this table. The counting of rows begins at zero.
- addAttributeToTable
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::addAttributeToTable()
Adds a custom-attribute to the table-tag.
- addButton
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::addButton()
Adds a new radiobutton to the group.
- addCell
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::addCell()
Adds a cell at the next possible position to this table. This method is an alias for the method addCol.
- addChild
- in file TreeRoot.class.php, method TreeRoot::addChild()
Adds a childnode of type TreeNode to this object.
- addClass
- in file Stylesheet.class.php, method Stylesheet::addClass()
Adds a stylesheet-class to this object.
- addCol
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::addCol()
Adds a cell at the next possible position to this table.
- addCol
- in file CSVFiles.class.php, method CSVFiles::addCol()
Stores the number of columns of this csv-file object.
- addContentToCol
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::addContentToCol()
Changes a given cell.
- addCustomField
- in file ABSTView.class.php, method ABSTView::addCustomField()
This can be use to add a field to the definition of the result list of the query.
- addDB
- in file MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseHost::addDB()
Adds a databasetable's reference to this object of a database.
- addDB
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::addDB()
Adds a database's reference to this object of a database host.
- addDBT
- in file Database.class.php, method Database::addDBT()
Adds a databasetable's reference to this object of a database.
- addDirectory
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::addDirectory()
Check if this tar archive contains a specific directory.
- addDummyItem
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::addDummyItem()
Adds dummy-form-item to this object. It doesn't apear on the website.
- addElement
- in file WebsiteNavigation.class.php, method WebsiteNavigation::addElement()
Adds a navigation point to the list.
- addElement
- in file HTMLList.class.php, method HTMLList::addElement()
Adds an element to the list.
- addEntity
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, method DatabaseEntity::addEntity()
Adds a weak entity.
- addField
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseTable::addField()
Adds a field's reference to this object of a database table.
- addFieldname
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseTable::addFieldname()
Adds a field's reference to this object of a database table.
- addFields
- in file Join.class.php, method Join::addFields()
Adds Fields to this join.
- addFile
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::addFile()
Add a file to the tar archive.
- addFormBodyText
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::addFormBodyText()
Adds text into the form.
- addFormItem
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::addFormItem()
Adds references of form-items to this object.
- addFTPData
- in file MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseHost::addFTPData()
Adds ftp data to this object. This can be useful for writing dumps if the sever has SAFE MODE restrictions.
- addFTPData
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::addFTPData()
Adds ftp data to this object. This can be useful for writing dumps if the sever has SAFE MODE restrictions.
- addHiddenFormItem
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::addHiddenFormItem()
Adds hidden-form-items to this object.
- addId
- in file Stylesheet.class.php, method Stylesheet::addId()
Adds a stylesheet-id to this object.
- addInclude
- in file PHPFile.class.php, method PHPFile::addInclude()
Adds a sourcepath to the array "includes" of this object.
- addItem
- in file PHPFile.class.php, method PHPFile::addItem()
Adds items to the object that is referenced in the object's variable "htmldoc".
- addJoin
- in file ABSTView.class.php, method ABSTView::addJoin()
Adds a join's reference to this view's object.
- addJoin
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseTable::addJoin()
Adds a join's reference to this object of a database table.
- addKeyTable
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, method DatabaseEntity::addKeyTable()
Adds a keytable to this object.
- addMultipleEntities
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, method DatabaseEntity::addMultipleEntities()
Describes an "n to m"-Relation to this object.
- addOption
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::addOption()
Adds an option to this this select.
- addOptionAt
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::addOptionAt()
Adds an option to this this select at a specified position.
- addParam
- in file SWFObject.class.php, method SWFObject::addParam()
Adds an parameter to this swf object.
- addParameterOnMouseOver
- in file HTMLLink.class.php, method HTMLLink::addParameterOnMouseOver()
Adds a javascript that adds parameter to the hyper reference of this anker. This is useful for search engine optimated sites. For example you can add a session-id or parameter that should hide from search-spiders.
- addProtocolPrefix
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::addProtocolPrefix()
Adds a new protocol type to the array of all prefixes for the protocol that are allowed to put in the textfield, like "http://" or/and "ftp://" etc.
- addRow
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::addRow()
Adds a new row after the last row of this table. If there are lesser cols
- addScaledRowToAnother
- in file Matrix.class.php, method Matrix::addScaledRowToAnother()
Scales a row virtually and adds it to another given row in this matrix.
- addTag
- in file Stylesheet.class.php, method Stylesheet::addTag()
Adds a stylesheet of a html-tag to this object.
- addTargetEmailBlindCopy
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::addTargetEmailBlindCopy()
Adds an email to the array of emails where the message should be send in blind copy.
- addTargetEmailBlindCopy
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::addTargetEmailBlindCopy()
Adds an email to the array of emails where the message should be send in blind copy.
- addTargetEmailCopy
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::addTargetEmailCopy()
Adds an email to the array of emails where the message should be send in copy.
- addTargetEmailCopy
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::addTargetEmailCopy()
Adds an email to the array of emails where the message should be send in copy.
- addToFormItem
- in file HTMLLabel.class.php, method HTMLLabel::addToFormItem()
Adds this label to a specified form item.
- addValue
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::addValue()
Concats the given string to the value of this item's "value"-attribute.
- addVariable
- in file SWFObject.class.php, method SWFObject::addVariable()
Adds an variable to this swf object.
- addView
- in file Database.class.php, method Database::addView()
Adds a view's reference to this object of a database.
- in file, constant ADMINEMAIL
The e-mailadress of the system admin for recognizing system errors.
- in file, constant ALPHABET
This constant describes the order of the alphabet. It is need for the sort
- AlphabetFilter
- in file AlphabetFilter.class.php, method AlphabetFilter::AlphabetFilter()
- AlphabetFilter
- in file AlphabetFilter.class.php, class AlphabetFilter
A class to generate a albabethical list to use as Filter for several data.
- appendTar
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::appendTar()
Appends a tar file to the end of the currently opened tar file.
- Arrays
- in file Arrays.class.php, class Arrays
Static methods to manipulate arrays.
- Arrays__boolcmp
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__boolcmp()
Custom sort algorithm to sort booleans. First false then true.
- Arrays__boolcmp_desc
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__boolcmp_desc()
Custom sort algorithm to sort booleans. First true then false.
- Arrays__charcmp
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__charcmp()
- Arrays__charcmp_desc
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__charcmp_desc()
- Arrays__intcmp
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__intcmp()
Custom sort algorithm to sort integer.
- Arrays__intcmp_desc
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__intcmp_desc()
Custom sort algorithm to sort integer.
- Arrays__strcmp
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__strcmp()
- Arrays__strcmp_desc
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__strcmp_desc()
- assoc2index
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::assoc2index()
Returns the given array as an index based array.
- AVIObject
- in file AVIObject.class.php, class AVIObject
- AVIObject
- in file AVIObject.class.php, method AVIObject::AVIObject()
- Arrays.class.php
- procedural page Arrays.class.php
- ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php
- procedural page ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php
- ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php
- procedural page ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php
- ABSTView.class.php
- procedural page ABSTView.class.php
- ABSTObject.class.php
- procedural page ABSTObject.class.php
- ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php
- procedural page ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php
- ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php
- procedural page ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php
- ABSTDimensionObject.class.php
- procedural page ABSTDimensionObject.class.php
- ABSTHTMLTag.class.php
- procedural page ABSTHTMLTag.class.php
- ABSTSourceObject.class.php
- procedural page ABSTSourceObject.class.php
- AVIObject.class.php
- procedural page AVIObject.class.php
- AlphabetFilter.class.php
- procedural page AlphabetFilter.class.php
- $background
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$background
Stores the value of the background-attribute of the body-tag. For using a background image.
- $behaviour
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$behaviour
Valid values for example are "Final", "Strict", "Transitional" or "Frameset". The standard value is "Transitional".
- $behindbody
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$behindbody
The space between </body> and </html>.
- $bgcolor
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, variable HTMLLayer::$bgcolor
var string
- $bgcolor
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$bgcolor
Stores the value of the bgcolor-attribute of the body-tag to set the backgroundcolor of the Site.
- $bg_color
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, variable FTPUploadApplet::$bg_color
Stores the background color of the applet.
- $blur
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTag::$blur
- $body
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, variable HTMLLayer::$body
- $body
- in file JavaScript.class.php, variable JavaScript::$body
The content of the javascript.
- $body
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$body
The content of this HTML-document.
- $bool_hold_centred
- in file Frame.class.php, variable Frame::$bool_hold_centred
- $bool_persistant_connection
- in file MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php, variable MySQLDatabaseHost::$bool_persistant_connection
Stores whether a persistant connection should be use.
- $border
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$border
Stores the value of the border-attribute of this table.
- $border
- in file HTMLImage.class.php, variable HTMLImage::$border
Stores the value of the border-attribute of this image.
- $browse_bt_label
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, variable FTPUploadApplet::$browse_bt_label
The label of the button for browsing the filesystem.
- $button
- in file ColorInput.class.php, variable ColorInput::$button
- BirthdayDateTextInput
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::BirthdayDateTextInput()
- BirthdayDateTextInput
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, class BirthdayDateTextInput
A class to generate text input fields to fill in Dates.
- breakBy
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::breakBy()
Breaks a line after $maxChars characters if no word will be cut else earlier and indent the line for $indent chars
- build
- in file AlphabetFilter.class.php, method AlphabetFilter::build()
Builds the alphabetic list.
- buildTree
- in file TreeRoot.class.php, method TreeRoot::buildTree()
Builds a tree from a given two dimensional array.
- BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php
- procedural page BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php
- $cellHeightArr
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$cellHeightArr
Stores the height of each tabledata. This array carries two dimensions of integer types. The first dimension stands for the rows of the table, the second one stands for the cols of the table.
- $cellpadding
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$cellpadding
Stores the value of the cellpadding-attribute of this table.
- $cellspacing
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$cellspacing
Stores the value of the cellspacing-attribute of this table.
- $cellStyleClassArr
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$cellStyleClassArr
Stores the styleclass of each tabledata. This array carries two dimensions of string types. The first dimension stands for the rows of the table, the second one stands for the cols of the table.
- $cellWidthArr
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$cellWidthArr
Stores the width of each tabledata. This array carries two dimensions of integer types. The first dimension stands for the rows of the table, the second one stands for the cols of the table.
- $charset
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$charset
The charset to be used on option-labels
- $checked
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, variable HTMLRadioButton::$checked
- $checked
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, variable HTMLCheckBox::$checked
- $children
- in file TreeRoot.class.php, variable TreeRoot::$children
- $click
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTag::$click
- $clip_height
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, variable NewsTicker::$clip_height
- $clip_width
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, variable NewsTicker::$clip_width
- $cls_arr
- in file Stylesheet.class.php, variable Stylesheet::$cls_arr
- $cncbt
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, variable SubmitCancelButton::$cncbt
- $codebase
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, variable FTPUploadApplet::$codebase
Stores the path to the jar-archive.
- $cols
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, variable HTMLTextArea::$cols
Stores the width of this text area in text cols (letter count per row).
- $cols
- in file CSVFiles.class.php, variable CSVFiles::$cols
- $cols
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$cols
Stores the cols count of this table.
- $colspanArr
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$colspanArr
Stores the colspan of each tabledata. This array carries two dimensions of integer types. The first dimension stands for the rows of the table, the second one stands for the cols of the table.
- $content
- in file Files.class.php, variable Files::$content
- $content
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$content
Stores the content of the e-mail.
- $contentArr
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$contentArr
Stores the content of each tabledata. This array carries two dimensions of string types. The first dimension stands for the rows of the table, the second one stands for the cols of the table.
- $contenttype
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$contenttype
Valid values for example are "HTML", "XHTML", "SVG" or "MathML". The standard value is "HTML".
- $content_arr
- in file CSVFiles.class.php, variable CSVFiles::$content_arr
- $content_layer
- in file Frame.class.php, variable Frame::$content_layer
- $content_type
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$content_type
Stores the type of content of the e-mail. Possible values are "text/plain" or "text/html" for plain text e-mail or html e-email.
- $count_of_decimals
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, variable NumberTextInput::$count_of_decimals
- $custom_field_arr
- in file ABSTView.class.php, variable ABSTView::$custom_field_arr
This stores the additionally fields for the result list of the query.
- changeCol
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::changeCol()
Changes the given cell.
- changeHiddenFormItem
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::changeHiddenFormItem()
Changes the value of the hidden form item with the given namen.
- chmod
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::chmod()
Attempts to change the mode of the specified file to that given in mode.
- ColorInput
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::ColorInput()
- ColorInput
- in file ColorInput.class.php, class ColorInput
- complementArrays
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::complementArrays()
Merges two arrays to one. All records that occuring in both arrays will be remove.
- connect
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::connect()
Opens a connection to the ftp server.
- connect
- in file MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseHost::connect()
Opens a connection to the database server.
- ContactForm
- in file ContactForm.class.php, class ContactForm
A class to generate contact forms. After submit there will be generate a plaintext email to a recipient.
- ContactForm
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::ContactForm()
- contains
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::contains()
Returns true if $array contains $record else it will return false.
- contains
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::contains()
Returns true if $this->mixed (the internal array that is managed by the class Vector) contains $record else it will return false.
- containsDirectory
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::containsDirectory()
Check if this tar archive contains a specific directory.
- containsFile
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::containsFile()
Check if this tar archive contains a specific file.
- convertIntoReducedRowEchelonForm
- in file Matrix.class.php, method Matrix::convertIntoReducedRowEchelonForm()
Converts this matrix into a reduced row echelon form using the Gaussian elimination.
- copy
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::copy()
Copys a given file/directory.
- copyDir
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, method FilesystemToolkit::copyDir()
Copies a directory recursively.
- copyTable
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::copyTable()
Copies this table.
- createEntitiesFromMultiTuple
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, method DatabaseEntity::createEntitiesFromMultiTuple()
Returns an array of this object. The objects are generated from a hurd of tuples collected from a result of a database query.
- createHandle
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, method ImageFiles::createHandle()
Creates a handle to this image to be able to manipulate the image data. The handle will be stored in $this->handle.
- CSVFiles
- in file CSVFiles.class.php, class CSVFiles
A class to manage files with comma separated values.
- CSVFiles
- in file CSVFiles.class.php, method CSVFiles::CSVFiles()
- CSVFiles.class.php
- procedural page CSVFiles.class.php
- ContactForm.class.php
- procedural page ContactForm.class.php
- ColorInput.class.php
- procedural page ColorInput.class.php
- $day
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, variable BirthdayDateTextInput::$day
Stores the interpreted day
- $daySelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$daySelect
- $db
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseHost::$db
Carries the references to objects of databases.
- $dbl_m_arr
- in file Matrix.class.php, variable Matrix::$dbl_m_arr
The stored matrix data.
- $dbt
- in file Database.class.php, variable Database::$dbt
Carries the databasetable's objects of this database.
- $dbt
- in file DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php, variable DBKeyRadioGroup::$dbt
- $dbt
- in file DBKeySelect.class.php, variable DBKeySelect::$dbt
- $dbt_left
- in file Join.class.php, variable Join::$dbt_left
The left databasetable's object of this join.
- $dbt_obj
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, variable DBTfillingForm::$dbt_obj
The reference to the needed Databasetable-Object.
- $dbt_right
- in file Join.class.php, variable Join::$dbt_right
The right databasetable's object of this join.
- $decimalchar
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, variable NumberTextInput::$decimalchar
- $delay
- in file SWFObject.class.php, variable SWFObject::$delay
Stores the delay to write the object in the html-container.
- $dir
- in file FileSelect.class.php, variable FileSelect::$dir
- $directories
- in file TAR.class.php, variable TAR::$directories
- $docforms
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$docforms
- $docitems
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$docitems
- $doctables
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$doctables
- $doctype
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$doctype
Valid values for example are "html", "math" or "svg". The standard value is "html".
- $do_not_disable
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$do_not_disable
This attribute is to prevent errors if the class MultRelationSelect is used. If it is set to true the disabling of this item is not possible.
- $dummy_item_arr
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$dummy_item_arr
Stores names of dummy items.
- DateFormatter.class.php
- procedural page DateFormatter.class.php
- procedural page
- Database
- in file Database.class.php, class Database
- Database
- in file Database.class.php, method Database::Database()
- DatabaseEntity
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, class DatabaseEntity
Class to generate objects from database tables.
- DatabaseEntity
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, method DatabaseEntity::DatabaseEntity()
Constructor Put in a reference to an object which is a subtype of the type ABSTDatabaseTable or a reference to an object which is a subtype of the type ABSTView.
- Database.class.php
- procedural page Database.class.php
- DatabaseEntity.class.php
- procedural page DatabaseEntity.class.php
- DateFormatter
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, class DateFormatter
Static methods mainly to compute dates depending on weeknum for industrial
- DateFormatter
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::DateFormatter()
- DateSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, class DateSelect
- DateSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::DateSelect()
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, constant DAYINSECONDS
The number of seconds in a day. This is useful with the calculation of dates in unix timestamp.
- DBKeyRadioGroup
- in file DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php, class DBKeyRadioGroup
- DBKeyRadioGroup
- in file DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php, method DBKeyRadioGroup::DBKeyRadioGroup()
- DBKeySelect
- in file DBKeySelect.class.php, method DBKeySelect::DBKeySelect()
- DBKeySelect
- in file DBKeySelect.class.php, class DBKeySelect
- DBTfillingForm
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::DBTfillingForm()
- DBTfillingForm
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, class DBTfillingForm
A class to generate forms to put data in a databasetable.
- procedural page
Switch this to true, if you wish to see complete backtraces on errors.
- decode
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, method Services_JSON::decode()
decodes a JSON string into appropriate variable
- delete
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::delete()
Deletes the specified dataset.
- delete
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::delete()
Deletes a file or a folder. Folders will be delete recursively!
- delete
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, method DatabaseEntity::delete()
Trys to delete a dataset in the database table with values from the primary key.
- deleteDir
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, method FilesystemToolkit::deleteDir()
Deletes a directory recursively.
- deleteElementAt
- in file HTMLList.class.php, method HTMLList::deleteElementAt()
Removes the element at $int-index. All elements behind the deleted element moving up by one position.
- deleteElementAt
- in file WebsiteNavigation.class.php, method WebsiteNavigation::deleteElementAt()
Removes the element at $int-index. All elements behind the deleted element moving up by one position.
- deleteRecord
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::deleteRecord()
Removes the record at $int-index.
- deleteRecordAt
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::deleteRecordAt()
Removes the record at $int-index. All entrys behind the deleted record moving up by one position.
- deleteRecordValue
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::deleteRecordValue()
Searches the first record of $value. If it is found it will be removed else the unchanged array will be given back.
- deleteRecordValue
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::deleteRecordValue()
Searches the first record of $value. If it is found it will be delete. All entrys behind the deleted record moving up by one position.
- deleteTmp
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::deleteTmp()
Deletes the temporary file of this object.
- disable
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::disable()
Disables this item. This method is an alias for the method setDisabled().
- disable
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::disable()
Disables all formitems. This function is an alias for the function disableAllFormItems()
- disableAllFormItems
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::disableAllFormItems()
Disables all formitems.
- disableJSCheck
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::disableJSCheck()
With this method you can disable the checkup of guilty dates by javascript.
- disconnect
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::disconnect()
Closes the current connection to the ftp server.
- disconnect
- in file MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseHost::disconnect()
Closes the current connection to the database server.
- dissolveDir
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::dissolveDir()
To dissolve a directory means that all containing files will be shifted up a level and the directory itself will be removed.
- doCSVImport
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::doCSVImport()
Iports data from a csv file. You have to create a CSVFiles-Object first.
- in file, constant DOUBLE_QUOTATION_STRING
Identify strings that are in double quotation in a text.
- dump
- in file MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseHost::dump()
Dumps this Databasehost. If this object has stored ftp data the dump method
- dump
- in file MySQLDatabase.class.php, method MySQLDatabase::dump()
Dumps this Database.
- DBTfillingForm.class.php
- procedural page DBTfillingForm.class.php
- procedural page
- procedural page
- DateSelect.class.php
- procedural page DateSelect.class.php
- DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php
- procedural page DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php
- DBKeySelect.class.php
- procedural page DBKeySelect.class.php
- procedural page
- procedural page
- procedural page
- procedural page
- procedural page
- $edit_handle
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, variable ImageFiles::$edit_handle
- $email_obj
- in file ContactForm.class.php, variable ContactForm::$email_obj
Reference to the email-object which should be send.
- $enabled
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLFormItem::$enabled
- $enclosing_char
- in file CSVFiles.class.php, variable CSVFiles::$enclosing_char
- $error_callback
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseHost::$error_callback
Carries the name of a function which has to be invoked on a connection error.
- $error_callback
- in file ABSTView.class.php, variable ABSTView::$error_callback
Carries the name of a function which has to be invoked on a connection error.
- $error_callback
- in file Database.class.php, variable Database::$error_callback
Carries the name of a function which has to be invoked on a connection error.
- $escape_char
- in file CSVFiles.class.php, variable CSVFiles::$escape_char
- EMail.class.php
- procedural page EMail.class.php
- procedural page
- echoBufferedDump
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::echoBufferedDump()
Returns an SQL-DUMP.
- echoNameQueque
- in file Folder.class.php, method Folder::echoNameQueque()
Prints out a dirty formatted list of all folder and files that this folder contains. All contents of containing folder will be printed too because of recursive invocation.
- echoTree
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, method FilesystemTree::echoTree()
Sends a dirty formatted list of this filesystem to the browser.
- EMail
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::EMail()
- EMail
- in file EMail.class.php, class EMail
This class can be used to create emails of the type text or html. If you want you can add attachments.
- in file, constant EMAIL
- EMailTextInput
- in file EMailTextInput.class.php, class EMailTextInput
A class to generate text input fields for email-input.
- EMailTextInput
- in file EMailTextInput.class.php, method EMailTextInput::EMailTextInput()
- emptyTable
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::emptyTable()
Emptys this table.
- enable
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::enable()
Enables this item. This method is an alias for the method setDisabled().
- encode
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, method Services_JSON::encode()
encodes an arbitrary variable into JSON format
- endsWith
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::endsWith()
Returns whether the given string ends with substring $what.
- equals
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::equals()
Compares the given Files object with this one. If both equal each other it will be returned true, otherwise false. The two file objects will be accounted as equal, if the the filenames and pathes match each other.
- equals
- in file HTMLHiddenInput.class.php, method HTMLHiddenInput::equals()
Returns whether the given parameter is a HTMLHiddenInput-object and it correspond to this object.
- escapeLineBreaks
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::escapeLineBreaks()
Escapes all line breaks in a string with \.
- explodeReplace
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::explodeReplace()
Splits a string by $separator. Every extracted piece will be concatenate with $beforeRPL at the beginning and $behindRPL at the ending of its own.
- extractMinuteFromTimestamp
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::extractMinuteFromTimestamp()
Gets the minute of a given timestamp and rounds it to the nearest value of the minute select.
- extractSecondFromTimestamp
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::extractSecondFromTimestamp()
Gets the second of a given timestamp and rounds it to the nearest value of the second select.
- extractWeekDayFromTimestamp
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::extractWeekDayFromTimestamp()
Returns the weekday as number of the week from given unix-timestamp.
- extractWeeknumFromTimestamp
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::extractWeeknumFromTimestamp()
Returns the extracted weeknum from a given timestamp.
- extractXMLEmbedded
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::extractXMLEmbedded()
Replaces entities to special characters. This is very useful for handle HTML embedded in XML.
- extractYearFromTimestampDependingOnWeeknum
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::extractYearFromTimestampDependingOnWeeknum()
Returns the extracted year that depends on a weeknum of a unix-timestamp.
- procedural page
- procedural page
- procedural page
- EMailTextInput.class.php
- procedural page EMailTextInput.class.php
- procedural page
- procedural page
- procedural page
- procedural page
- $fieldname
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseTable::$fieldname
Carries the fieldnames of this databasetable.
- $field_can_be_null
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseTable::$field_can_be_null
Carries the field properties whether they can be NULL.
- $field_flags_stored
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseTable::$field_flags_stored
Will be set to true if the field flags become stored.
- $field_has_auto_increment
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseTable::$field_has_auto_increment
Carries the field properties whether they have auto increment.
- $field_is_primary_member
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseTable::$field_is_primary_member
Carries the field properties whether they are a member of a primary key.
- $field_names_stored
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseTable::$field_names_stored
Will be set to true if the fieldnames become stored.
- $filename
- in file Files.class.php, variable Files::$filename
- $filename
- in file TAR.class.php, variable TAR::$filename
- $files
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, variable FilesystemTree::$files
- $files
- in file TAR.class.php, variable TAR::$files
- $files
- in file Folder.class.php, variable Folder::$files
- $filesize
- in file Files.class.php, variable Files::$filesize
- $first_output
- in file TimeTextInput.class.php, variable TimeTextInput::$first_output
Stores whether this object has been output already.
- $first_output
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, variable BirthdayDateTextInput::$first_output
Stores whether this object has been output already.
- $fixed_where
- in file MySQLView.class.php, variable MySQLView::$fixed_where
Stores the condition on every query with this view. It is helpful to define inner joins in the where clause.
- $flash_version
- in file SWFObject.class.php, variable SWFObject::$flash_version
The path to the swf object.
- $focus
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTag::$focus
- $folder
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, variable FilesystemTree::$folder
- $folder
- in file Folder.class.php, variable Folder::$folder
- $formInTag
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$formInTag
Carries the beginning of the form.
- $formItems
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$formItems
References to the form's items.
- $form_body
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$form_body
The content of the form.
- $form_item_obj
- in file HTMLLabel.class.php, variable HTMLLabel::$form_item_obj
Reference back to the form item this label stnds for.
- $form_name
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$form_name
- $freestyle
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTag::$freestyle
Can filled with styledefinitions that were not handled by an implemented method.
- $freestyle
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$freestyle
Can filled with styledefinitions that were not handled by an implemented method.
- $freestyle_arr
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$freestyle_arr
- $freestyle_arr
- in file HTMLList.class.php, variable HTMLList::$freestyle_arr
- $ftp
- in file MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php, variable MySQLDatabaseHost::$ftp
This reference of a FTP object is for the use that dumps should save on the server via FTP, cause of SAFE MODE restriction.
- $ftp
- in file TAR.class.php, variable TAR::$ftp
This reference of a FTP object is for the use of the filesystem on the server via FTP, cause of SAFE MODE restriction.
- FTPHost.class.php
- procedural page FTPHost.class.php
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, constant FILE
Constant FILES is defined to declare the type files in a filesystem.
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, constant FILEORFOLDER
Constant FILESANDFOLDER describes that files and folder kan match this value.
- Files
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::Files()
- Files
- in file Files.class.php, class Files
A class to manage files in a filesystemtree.
- FileSelect
- in file FileSelect.class.php, class FileSelect
A class to generate select fields to choose a file on the filesystem.
- FileSelect
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::FileSelect()
- filesize
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::filesize()
Puts out the size of a given file.
- Files.class.php
- procedural page Files.class.php
- FilesystemToolkit.class.php
- procedural page FilesystemToolkit.class.php
- FilesystemTree.class.php
- procedural page FilesystemTree.class.php
- Folder.class.php
- procedural page Folder.class.php
- FilesystemToolkit
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, class FilesystemToolkit
Static Methods
- FilesystemTree
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, method FilesystemTree::FilesystemTree()
- FilesystemTree
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, class FilesystemTree
A class to managing a filesystemtree.
- file_exists
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::file_exists()
Checks whether the given file exists.
- findFile
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, method FilesystemTree::findFile()
Search an Files object in the tree that is equal to the given one. The two File objects will be accounted as equal, if the the filenames and pathes match each other.
- flatten
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::flatten()
Converts a multidimensional array in a one dimensional array.
- Folder
- in file Folder.class.php, method Folder::Folder()
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, constant FOLDER
Constant FOLDER is defined to declare the type folder in a filesystem.
- Folder
- in file Folder.class.php, class Folder
A class to manage folder in a filesystemtree.
- format
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::format()
Adds $indent spaces in front of each line from given string and breaks after characters count stored in the class variable $maxChars, but only if no word will be break (then the break will be earlier; before the word).
- formatSQL
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::formatSQL()
Formats sql querys.
- FileSelect.class.php
- procedural page FileSelect.class.php
- Frame
- in file Frame.class.php, method Frame::Frame()
- Frame
- in file Frame.class.php, class Frame
A class to generate "<div>"-Layer based inline Window.
- FTPHost
- in file FTPHost.class.php, class FTPHost
- FTPHost
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::FTPHost()
- FTPUploadApplet
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, class FTPUploadApplet
- FTPUploadApplet
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, method FTPUploadApplet::FTPUploadApplet()
- ftp_chmod
- in file FTPHost.class.php, function ftp_chmod()
Sets the permissions on the specified remote file to mode.
- Frame.class.php
- procedural page Frame.class.php
- FTPUploadApplet.class.php
- procedural page FTPUploadApplet.class.php
- $gallery_img
- in file HTMLImage.class.php, variable HTMLImage::$gallery_img
Stores whether the image should be a gallery image.
- $gap
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, variable NewsTicker::$gap
Switch this to true, if you want to automatically create a new database table when a new database's object of the class MySQLDatabase will be create.
- get
- in file HTMLHiddenInput.class.php, method HTMLHiddenInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLFileInput.class.php, method HTMLFileInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::get()
Returns a generated string based on the Attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLLabel.class.php, method HTMLLabel::get()
Returns a generated string based on the Attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file HTMLList.class.php, method HTMLList::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file HTMLPasswordInput.class.php, method HTMLPasswordInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLLink.class.php, method HTMLLink::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, method HTMLLayer::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file HTMLEmbed.class.php, method HTMLEmbed::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file HTMLImage.class.php, method HTMLImage::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file EMailTextInput.class.php, method EMailTextInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::get()
Returns a generated string based on the Attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file SWFObject.class.php, method SWFObject::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file TimeTextInput.class.php, method TimeTextInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::get()
Returns the content of this file object. This function is an alias for the function getContent().
- get
- in file Frame.class.php, method Frame::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file AlphabetFilter.class.php, method AlphabetFilter::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLButton.class.php, method HTMLButton::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, method FTPUploadApplet::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, method NumberTextInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, method NewsTicker::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file OverInfo.class.php, method OverInfo::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file WebsiteNavigation.class.php, method WebsiteNavigation::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file RunningClock.class.php, method RunningClock::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file QuickTimeObject.class.php, method QuickTimeObject::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file PHPFile.class.php, method PHPFile::get()
Returns the source of the generated php-file.
- get
- in file Stylesheet.class.php, method Stylesheet::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file MovieObject.class.php, method MovieObject::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, method HTMLSubmitButton::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::get()
Returns a generated string based on the Attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file HTMLSpan.class.php, method HTMLSpan::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLResetButton.class.php, method HTMLResetButton::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLTextInput.class.php, method HTMLTextInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- getArrayOfDataField
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getArrayOfDataField()
Returns a array of values of a data field.
- getArrayOfDataField
- in file MySQLView.class.php, method MySQLView::getArrayOfDataField()
Returns a array of values of a data field.
- getAttachmentContent
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::getAttachmentContent()
Returns the generated attachment data as header information in mime type.
- getAutoIncrementField
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getAutoIncrementField()
Returns the fieldname of the auto increment field if there is one.
- getBackground
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getBackground()
Returns the body's background-attribute of this document.
- getBGColor
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getBGColor()
Returns the current body's bgcolor-attribute of this document.
- getBody
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getBody()
Returns the current body's content of this document.
- getBodyIsHorizontallyScrollable
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::getBodyIsHorizontallyScrollable()
Returns a function to proof whether the document is scrollable in horizontally direction.
- getBodyIsVerticallyScrollable
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::getBodyIsVerticallyScrollable()
Returns a function to proof whether the document is scrollable in vertically direction.
- getButtonLabel
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::getButtonLabel()
Returns the value of button tag's "value"-attribute.
- getChangeOrder
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getChangeOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getChangeOrder
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getChangeOrder()
Returns the javascript that should execute if the value this select changes.
- getChangeOrder
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::getChangeOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getChecked
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getChecked()
Returns if the checkbox is declared is checked.
- getChecked
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::getChecked()
Returns if the checkbox is declared is checked.
- getCheckOrder
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file HTMLButton.class.php, method HTMLButton::getCheckOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getCheckOrder
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getCheckOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getCheckOrder
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, method NumberTextInput::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getCheckOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getCheckOrder
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, method HTMLSubmitButton::getCheckOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getCheckOrder
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::getCheckOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getCleanPath
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, method FilesystemToolkit::getCleanPath()
Removes the last slash in a path if it is on the last position.
- getClone
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::getClone()
Returns a clone of this object.
- getClone
- in file HTMLPasswordInput.class.php, method HTMLPasswordInput::getClone()
Makes a clone of this object an returns a reference to this clone.
- getClone
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::getClone()
Makes a clone of this object an returns a reference to this clone.
- getClone
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getClone()
Returns a clone of this object.
- getClone
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getClone()
Returns a clone of this object.
- getClone
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::getClone()
Returns a clone of this object.
- getClone
- in file HTMLTextInput.class.php, method HTMLTextInput::getClone()
Makes a clone of this object an returns a reference to this clone.
- getCloneWithCols
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::getCloneWithCols()
Returns a clone of this object only with the specified cols.
- getCloneWithRows
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::getCloneWithRows()
Returns a clone of this object only with the specified rows.
- getCols
- in file CSVFiles.class.php, method CSVFiles::getCols()
Returns the number of columns of this csvfile object.
- getCols
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::getCols()
Returns the the width of this text area in text cols (letter count per row).
- getContent
- in file CSVFiles.class.php, method CSVFiles::getContent()
Returns the content of this file object.
- getContent
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::getContent()
Returns the content of this file object.
- getContent
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, method ImageFiles::getContent()
Returns the content of this image file object.
- getCorrectWhere
- in file MySQLView.class.php, method MySQLView::getCorrectWhere()
Returns the correct where clause from given where concate the fixed where.
- getCount
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getCount()
Returns the count of the fields in the where clause.
- getCount
- in file MySQLView.class.php, method MySQLView::getCount()
Returns the count of datasets.
- getCreateOrder
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getCreateOrder()
Returns an SQL-string to create this table. You can give a new name for creating the table.
- getCurrent
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::getCurrent()
Returns the value of the current pointer position.
- getDatabase
- in file Database.class.php, method Database::getDatabase()
Returns the databasename.
- getDatabaseTables
- in file Database.class.php, method Database::getDatabaseTables()
Returns the array of references to the databasetables.
- getDataOrder
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getDataOrder()
Returns an SQL-string to fill this table. You can give a new name for the table to insert in.
- getDatasets
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getDatasets()
This method is an alias for the method "getDatasetsWithFields".
- getDatasets
- in file MySQLView.class.php, method MySQLView::getDatasets()
Returns the datasets as an array if the query could be execute.
- getDatasetsWithFields
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::getDatasetsWithFields()
Returns the datasets as an two dimensional array if the query could be execute. The first dimension carries the datasets. The second dimension carries the fields's values of the result list.
- getDatasetsWithFields
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getDatasetsWithFields()
Returns the datasets as an two dimensional array if the query could be execute. The first dimension carries the datasets. The second dimension carries the fields's values of the result list.
- getDatasetsWithFields
- in file ABSTView.class.php, method ABSTView::getDatasetsWithFields()
Returns the datasets as an two dimensional array if the query could be execute. The first dimension carries the datasets. The second dimension carries the fields's values of the result list.
- getDatasetsWithFields
- in file MySQLView.class.php, method MySQLView::getDatasetsWithFields()
Returns the datasets as an two dimensional array if the query could be execute. The first dimension carries the datasets. The second dimension carries the fields's values of the result list.
- getDatasetsWithPrimaryToMultiple
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getDatasetsWithPrimaryToMultiple()
Returns the datasets as array with the values of the primary key as index.
- getDatasetsWithPrimaryToMultiple
- in file MySQLView.class.php, method MySQLView::getDatasetsWithPrimaryToMultiple()
Returns the datasets as array with the values of the primary key as index.
- getDatasetsWithPrimaryToValue
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getDatasetsWithPrimaryToValue()
Returns the datasets as array with the values of the primary key as index.
- getDatasetsWithPrimaryToValue
- in file MySQLView.class.php, method MySQLView::getDatasetsWithPrimaryToValue()
Returns the datasets as array with the values of the primary key as index.
- getDateOfWeekDayOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getDateOfWeekDayOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the given weekday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getDaysCountOfMonthOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getDaysCountOfMonthOfYear()
Returns the number of days from given month and year.
- getDaySelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getDaySelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's day-select.
- getDBTFieldNames
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::getDBTFieldNames()
Returns the table's fieldnames.
- getDir
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::getDir()
Returns the directory which content should be display by this select.
- getDirectory
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::getDirectory()
Retrieves information about a directory in the current tar archive.
- getDump
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getDump()
Returns an SQL-DUMP.
- getExtension
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::getExtension()
Returns the file extension of the given filename.
- getFieldnames
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getFieldnames()
Returns the table's fieldnames. If you want you can get the fieldnames enclosed in backticks.
- getFieldnames
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseTable::getFieldnames()
Returns the table's fieldnames.
- getFieldsAndValues
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::getFieldsAndValues()
Returns the fieldnames and values of the form by a two dimensional array.
- getFieldsAndValues
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getFieldsAndValues()
Returns the fieldnames and values of the form by a two dimensional array.
- getFile
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::getFile()
Retrieves information about a file in the current tar archive.
- getFilenames
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, method FilesystemTree::getFilenames()
Returns the names of files that this->path contains by an array.
- getFilenames
- in file Folder.class.php, method Folder::getFilenames()
Returns the names of files that this folder contains by an array.
- getFilesArray
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, method FilesystemTree::getFilesArray()
Returns the file objects of this filesystem tree object in pre-order.
- getFilesArray
- in file Folder.class.php, method Folder::getFilesArray()
Returns the file objects of this folder object in pre-order.
- getFilesize
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::getFilesize()
Sets the content of this file object.
- getFileSuffix
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, method FilesystemToolkit::getFileSuffix()
Returns the suffix of a file. To be returned, the suffix has to have three or four digits and contains only letters (ASCII) and numbers.
- getFirstIndexOf
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::getFirstIndexOf()
Returns the position of the first record that matches the value of $mixedVal.
- getFirstIndexOf
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::getFirstIndexOf()
Returns the position of the first record that matches the value of $mixedVal. If there is not a record that matches the value then the function will return false.
- getFirstIntegerValue
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::getFirstIntegerValue()
Returns the first occuring value that is a type of integer.
- getFirstPregMatchValue
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::getFirstPregMatchValue()
Returns the first occuring value that matches a regular expression.
- getFirstSecondOfDayFromTimestamp
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getFirstSecondOfDayFromTimestamp()
Returns the first second of a day from a unix-timestamp.
- getFirstWord
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::getFirstWord()
Returns the first Word from a text.
- getFoldernames
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, method FilesystemTree::getFoldernames()
Returns the names of folder that this->path contains by an array.
- getFoldernames
- in file Folder.class.php, method Folder::getFoldernames()
Returns the names of folder that this folder contains by an array.
- getFormInTag
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getFormInTag()
Builds the tag to introduce the html form.
- getFormItemCount
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getFormItemCount()
Returns the count of items of this form.
- getFridayDateOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getFridayDateOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the friday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getGetInnerWindowHeight
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::getGetInnerWindowHeight()
Returns a function to get the value of the inner window height.
- getGetInnerWindowWidth
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::getGetInnerWindowWidth()
Returns a function to get the value of the inner window width.
- getHead
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getHead()
Returns the current head's content of this document.
- getHeight
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, method ImageFiles::getHeight()
Returns the height of the image.
- getHost
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::getHost()
Returns the hostname.
- getHost
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::getHost()
Returns the hostname.
- getHourSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getHourSelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's hour-select.
- getId
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::getId()
Returns the value of this tag's "id"-attribute.
- getIdentityMatrix
- in file Matrix.class.php, method Matrix::getIdentityMatrix()
Returns an object of this class which all elements on the diagonal have the value 1 (one) and the other elements have the value 0 (zero).
- getInArray
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::getInArray()
Returns a function to check if a given array contains the given value.
- getIndexAsArray
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::getIndexAsArray()
Returns the given second dimension index of a two dimensional array as
- getInsertID
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseTable::getInsertID()
Returns the last insert id that was made to the underlying database table.
- getIntervalRoundingOf
- in file Numbers.class.php, method Numbers::getIntervalRoundingOf()
Apportions a range of numbers between zero and $rangeEnd in $portions commensurate chunks. Then the closest computed value to $value will be returned.
- getIsAncestorOf
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::getIsAncestorOf()
Returns a function to check if a given HTML-element includes another HTML-element.
- getISODate
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::getISODate()
Returns the value of this item in ISO format.
- getISODate
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getISODate()
Returns an iso date from a given timestamp or extracts the iso date from
- getISOTime
- in file TimeTextInput.class.php, method TimeTextInput::getISOTime()
Returns the value of this item in ISO format.
- getItemPHPSource
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getItemPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getJavaScriptToAddParameterToHREF
- in file HTMLLink.class.php, method HTMLLink::getJavaScriptToAddParameterToHREF()
Adds a javascript that adds parameter to the hyper reference of this anker. This is useful for search engine optimated sites. For example you can add a session-id or parameter that should hide from search-spiders.
- getJoinOrder
- in file MySQLView.class.php, method MySQLView::getJoinOrder()
Returns the order to join the database tables in the query.
- getJS2getAllValuesFrom
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getJS2getAllValuesFrom()
Returns an javascript-function to get all values from a given select as an array.
- getJS2getSelectedOption
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getJS2getSelectedOption()
Returns an javascript-function to get the selectedoption-object of a given select.
- getJS2getSelectedValue
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getJS2getSelectedValue()
Returns an javascript-function to get the value of a given select.
- getJS2moveItem
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getJS2moveItem()
Returns an javascript-function to move the selected items of a select to another.
- getJS2selectValue
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getJS2selectValue()
Returns an javascript-function to get the value of a given select.
- getJS2swapImages
- in file HTMLImage.class.php, method HTMLImage::getJS2swapImages()
Returns a javascript-function to swap a given image to given source.
- getJSCheckAllInForm
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getJSCheckAllInForm()
Returns a javascript to check all checkboxes in a given form. You have to give the name of the form and the element which should not checked in the javascript function.
- getJSCheckAllWithAncestor
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getJSCheckAllWithAncestor()
Returns a javascript to check all checkboxes in a given form. You have to give the name of the form and the element which should not checked in the javascript function.
- getJScheckData
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getJScheckData()
Returns a javascript to validate the input of the form.
- getJSFunctions
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::getJSFunctions()
Returns a string which contains a function of a javascript to check the radiobutton which value is the given one.
- getJSFunctionsToCheckDate
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getJSFunctionsToCheckDate()
Creates javascript-functions to verify the date choosen by an user.
- getJSFunctionsToCheckDate
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::getJSFunctionsToCheckDate()
Returns a javascript functions to validate the correctness of a date.
- getJSFunctionsToCheckEmail
- in file EMailTextInput.class.php, method EMailTextInput::getJSFunctionsToCheckEmail()
Returns a javascript to probe if the value, that was typed in the textfield, is an email.
- getJSFunctionsToCheckNumber
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, method NumberTextInput::getJSFunctionsToCheckNumber()
Returns a javascript to probe if the value, that was typed in the textfield, is a number.
- getJSFunctionsToCheckTime
- in file TimeTextInput.class.php, method TimeTextInput::getJSFunctionsToCheckTime()
Returns a javascript functions to validate the correctness of a time.
- getJSFunctionsToCheckURL
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::getJSFunctionsToCheckURL()
Returns a javascript to probe if the value, that was typed in the textfield, is a number.
- getJSIncludeForSWFObject
- in file SWFObject.class.php, method SWFObject::getJSIncludeForSWFObject()
Returns a javascript to generate a swf object.
- getJSManageAllCheckboxesByOne
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getJSManageAllCheckboxesByOne()
Returns a javascript to check and uncheck all checkboxes in a given form by one checkbox.
- getJSManageAllCheckboxesWithAnchestorByOne
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getJSManageAllCheckboxesWithAnchestorByOne()
Returns a javascript to check and uncheck all checkboxes in a given form by one checkbox.
- getJSUncheckAllInForm
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getJSUncheckAllInForm()
Returns a javascript to check all checkboxes in a given form. You have to give the name of the form and the element which should not unchecked in the javascript function.
- getJSUncheckAllWithAncestor
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getJSUncheckAllWithAncestor()
Returns a javascript to uncheck all checkboxes in a given form. You have to give the name of the form and the element which should not checked in the javascript function.
- getLabel
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::getLabel()
Returns the label to the extended extended underlying form component as string.
- getLabelArr
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getLabelArr()
Returns the array containing the labels of this select.
- getLabelOfCancelButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getLabelOfCancelButton()
Returns the label of the cancel button.
- getLabelOfResetButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getLabelOfResetButton()
Returns the label of the submit button.
- getLabelOfSubmitButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getLabelOfSubmitButton()
Returns the label of the submit button.
- getLabelOfSubmitButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getLabelOfSubmitButton()
Returns the label of the submit button.
- getLastQuery
- in file ABSTView.class.php, method ABSTView::getLastQuery()
Returns the last stored database query.
- getLastQuery
- in file DBKeySelect.class.php, method DBKeySelect::getLastQuery()
Returns the last stored database query.
- getLastQuery
- in file DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php, method DBKeyRadioGroup::getLastQuery()
Returns the last stored database query.
- getLastQuery
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseTable::getLastQuery()
Returns the last stored database query.
- getLastQuery
- in file Database.class.php, method Database::getLastQuery()
Returns the last stored database query.
- getLeftMargin
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getLeftMargin()
Returns the current body's leftmargin-attribute of this document.
- getMarginHeight
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getMarginHeight()
Returns the current body's marginheight text-attribute of this document.
- getMarginWidth
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getMarginWidth()
Returns the current body's marginwidth-attribute of this document.
- getMaxChars
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::getMaxChars()
Returns the value of this item's "maxLength"-attribute.
- getMaxOf
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getMaxOf()
Returns the maximum value from a field.
- getMD5
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::getMD5()
Returns a function to encode a string to md5.
- getMethod
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getMethod()
Returns the method-attribute of this form.
- getMinOf
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getMinOf()
Returns the minimum value from a field.
- getMinuteSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getMinuteSelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's minute-select.
- getMode
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getMode()
Returns the current document's mode (standard or quirk).
- getMondayDateOfFirstWeekOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getMondayDateOfFirstWeekOfYear()
Returns the monday date of the first calendar week of a given year
- getMondayDateOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getMondayDateOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the monday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getMonthFromWeeknumAndYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getMonthFromWeeknumAndYear()
Returns the number of month associated with the given calendar week and year. Beware! This function will not return the values between 1 and 12, because it could be that a given calendar week is a part of two month.
- getMonthNameFromWeeknumAndYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getMonthNameFromWeeknumAndYear()
Returns the name of month associated with the given calendar week and year.
- getMonthSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getMonthSelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's minute-select.
- getName
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseTable::getName()
Returns the name of the database table.
- getName
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::getName()
Returns the hostname. This method is an alias of the method getHost().
- getName
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::getName()
Returns the value of this tag's "name"-attribute.
- getName
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getName()
Returns the name suffix of this select group.
- getName
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getName()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getName
- in file ABSTView.class.php, method ABSTView::getName()
Returns the name of this view.
- getName
- in file Database.class.php, method Database::getName()
Returns the databasename. This method is an alias for the method getDatabase()
- getName
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::getName()
Returns the filename of this file object.
- getName
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getName()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getName
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getName()
Returns the name of this form.
- getName
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::getName()
Returns the value of textfield tag's "name"-attribute.
- getName
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::getName()
Returns the hostname. This method is an alias of the method getHost().
- getName
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, method FilesystemTree::getName()
Returns the foldername of this filsystem tree object.
- getName
- in file Folder.class.php, method Folder::getName()
Returns the foldername of this folder object.
- getNameOfCancelButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getNameOfCancelButton()
Returns the name of the cancel button.
- getNameOfResetButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getNameOfResetButton()
Returns the name of the reset button.
- getNameOfSubmitButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getNameOfSubmitButton()
Returns the name of the submit button.
- getNameOfSubmitButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getNameOfSubmitButton()
Returns the name of the submit button.
- getOnBlur
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getOnBlur()
Returns the body's onblur-attribute of this document.
- getOnLoad
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getOnLoad()
Returns the current body's onload-attribute of this document.
- getOnResize
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getOnResize()
Returns the body's onresize-attribute of this document.
- getOnScroll
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getOnScroll()
Returns the body's onscroll-attribute of this document.
- getOutputKind
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::getOutputKind()
Returns the value of the kind of output ( FILE, FOLDER, FILEORFOLDER ).
- getParent
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseTable::getParent()
Returns the parent object of this object.
- getPassword
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::getPassword()
Returns the given password which should be usedto connect to the host.
- getPassword
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::getPassword()
Returns the given password which should be usedto connect to the host.
- getPath
- in file Folder.class.php, method Folder::getPath()
Returns the path to the folder of this folder object including it selfs name.
- getPath
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, method FilesystemTree::getPath()
Returns the path to the folder of this filesystem object.
- getPath
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::getPath()
Returns the path to the file of this file object.
- getPHPSource
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file EMailTextInput.class.php, method EMailTextInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLTextInput.class.php, method HTMLTextInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, method NumberTextInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::getPHPSource()
Returns the rebuilded source code of this Object.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLFileInput.class.php, method HTMLFileInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLPasswordInput.class.php, method HTMLPasswordInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPort
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::getPort()
Returns the specified port to use to connect to the host.
- getPort
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::getPort()
Returns the specified port to use to connect to the host.
- getPrimaryKey
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseTable::getPrimaryKey()
This method has to be implement in a subclass!
- getPrimaryKey
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getPrimaryKey()
Returns all field members of the primary key of this database table.
- getPurePathFromTo
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, method FilesystemToolkit::getPurePathFromTo()
Extracs the direct path from one to another folder.
- getRandomPassword
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::getRandomPassword()
Returns a coincidence created password with given digits.
- getRandomRecord
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::getRandomRecord()
Returns a random record of this vector.
- getRandomRecord
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::getRandomRecord()
Returns a random record of given $array. Sets automatically a new random set by microtime for real random.
- getRandomWord
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::getRandomWord()
Returns a coincidence created word with given digits.
- getRealFieldnames
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getRealFieldnames()
Returns the table's fieldnames independence of overruled fieldnames. If you want you can get the fieldnames enclosed in backticks.
- getResourceID
- in file Database.class.php, method Database::getResourceID()
Returns the id of the connection resource to the database host.
- getResourceID
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseTable::getResourceID()
Returns the id of the connection resource to the database host.
- getResourceID
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::getResourceID()
Returns the id of the connection resource to the database host.
- getResourceID
- in file ABSTView.class.php, method ABSTView::getResourceID()
Returns the id of the connection resource to the database host.
- getRightRequestData
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getRightRequestData()
Returns raw data from a given request variable; Removes escapings if magic quotes is enabled.
- getRows
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::getRows()
Returns the the height of this text area in text rows.
- getSaturdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getSaturdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the saturday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getSecondSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getSecondSelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's second-select.
- getSelectedLabel
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getSelectedLabel()
Returns the selected label of this select.
- getSelectedValue
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getSelectedValue()
Returns the selected value of this select.
- getSerialize
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::getSerialize()
Returns a function to serialize arrays like in php.
- getSingleDataFieldValue
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getSingleDataFieldValue()
Returns a single value of a data field.
- getSingleDataFieldValue
- in file MySQLView.class.php, method MySQLView::getSingleDataFieldValue()
Returns a single value of a data field.
- getSingleDataset
- in file MySQLView.class.php, method MySQLView::getSingleDataset()
Returns a single dataset as an array if the query could be execute.
- getSingleDataset
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getSingleDataset()
Returns a single dataset as an array if the query could be execute.
- getSingleDataset
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::getSingleDataset()
Returns a single dataset as an array if the query could be execute.
- getSize
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::getSize()
Returns the size of textfield in text columns.
- getSize
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::getSize()
Returns the value of this item's "size"-attribute.
- getStandardLabel
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getStandardLabel()
Returns the standard label of this select.
- getStrRepeat
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::getStrRepeat()
Returns a function to repeat a string given times.
- getSubmitOrder
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getSubmitOrder()
Returns the javascript that should execute on form submit.
- getSumOf
- in file MySQLView.class.php, method MySQLView::getSumOf()
Returns the sum value of a field.
- getSumOf
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::getSumOf()
Returns the sum value of a field.
- getSundayDateOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getSundayDateOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the sunday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getTargetEmail
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::getTargetEmail()
Returns the stored email.
- getTargetEmail
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::getTargetEmail()
Returns the stored email.
- getTargetFile
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getTargetFile()
Returns the action-attribute of this form.
- getText
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getText()
Returns the current body's text-attribute of this document.
- getThursdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getThursdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the thursday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getTimestamp
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getTimestamp()
Returns the timestamp value that can compute from the values of the selects.
- getTimestampFromISODate
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getTimestampFromISODate()
Returns a timestamp from ISO date and time
- getTimestampFromWeeknumAndYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getTimestampFromWeeknumAndYear()
Returns the timestamp of the week's first second from a given calendar week and year.
- getTitle
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getTitle()
Returns the current title of this document.
- getTopMargin
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::getTopMargin()
Returns the current body's topmargin-attribute of this document.
- getTranslatedDate
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getTranslatedDate()
Returns a language specified date based on the constant LANG with the rules of a date()-function.
- getTuesdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getTuesdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the tuesday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getTypeOf
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::getTypeOf()
Returns a function to inspect the type of a data.
- getUnserialize
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::getUnserialize()
Returns a function to unserialize arrays like in php.
- getUser
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::getUser()
Returns the specified user who should connect with to the host.
- getUser
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::getUser()
Returns the specified user who should connect with to the host.
- getValidationOrder
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getValidationOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getValidationOrder
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::getValidationOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether the value of this item has the correct format.
- getValidationOrder
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getValidationOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getValidationOrder
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::getValidationOrder()
Returns a javascript to check if the given value is valid for this kind of input.
- getValidationOrder
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::getValidationOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getValidationOrder
- in file EMailTextInput.class.php, method EMailTextInput::getValidationOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether the value of this item has the correct format.
- getValidationOrder
- in file HTMLButton.class.php, method HTMLButton::getValidationOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getValidationOrder
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, method HTMLSubmitButton::getValidationOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getValidationOrder
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, method NumberTextInput::getValidationOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether the value of this item has the correct format.
- getValue
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::getValue()
Returns the value of this item's "value"-attribute.
- getValue
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::getValue()
Returns the value of textfield tag's "value"-attribute.
- getValueArr
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getValueArr()
Returns the array containing the valuess of this select.
- getValuesOfKey
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::getValuesOfKey()
Returns the values behind all keys that correspond with the given one.
- getVectorFromTree
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, method FilesystemTree::getVectorFromTree()
Builds and returns a Vector from the filesystem trees. That means that all files will be in a list, so for example you can operate with next()- and prev()-function to navigate in that list.
- getViews
- in file Database.class.php, method Database::getViews()
Returns the array of references to the views.
- getWednesdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getWednesdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the wednesday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getWeekdaynameFromTimestamp
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getWeekdaynameFromTimestamp()
Returns weekday name associated with the given timestamp.
- getWeekDaySelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getWeekDaySelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's weekday-select.
- getWeeknumCountOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getWeeknumCountOfYear()
Returns the number of weeks in a given year.
- getWeeknumSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getWeeknumSelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's minute-select.
- getWidth
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, method ImageFiles::getWidth()
Returns the width of the image.
- getYearSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getYearSelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's minute-select.
- $handle
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, variable ImageFiles::$handle
- $head
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$head
- $height
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, variable ImageFiles::$height
- $height
- in file HTMLEmbed.class.php, variable HTMLEmbed::$height
Stores the value of the height-attribute of this HTMLEmbed-object.
- $height
- in file ABSTDimensionObject.class.php, variable ABSTDimensionObject::$height
Stores the value of the height-attribute of this image.
- $height
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, variable HTMLLayer::$height
- $height
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, variable FTPUploadApplet::$height
Stores the value of the height-attribute of this applet.
- $height
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$height
Stores the value of the height-attribute of this table.
- $hiddenFormItems
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$hiddenFormItems
References to the hidden form's items.
- $hiddenValueInput
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$hiddenValueInput
- $hide_selects_on_over
- in file OverInfo.class.php, variable OverInfo::$hide_selects_on_over
- $horizontal
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, variable HTMLRadioGroup::$horizontal
Stores whether the radio buttons should arrange horizontal; Arrangement with or without breaks.
- $hourSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$hourSelect
- $href
- in file HTMLLink.class.php, variable HTMLLink::$href
- $htmldoc
- in file PHPFile.class.php, variable PHPFile::$htmldoc
- HTMLForm.class.php
- procedural page HTMLForm.class.php
- HTMLLabel.class.php
- procedural page HTMLLabel.class.php
- HTMLButton.class.php
- procedural page HTMLButton.class.php
- HTMLCheckBox.class.php
- procedural page HTMLCheckBox.class.php
- HTMLFileInput.class.php
- procedural page HTMLFileInput.class.php
- HTMLHiddenInput.class.php
- procedural page HTMLHiddenInput.class.php
- HTMLPasswordInput.class.php
- procedural page HTMLPasswordInput.class.php
- HTMLRadioButton.class.php
- procedural page HTMLRadioButton.class.php
- HTMLRadioGroup.class.php
- procedural page HTMLRadioGroup.class.php
- HTMLResetButton.class.php
- procedural page HTMLResetButton.class.php
- HTMLSelect.class.php
- procedural page HTMLSelect.class.php
- HTMLSubmitButton.class.php
- procedural page HTMLSubmitButton.class.php
- HTMLTextArea.class.php
- procedural page HTMLTextArea.class.php
- HTMLTextInput.class.php
- procedural page HTMLTextInput.class.php
- headerForExcel
- in file CSVFiles.class.php, method CSVFiles::headerForExcel()
Sets the header for an excel output.
- hex2int
- in file Numbers.class.php, method Numbers::hex2int()
Returns the decimal value of a given hexadecimal value.
- in file, constant HEXCOLOR
Identify hexadecimal colors.
- holdCentred
- in file Frame.class.php, method Frame::holdCentred()
Set the flag to hold the frame in the middle of the browser window.
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, constant HOURINSECONDS
The number of seconds in a hour. This is useful with the calculation of dates in unix timestamp.
- HTMLDocument.class.php
- procedural page HTMLDocument.class.php
- HTMLEmbed.class.php
- procedural page HTMLEmbed.class.php
- HTMLImage.class.php
- procedural page HTMLImage.class.php
- HTMLLayer.class.php
- procedural page HTMLLayer.class.php
- HTMLLink.class.php
- procedural page HTMLLink.class.php
- HTMLList.class.php
- procedural page HTMLList.class.php
- HTMLSpan.class.php
- procedural page HTMLSpan.class.php
- HTMLTable.class.php
- procedural page HTMLTable.class.php
- HTMLButton
- in file HTMLButton.class.php, method HTMLButton::HTMLButton()
- HTMLButton
- in file HTMLButton.class.php, class HTMLButton
Creating HTML-Buttons
- HTMLCheckBox
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::HTMLCheckBox()
- HTMLCheckBox
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, class HTMLCheckBox
A class to generate checkboxes.
- HTMLDocument
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, class HTMLDocument
Creating HTML-Documents
- HTMLDocument
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::HTMLDocument()
- HTMLEmbed
- in file HTMLEmbed.class.php, class HTMLEmbed
- HTMLEmbed
- in file HTMLEmbed.class.php, method HTMLEmbed::HTMLEmbed()
- HTMLFileInput
- in file HTMLFileInput.class.php, method HTMLFileInput::HTMLFileInput()
- HTMLFileInput
- in file HTMLFileInput.class.php, class HTMLFileInput
A class to generate a input to uploading files.
- HTMLForm
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, class HTMLForm
A class to generate forms.
- HTMLForm
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::HTMLForm()
- HTMLFormItem
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::HTMLFormItem()
- HTMLHiddenInput
- in file HTMLHiddenInput.class.php, method HTMLHiddenInput::HTMLHiddenInput()
- HTMLHiddenInput
- in file HTMLHiddenInput.class.php, class HTMLHiddenInput
- HTMLImage
- in file HTMLImage.class.php, method HTMLImage::HTMLImage()
- HTMLImage
- in file HTMLImage.class.php, class HTMLImage
Creating HTML-Images
- HTMLLabel
- in file HTMLLabel.class.php, method HTMLLabel::HTMLLabel()
- HTMLLabel
- in file HTMLLabel.class.php, class HTMLLabel
Creating HTML-Label-Tags
- HTMLLayer
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, class HTMLLayer
A class to generate "<div>"-Layer.
- HTMLLayer
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, method HTMLLayer::HTMLLayer()
- HTMLLink
- in file HTMLLink.class.php, class HTMLLink
Creating HTML-Tags
- HTMLLink
- in file HTMLLink.class.php, method HTMLLink::HTMLLink()
- HTMLList
- in file HTMLList.class.php, method HTMLList::HTMLList()
- HTMLList
- in file HTMLList.class.php, class HTMLList
Create HTML-Lists
- HTMLPasswordInput
- in file HTMLPasswordInput.class.php, method HTMLPasswordInput::HTMLPasswordInput()
- HTMLPasswordInput
- in file HTMLPasswordInput.class.php, class HTMLPasswordInput
A class to generate text input fields.
- HTMLRadioButton
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::HTMLRadioButton()
- HTMLRadioButton
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, class HTMLRadioButton
A class to generate checkboxes.
- HTMLRadioGroup
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, class HTMLRadioGroup
- HTMLRadioGroup
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::HTMLRadioGroup()
- HTMLResetButton
- in file HTMLResetButton.class.php, method HTMLResetButton::HTMLResetButton()
- HTMLResetButton
- in file HTMLResetButton.class.php, class HTMLResetButton
A class to generate a reset button.
- HTMLSelect
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, class HTMLSelect
A class to generate select fields.
- HTMLSelect
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::HTMLSelect()
- HTMLSpan
- in file HTMLSpan.class.php, method HTMLSpan::HTMLSpan()
- HTMLSpan
- in file HTMLSpan.class.php, class HTMLSpan
A class to generate "<div>"-Layer.
- HTMLSubmitButton
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, method HTMLSubmitButton::HTMLSubmitButton()
- HTMLSubmitButton
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, class HTMLSubmitButton
- HTMLTable
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::HTMLTable()
- HTMLTable
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, class HTMLTable
A very important class to generate HTML-tables. To keep a fast performance, this class is not purely object oriented. That means that the tabledatas are not objects - their information are stored in arrays.
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::HTMLTag()
The Constructor let the script die, cause this is an abstract class!
- HTMLTextArea
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, class HTMLTextArea
- HTMLTextArea
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::HTMLTextArea()
- HTMLTextInput
- in file HTMLTextInput.class.php, method HTMLTextInput::HTMLTextInput()
- HTMLTextInput
- in file HTMLTextInput.class.php, class HTMLTextInput
A class to generate text input fields.
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, constant HTML_QUIRK_MODE
Constant represents the quirk mode for html to the gilligan-framework.
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, constant HTML_STANDARD_MODE
Constant represents the standard mode for html to the gilligan-framework.
- $id
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$id
The id of this form.
- $id
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTag::$id
The value of the "id"-attribute of this item.
- $id
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$id
The id or name of this table.
- $id_arr
- in file Stylesheet.class.php, variable Stylesheet::$id_arr
- $includes
- in file PHPFile.class.php, variable PHPFile::$includes
- $include_doctype
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$include_doctype
Stores wether the doctype definition should include to the document or not.
- $indent
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, variable PlainTextFormatter::$indent
- $insert_id
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseTable::$insert_id
Stores the last insert id of the underlying database table.
- $int_cols
- in file Matrix.class.php, variable Matrix::$int_cols
The number of cols in this matrix.
- $int_rows
- in file Matrix.class.php, variable Matrix::$int_rows
The number of rows in this matrix.
- $isGzipped
- in file TAR.class.php, variable TAR::$isGzipped
- $is_connected
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseHost::$is_connected
The connection's state of the databasehost.
- $is_connected
- in file FTPHost.class.php, variable FTPHost::$is_connected
The connection's state of the ftp host.
- ImageFiles.class.php
- procedural page ImageFiles.class.php
- idExists
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::idExists()
Stores all used ids and makes sure that every id in the document is unique. It should called in every get method of classes in the packages forms and html.
- idExists
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::idExists()
Stores all used ids and makes sure that every id in the document is unique. It should called in every get method of classes in the packages forms and html.
- ImageFiles
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, class ImageFiles
A class to manage image files in a filesystemtree.
- ImageFiles
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, method ImageFiles::ImageFiles()
- implodeIndex
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::implodeIndex()
Returns a string containing a string representation of all the array elements on index of the arrays second dimension in the same order, with the glue string between each element.
- import
- in file MySQLDatabase.class.php, method MySQLDatabase::import()
Imports a given SQL-string into this Database.
- importDump
- in file MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseHost::importDump()
Researches a whole folder to import dumped data from it.
- importDump
- in file MySQLDatabase.class.php, method MySQLDatabase::importDump()
Imports Dumps from given source to this database.
- importSingleDump
- in file MySQLDatabase.class.php, method MySQLDatabase::importSingleDump()
Researches a whole folder to import dumped data from it.
- indentText
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::indentText()
Adds $indent spaces in front of each line.
- initiateObjectFromTuple
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, method DatabaseEntity::initiateObjectFromTuple()
Initiates this object by using the data of a tuple from a database result.
- inputArray
- in file Matrix.class.php, method Matrix::inputArray()
Uses a arra to generate this matrix.
- insert
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::insert()
Inserts the specified dataset. Note that this function will create a global variable $GLOBALS["insert_id"] which contains the result of mysql_insert_id();
- insertIntoDBT
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::insertIntoDBT()
Inserts a Dataset into the specified database's table.
- in file, constant INTEGER
Identify integer.
- integratedAscending
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::integratedAscending()
Returns whether the records in the array are consecutively numbered in a given range after the array had been sort. This function can be helpful to proof the completeness of data.
- interpretDate
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::interpretDate()
Interprets a given date on the basis of a template.
- isError
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, method Services_JSON::isError()
- isFormItem
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::isFormItem()
Adds references of form-items to this object.
- isLeapYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::isLeapYear()
Returns whether the given year is a leap year.
- in file, constant ISOTIME
Identify a time in ISO-format
- is_dir
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::is_dir()
Checks whether the given directory exists.
- is_empty
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::is_empty()
Returns whether an array is empty. That means every record of the array will be proofed with the function empty().
- is_file
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::is_file()
Checks whether the given file exists.
- is_guilty
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::is_guilty()
Returns whether the given email is valid.
- is_valid
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::is_valid()
Returns whether the given email is valid.
- $join
- in file ABSTView.class.php, variable ABSTView::$join
Array for carrying the joins included in this view.
- $jpeg_compression
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, variable ImageFiles::$jpeg_compression
The jpeg quality from 0 to 100.
- $js
- in file RunningClock.class.php, variable RunningClock::$js
- $jscheck
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$jscheck
- $js_err_msg
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$js_err_msg
The error that should be alert if some information is missing.
- Join.class.php
- procedural page Join.class.php
- JavaScript.class.php
- procedural page JavaScript.class.php
- JavaScript
- in file JavaScript.class.php, class JavaScript
Setting up javascripts.
- Join
- in file Join.class.php, class Join
- Join
- in file Join.class.php, method Join::Join()
- in file, constant JS_DATE_DIGIT_SEPARATOR
The the separator for the date digits.
The error message that appears if the user put in a month greater than twelve.
The error message that appears if the user put in a day greater than 28 on february of a non leap year.
The error message that appears if the user put in a day greater than 29 on february of a leap year.
- in file, constant JS_ERR_DAY_GREATER_THAN_30_MSG
The error message that appears if the user put in a day greater than 30 on a month that only has 30 days.
- in file, constant JS_ERR_DAY_GREATER_THAN_31_MSG
The error message that appears if the user put in a month greater than 31.
- in file, constant JS_ERR_DAY_IS_ZERO
The error message that appears if the user put in a day equal to zero.
- in file, constant JS_ERR_DAY_IS_ZERO_MSG
The error message that appears if the user put in a day equal to zero.
- in file, constant JS_ERR_INVALID_DATE_MSG
The error message that appears if the user put in an incorrect date.
- in file, constant JS_ERR_INVALID_TIME_MSG
The error message that appears if the user put in an incorrect time.
- in file, constant JS_ERR_MISSING
- in file, constant JS_ERR_MONTH_IS_ZERO_MSG
The error message that appears if the user put in a month equal to zero.
- in file, constant JS_ERR_MSG
- in file, constant JS_ERR_WRONG_URL_MSG
- in file, constant JS_REGEXP_VALID_DATE
The regular expression to validate the input date.
- in file, constant JS_REGEXP_VALID_TIME
The regular expression to validate the input time.
- $label
- in file HTMLLink.class.php, variable HTMLLink::$label
- $label_arr
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$label_arr
- $label_fields
- in file DBKeySelect.class.php, variable DBKeySelect::$label_fields
- $label_fields
- in file DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php, variable DBKeyRadioGroup::$label_fields
- $label_obj
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLFormItem::$label_obj
A reference to a label object, which carries information for this input object.
- $label_on_submit_success
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, variable HTMLSubmitButton::$label_on_submit_success
- $label_position_right
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, variable HTMLCheckBox::$label_position_right
- $lastEntryId
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, variable DBTfillingForm::$lastEntryId
- $last_query
- in file ABSTView.class.php, variable ABSTView::$last_query
The last stored databasequery.
- $last_query
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseTable::$last_query
Stores the last query made to the underlying database table.
- $last_query
- in file Database.class.php, variable Database::$last_query
The last stored databasequery.
- $layout_table
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$layout_table
- $layout_table_head
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$layout_table_head
- $left
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, variable HTMLLayer::$left
- $leftmargin
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$leftmargin
Stores the value of the leftmargin-attribute of the body-tag.
- $leftSelectSize
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$leftSelectSize
- $leftSelectStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$leftSelectStyle
- $left_field
- in file Join.class.php, variable Join::$left_field
Carries the left fieldnames of this join.
- $line_terminator_char
- in file CSVFiles.class.php, variable CSVFiles::$line_terminator_char
- $list_arr
- in file HTMLList.class.php, variable HTMLList::$list_arr
- $logical_operator
- in file Join.class.php, variable Join::$logical_operator
Carries the logical operators between the relational statements in the "ON"-Clause of the join.
- leadingChar
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::leadingChar()
Adds $char to string until string has the length of $digits.
- listReplace
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::listReplace()
Replaces substrings in string by the matching keys of an array to the value of that key.
- load
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::load()
Loads the content of this file object from the filesystem and sets the content to this object.
- loadFileContent
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, method FilesystemToolkit::loadFileContent()
Loads the content of a given file.
- loadFileContent
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::loadFileContent()
Loads the content of a given file.
- loadFolderContent
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, method FilesystemToolkit::loadFolderContent()
Loads the content of a given folder. Stores file- and foldernmaes in a two dimensional array like as follows:
- loadFolderContent
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::loadFolderContent()
Reads out a remote folder.
- $manipulateable
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLFormItem::$manipulateable
- $marginheight
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$marginheight
Stores the value of the marginheight-attribute of the body-tag.
- $marginwidth
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$marginwidth
Stores the value of the marginwidth-attribute of the body-tag.
- $maxchars
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTextInput::$maxchars
- $maxChars
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, variable PlainTextFormatter::$maxChars
- $meta
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$meta
- $method
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$method
The method in which kind the data should be send.
- $mime_type
- in file HTMLEmbed.class.php, variable HTMLEmbed::$mime_type
- $mime_type
- in file MovieObject.class.php, variable MovieObject::$mime_type
- $minuteSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$minuteSelect
- $mixed
- in file Vector.class.php, variable Vector::$mixed
- $mode
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$mode
Class variable to switch the mode of the document between quirk and standard.
- $mode
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, variable FTPUploadApplet::$mode
Stores the mode how to communicate.
- $month
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, variable BirthdayDateTextInput::$month
Stores the interpreted month
- $monthSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$monthSelect
- $mousemove
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTag::$mousemove
- $mouseout
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTag::$mouseout
- $mouseout_arr
- in file HTMLList.class.php, variable HTMLList::$mouseout_arr
- $mouseover
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTag::$mouseover
- $mouseover_arr
- in file HTMLList.class.php, variable HTMLList::$mouseover_arr
- $mouseup
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTag::$mouseup
- $mouseup
- in file HTMLButton.class.php, variable HTMLButton::$mouseup
- $mouseup_arr
- in file HTMLList.class.php, variable HTMLList::$mouseup_arr
- $moveToLeftButtonLabel
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$moveToLeftButtonLabel
- $moveToLeftButtonStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$moveToLeftButtonStyle
- $moveToRightButtonLabel
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$moveToRightButtonLabel
- $moveToRightButtonStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$moveToRightButtonStyle
- $move_popup_with_mouse
- in file OverInfo.class.php, variable OverInfo::$move_popup_with_mouse
- $multipart
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$multipart
- $multiple
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$multiple
- MySQLDatabase.class.php
- procedural page MySQLDatabase.class.php
- MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php
- procedural page MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php
- MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php
- procedural page MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php
- MySQLView.class.php
- procedural page MySQLView.class.php
- procedural page
- Matrix.class.php
- procedural page Matrix.class.php
- MultiRelationSelect.class.php
- procedural page MultiRelationSelect.class.php
- MovieObject.class.php
- procedural page MovieObject.class.php
- MPGObject.class.php
- procedural page MPGObject.class.php
- makeXMLEmbedded
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::makeXMLEmbedded()
Replaces special characters to entities. This is very useful for embed HTML in XML.
- manageStaticMouseUp
- in file HTMLLink.class.php, method HTMLLink::manageStaticMouseUp()
Sets the mouseup that should add to all anker, that is defined in a script. It will concatenate befor the instance specified mouseup.
- manageStaticParameterAdd
- in file HTMLLink.class.php, method HTMLLink::manageStaticParameterAdd()
Sets the parameter that should be add on each link by a javascript on mouseover. This is useful to carry a session-id through all scripts.
- Matrix
- in file Matrix.class.php, method Matrix::Matrix()
- Matrix
- in file Matrix.class.php, class Matrix
- maxchars
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::maxchars()
Cuts the given text that the length is not longer than $max_chars characters. The last three characters will be "...".
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, constant MINUTEINSECONDS
The number of seconds in a minute. This is useful with the calculation of dates in unix timestamp.
- mkdir
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::mkdir()
Creates a directory with given name.
- MovieObject
- in file MovieObject.class.php, method MovieObject::MovieObject()
The Constructor let the script die, cause this is an abstract class!
- MovieObject
- in file MovieObject.class.php, class MovieObject
- MPGObject
- in file MPGObject.class.php, method MPGObject::MPGObject()
- MPGObject
- in file MPGObject.class.php, class MPGObject
- multiply
- in file Matrix.class.php, method Matrix::multiply()
Multiplies two matrices and returns an object of the product matrix.
- MultiRelationSelect
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, class MultiRelationSelect
A class to generate selects mainly to handle multiple relation between two databasetables.
- MultiRelationSelect
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::MultiRelationSelect()
- MySQLDatabase
- in file MySQLDatabase.class.php, method MySQLDatabase::MySQLDatabase()
- MySQLDatabase
- in file MySQLDatabase.class.php, class MySQLDatabase
- MySQLDatabaseHost
- in file MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php, class MySQLDatabaseHost
- MySQLDatabaseHost
- in file MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseHost::MySQLDatabaseHost()
- MySQLDatabaseTable
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, class MySQLDatabaseTable
- MySQLDatabaseTable
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::MySQLDatabaseTable()
- in file, constant MYSQLDEBUGGING
Switch this to true, if you wish an errormessage on failed sql orders on mysql; Switch it to false otherwise.
- MySQLView
- in file MySQLView.class.php, method MySQLView::MySQLView()
- MySQLView
- in file MySQLView.class.php, class MySQLView
- in file, constant MYSQL_DUMP_KIND
Possible values are:
- in file, constant MYSQL_IMPORT_KIND
Possible values are:
- in file, constant MYSQL_OUTPUT_ASSOC
Used as flag in serveral Methods of this class to get a result array in a special kind. This effects that the result array will output as an associative array.
- in file, constant MYSQL_OUTPUT_DEFAULT
Used as flag in serveral Methods of this class to get a result array in a special kind. This is the default value. It effects that the result array will output as a mixture of an associative and a index based array.
- in file, constant MYSQL_OUTPUT_NUM
Used as flag in serveral Methods of this class to get a result array in a special kind. This effects that the result array will output as an index based array.
- $name
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, variable FilesystemTree::$name
- $name
- in file Folder.class.php, variable Folder::$name
- $name
- in file FTPHost.class.php, variable FTPHost::$name
The Name of the databasehost.
- $name
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$name
The name of this form.
- $name
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseHost::$name
The Name of the databasehost.
- $name
- in file Database.class.php, variable Database::$name
The name of this database.
- $name
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseTable::$name
The name of the databasetable.
- $name
- in file ABSTView.class.php, variable ABSTView::$name
The name of this view.
- $name
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTag::$name
The value of the "name"-attribute of this item.
- $name_suffix
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, variable NewsTicker::$name_suffix
- $noformat
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, variable HTMLLayer::$noformat
- $noformat
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$noformat
Stores whether the document should be formatted by the PlainTextFormatter or not.
- $no_format
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$no_format
Stores whether the table should be formatted by the PlainTextFormatter or not.
- $no_format
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$no_format
References to the hidden form's items.
- $no_format
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTag::$no_format
Stores whether the HTML-elements should format by "\r\n" in the source.
- $no_format_arr
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$no_format_arr
Stores whether a tabledata should be formatted by the PlainTextFormatter or not. This array carries two dimensions of boolean types. The first dimension stands for the rows of the table, the second one stands for the cols of the table.
- $numDirectories
- in file TAR.class.php, variable TAR::$numDirectories
- $numFiles
- in file TAR.class.php, variable TAR::$numFiles
- Numbers.class.php
- procedural page Numbers.class.php
- NumberTextInput.class.php
- procedural page NumberTextInput.class.php
- NewsTicker.class.php
- procedural page NewsTicker.class.php
- name_value
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, method Services_JSON::name_value()
array-walking function for use in generating JSON-formatted name-value pairs
- NewsTicker
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, method NewsTicker::NewsTicker()
- NewsTicker
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, class NewsTicker
A class to generate "<div>"-Layer-News-Ticker.
- next
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::next()
Returns the previous entry of this one who is associated with the pointer and arises the pointer by one.
- in file, constant NO_CASE_ALPHABET
If this constant is true the sort algorithm handles 'a' like 'A' or even 'd' LIKE 'D', the next letter will affect the order.
- Numbers
- in file Numbers.class.php, class Numbers
Static methods to handle numeric values.
- Numbers
- in file Numbers.class.php, method Numbers::Numbers()
- NumberTextInput
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, class NumberTextInput
A class to generate text input fields.
- NumberTextInput
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, method NumberTextInput::NumberTextInput()
- $onblur
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$onblur
Stores the javascript order that should execute when the browser leaves the document.
- $onload
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$onload
Stores the javascript order that should execute when the browser loads the document.
- $onlyfuturedates
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$onlyfuturedates
- $onlyfutureJSerrMSG
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$onlyfutureJSerrMSG
- $onresize
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$onresize
Stores the javascript order that should execute when the document will be resized.
- $onscroll
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$onscroll
Stores the javascript order that should execute when the document will be scrolled.
- $onSubmitOrder
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$onSubmitOrder
The javascript that should be execute before submitting the form.
- $on_change_order
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$on_change_order
- $other_attributes
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTag::$other_attributes
Can filled with attributes who where not a standard for this item-tag.
- $outputKind
- in file FileSelect.class.php, variable FileSelect::$outputKind
- $output_template_str
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$output_template_str
- $overruled_fieldnames
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseTable::$overruled_fieldnames
Shows whether the fieldnames are overruled.
- $over_src_set
- in file HTMLImage.class.php, variable HTMLImage::$over_src_set
The path of the source to the image on mouseover.
- OverInfo.class.php
- procedural page OverInfo.class.php
- openTAR
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::openTAR()
Computes the unsigned Checksum of a file's header to try to ensure valid file.
- OverInfo
- in file OverInfo.class.php, method OverInfo::OverInfo()
- OverInfo
- in file OverInfo.class.php, class OverInfo
A class to generate a "<div>"-layer which makes a second layer visible when the user goes over it with the mousecursor.
- overrideWholeFormBody
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::overrideWholeFormBody()
Overides the body of the form with the given custom string.
- overruleFieldnames
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::overruleFieldnames()
Overrules the table's fieldnames. The given array should contain the comma separated list of the query between the keywords SELECT and FROM.
- $param_arr
- in file SWFObject.class.php, variable SWFObject::$param_arr
Stores the parameters that should put into the swf.
- $parent
- in file TreeNode.class.php, variable TreeNode::$parent
- $parent
- in file Database.class.php, variable Database::$parent
Refers to the databasehost in which this database lies.
- $parent
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseTable::$parent
Refers to the database in which this relation lies.
- $parentfolder
- in file Files.class.php, variable Files::$parentfolder
- $parentfolder
- in file Folder.class.php, variable Folder::$parentfolder
- $parentform
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLFormItem::$parentform
A reference to the form that contains this input object.
- $password
- in file FTPHost.class.php, variable FTPHost::$password
The password to log on the ftp server.
- $password
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseHost::$password
The password to log on the database server.
- $path
- in file SWFObject.class.php, variable SWFObject::$path
The path to the swf object.
- $path
- in file Files.class.php, variable Files::$path
- $path
- in file Folder.class.php, variable Folder::$path
- $path
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, variable FilesystemTree::$path
- $pathtoclasses
- in file PHPFile.class.php, variable PHPFile::$pathtoclasses
- $percentage_display
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, variable FTPUploadApplet::$percentage_display
Stores whether the percentage display should be shown or not.
- $pluginspage
- in file HTMLEmbed.class.php, variable HTMLEmbed::$pluginspage
Stores the url of the plugin to play the embeded file.
- $pop_layer
- in file OverInfo.class.php, variable OverInfo::$pop_layer
- $port
- in file FTPHost.class.php, variable FTPHost::$port
The connection's port.
- $port
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseHost::$port
The connection's port.
- $position
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, variable HTMLLayer::$position
- $primaryEntityDBTObject
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$primaryEntityDBTObject
- $primaryEntityLabelFieldArr
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$primaryEntityLabelFieldArr
- $primaryEntityPrimaryKey
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$primaryEntityPrimaryKey
- $primaryEntitySelectedValue
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$primaryEntitySelectedValue
- $primaryEntitySelectStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$primaryEntitySelectStyle
- $primaryEntityWhereClause
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$primaryEntityWhereClause
- $primary_key
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseTable::$primary_key
Holds the field members of the primary key of this table object.
- $progressbar_bgcolor
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, variable FTPUploadApplet::$progressbar_bgcolor
Stores the background color of the progressbar in the applet.
- $progressbar_fgcolor
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, variable FTPUploadApplet::$progressbar_fgcolor
Stores the foreground color of the progressbar in the applet.
- $protocol_prefix_arr
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, variable URLTextInput::$protocol_prefix_arr
Carries all prefixes for the protocol that are allowed to put in the textfield, like "http://" or/and "ftp://" etc.
- PlainTextFormatter.class.php
- procedural page PlainTextFormatter.class.php
- PHPFile.class.php
- procedural page PHPFile.class.php
- parseParam
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::parseParam()
Interprets arguments given by an URL.
- in file, constant PATH2MYSQL
- in file, constant PATH2MYSQLDUMP
- PHPFile
- in file PHPFile.class.php, class PHPFile
A class to create php-files who using this class-library.
- PHPFile
- in file PHPFile.class.php, method PHPFile::PHPFile()
- Plaintext2ASCII
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::Plaintext2ASCII()
Replaces character in that kind, that only ascii-character remain.
- PlainTextFormatter
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, class PlainTextFormatter
- pregpos
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::pregpos()
Functions like strpos( string haystack, string needle [, int offset] ), but you can use a regular expression as needle.
- prev
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::prev()
Returns the previous entry of this one who is associated with the pointer and abates the pointer by one.
- previous
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::previous()
Returns the previous entry of this one who is associated with the pointer and abates the pointer by one.
- primaryValueToTuple
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::primaryValueToTuple()
Returns a new array with the values from the given key of the second dimension as keys in first dimension refering to the second dimension tuple.
- printComplexData
- in file ABSTObject.class.php, method ABSTObject::printComplexData()
Prints out the more complex data by the given array.
- printPrimitiveData
- in file ABSTObject.class.php, method ABSTObject::printPrimitiveData()
Prints out the primitive data by the given arrays.
- printStructure
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, method DatabaseEntity::printStructure()
Prints out the Structure of this Object without the management data.
- printStructure
- in file ABSTObject.class.php, method ABSTObject::printStructure()
Prints out the Structure of this Object.
- probeConnection
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::probeConnection()
Probes whether there is a connection to the databasehost, if not it will attempt to connect to the host.
- probeConnection
- in file MySQLDatabase.class.php, method MySQLDatabase::probeConnection()
Probes whether there is a connection to the databasehost, if not it will attempt to connect to the host.
- proportionalHeightScale
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, method ImageFiles::proportionalHeightScale()
Scales the image to the given height and keeps the aspect ratio. Trys to preserve transparency info for GIFs & PNGs.
- proportionalWidthScale
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, method ImageFiles::proportionalWidthScale()
Scales the image to the given width and keeps the aspect ratio. Trys to preserve transparency info for GIFs & PNGs.
- putDatabaseFieldsIntoGetVars
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, method DatabaseEntity::putDatabaseFieldsIntoGetVars()
Puts the fields of this Object, that correspond with the fields of database table, into the $_GET-Array.
- putDatabaseFieldsIntoPostVars
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, method DatabaseEntity::putDatabaseFieldsIntoPostVars()
Puts the fields of this Object, that correspond with the fields of database table, into the $_POST-Array.
- putRequestValuesIntoObjectFields
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, method DatabaseEntity::putRequestValuesIntoObjectFields()
Puts the values of the passed kind of request variables into the fields of this object. This is useful to update a dataset with entered form data before writing it back to the database table were it come from. Use the method "replace" to to so.
- putSingleDatasetIntoGetVars
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::putSingleDatasetIntoGetVars()
Puts a single dataset into "get"-variables. The names of the "get"-vars accord to the fieldnames of the Databasetable.
- putSingleDatasetIntoPostVars
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::putSingleDatasetIntoPostVars()
Puts a single dataset into "post"-variables. The names of the "Post"-vars accord to the fieldnames of the Databasetable.
- putSingleDatasetIntoRequestVars
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::putSingleDatasetIntoRequestVars()
Puts a single dataset into request-variables. The names of the request-vars
- $radioButtonsLabels
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, variable HTMLRadioGroup::$radioButtonsLabels
- $radioButtonsLabelsInlineStyle
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, variable HTMLRadioGroup::$radioButtonsLabelsInlineStyle
- $radioButtonsOnMouseUp
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, variable HTMLRadioGroup::$radioButtonsOnMouseUp
- $radioButtonsValues
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, variable HTMLRadioGroup::$radioButtonsValues
- $refresh_rate
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, variable NewsTicker::$refresh_rate
- $relational_operator
- in file Join.class.php, variable Join::$relational_operator
Carries the relational operators between the fields in the "ON"-Clause of the join.
- $reply_email
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$reply_email
Stores the e-mail address of the recipient on reply.
- $requiredItemOutputs
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$requiredItemOutputs
Carries the error output for each required item.
- $requiredItems
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$requiredItems
References to the form's items that are required for a complete set of information.
- $resID
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseHost::$resID
- $rightSelectSize
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$rightSelectSize
- $rightSelectStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$rightSelectStyle
- $right_field
- in file Join.class.php, variable Join::$right_field
Carries the right fieldnames of this join.
- $rowAttributes
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$rowAttributes
Stores the customized attributes of each table's row.
- $rows
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, variable HTMLTextArea::$rows
Stores the height of this text area in text rows.
- $rows
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$rows
Stores the rows count of this table.
- $rowspanArr
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$rowspanArr
Stores the rowspan of each tabledata. This array carries two dimensions of integer types. The first dimension stands for the rows of the table, the second one stands for the cols of the table.
- $rstbt
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, variable ResetSubmitButton::$rstbt
- ResetSubmitButton.class.php
- procedural page ResetSubmitButton.class.php
- RunningClock.class.php
- procedural page RunningClock.class.php
- random
- in file Numbers.class.php, method Numbers::random()
Returns a random number in the range between $including_from and $including_to. Sets automatically a new random set by microtime for real random.
- reduceWhiteSpace
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::reduceWhiteSpace()
Reduces in series lying spaces to only one space. Also all spaces at the beginning of a line will be removed.
- reduceWhiteSpaceOfTextAreas
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::reduceWhiteSpaceOfTextAreas()
Replaces each in series appearing whitespaces inside a textarea to only one whitespace.
- reduce_string
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, method Services_JSON::reduce_string()
reduce a string by removing leading and trailing comments and whitespace
- refresh
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::refresh()
This method refreshes the new entries.
- procedural page
- removeDir
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, method FilesystemToolkit::removeDir()
Deletes a directory recursively. This method is an alias for the method deleteDir()
- removeDirectory
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::removeDirectory()
Remove a directory from the tar archive.
- removeFile
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::removeFile()
Remove a file from the tar archive.
- removeHiddenFormItem
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::removeHiddenFormItem()
Removes the hidden item with the given name.
- removeLineBreaks
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::removeLineBreaks()
Removes all line breaks in a string.
- removeWhiteSpace
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::removeWhiteSpace()
Removes all white spaces including tabs and line breaks in a string.
- rename
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::rename()
Renames/moves a given file/directory.
- renameTable
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::renameTable()
Renames this table.
- replace
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::replace()
Replaces the specified dataset.
- replace
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, method DatabaseEntity::replace()
Replaces this object in the database table.
- replaceIntoDBT
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::replaceIntoDBT()
Replaces a Dataset into the specified database's table.
- researchDatabases
- in file MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseHost::researchDatabases()
Sets the references to objects of databases to the attribute $this -> db.
- researchFields
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::researchFields()
- researchTables
- in file MySQLDatabase.class.php, method MySQLDatabase::researchTables()
Sets the references to objects of database-tables to the attribute $this->dbt.
- resetPointer
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::resetPointer()
Sets the pointer to the value zero.
- ResetSubmitButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::ResetSubmitButton()
- ResetSubmitButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, class ResetSubmitButton
A class to create a reset and a buton to submit forms.
- rewriteDir
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, method FilesystemToolkit::rewriteDir()
Rewrites a directory recursively to handle it like it is written by the server user.
- RunningClock
- in file RunningClock.class.php, class RunningClock
A class to generate a clock that refreshes every Second.
- RunningClock
- in file RunningClock.class.php, method RunningClock::RunningClock()
- $sbtbt
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, variable SubmitCancelButton::$sbtbt
- $sbtbt
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, variable ResetSubmitButton::$sbtbt
- $secondaryEntityDBTObject
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$secondaryEntityDBTObject
- $secondaryEntityLabelFieldArr
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$secondaryEntityLabelFieldArr
- $secondaryEntityPrimaryKey
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$secondaryEntityPrimaryKey
- $secondaryEntityWhereClause
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$secondaryEntityWhereClause
- $secondSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$secondSelect
- $send_bt_label
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, variable FTPUploadApplet::$send_bt_label
The label of the button for sending the selected file.
- $separator_char
- in file CSVFiles.class.php, variable CSVFiles::$separator_char
- $serializedStandardValue
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$serializedStandardValue
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$SETTING
- $show_despite_zero_label_count
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$show_despite_zero_label_count
- $show_standard_label
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$show_standard_label
- $show_standard_label_on_single_value
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$show_standard_label_on_single_value
- $size
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$size
- $size
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTextInput::$size
- $src
- in file ABSTSourceObject.class.php, variable ABSTSourceObject::$src
The path of the source to the image.
- $standard_date_format
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$standard_date_format
- $standard_label
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$standard_label
- $standard_text
- in file HTMLTextInput.class.php, variable HTMLTextInput::$standard_text
Carries the text that should be shown if the textfields value is empty.
- $step_width
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, variable NewsTicker::$step_width
- $str_alphabet
- in file AlphabetFilter.class.php, variable AlphabetFilter::$str_alphabet
- $str_attachment_boundary
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$str_attachment_boundary
Stores the boundary for attachments.
- $str_autoplay
- in file MovieObject.class.php, variable MovieObject::$str_autoplay
- $str_autoplay
- in file HTMLEmbed.class.php, variable HTMLEmbed::$str_autoplay
- $str_before_each_Label
- in file AlphabetFilter.class.php, variable AlphabetFilter::$str_before_each_Label
- $str_behind_each_Label
- in file AlphabetFilter.class.php, variable AlphabetFilter::$str_behind_each_Label
- $str_body
- in file HTMLLabel.class.php, variable HTMLLabel::$str_body
The content of this label.
- $str_header_separator
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$str_header_separator
Stores the chars to seperate header information. It is immediatly adviced to let it the character "\n", because some email-provider can't handle header information separated by "\r\n" correctly!
- $str_href
- in file AlphabetFilter.class.php, variable AlphabetFilter::$str_href
- $str_layout
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$str_layout
- $str_media
- in file Stylesheet.class.php, variable Stylesheet::$str_media
Stores the type of media ...
- $str_parameter_add_on_mouseover
- in file HTMLLink.class.php, variable HTMLLink::$str_parameter_add_on_mouseover
- $str_show_controller
- in file MovieObject.class.php, variable MovieObject::$str_show_controller
- $str_show_controller
- in file HTMLEmbed.class.php, variable HTMLEmbed::$str_show_controller
- $str_single_value_template
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$str_single_value_template
Enter description here...
- $str_style_on_mouseover_arr
- in file WebsiteNavigation.class.php, variable WebsiteNavigation::$str_style_on_mouseover_arr
- $str_style_on_mouseup_arr
- in file WebsiteNavigation.class.php, variable WebsiteNavigation::$str_style_on_mouseup_arr
- $str_value_arr
- in file WebsiteNavigation.class.php, variable WebsiteNavigation::$str_value_arr
- $style
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$style
Stores the value of the class-attribute of this table
- $style_class
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTag::$style_class
The value of the "class"-attribute of this item.
- $style_class_arr
- in file HTMLList.class.php, variable HTMLList::$style_class_arr
- $style_class_arr
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$style_class_arr
- $subject
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$subject
Stores the subject of the e-mail.
- Services_JSON.class.php
- procedural page Services_JSON.class.php
- Strings.class.php
- procedural page Strings.class.php
- SubmitCancelButton.class.php
- procedural page SubmitCancelButton.class.php
- Stylesheet.class.php
- procedural page Stylesheet.class.php
- SWFObject.class.php
- procedural page SWFObject.class.php
- same
- in file ABSTObject.class.php, method ABSTObject::same()
Checks whether the passed object reference points to this object.
- sameReferences
- in file ABSTObject.class.php, method ABSTObject::sameReferences()
Compares two references whether they points to the same object
- save
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::save()
Saves the file of this object.
- saveAs
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::saveAs()
Saves the file of this object with given name.
- saveFile
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::saveFile()
Creates a file with given name and content.
- saveTar
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::saveTar()
Write the currently loaded tar archive to disk or to a ftp ressource if the attribute ftp is a FTPHost-Object.
- saveTmp
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::saveTmp()
Saves the file of this object in a temporary file.
- scale
- in file Matrix.class.php, method Matrix::scale()
Scales this matrix by the given value.
- scaleRow
- in file Matrix.class.php, method Matrix::scaleRow()
Scales a row in this matrix. The row count begins at 1 (one)! This is an elemantary matrix row operation.
- in file, constant SCRIPTDEBUGGING
Switch this to true, if you want to see debugging information in scripts, when an error occurs; Switch it to false otherwise.
- select
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::select()
Sets the pointer to the given value.
- send
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::send()
Sends the email with values of the form to the addressee stored in $this->target_email.
- send
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::send()
Sends the email with values of the form to the addressee stored in $this->target_email.
Switch this to true, if the admin (see should get an e-mail when a log of mysql error is written.
- separatePathAndFile
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, method FilesystemToolkit::separatePathAndFile()
Separates the path and the filename of each other and returns the splited values in an array. The first entry [0] of the array will be the path and the second entry [1] will be the filename.
- Services_JSON
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, method Services_JSON::Services_JSON()
constructs a new JSON instance
- Services_JSON
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, class Services_JSON
Converts to and from JSON format.
- Services_JSON_Error
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, method Services_JSON_Error::Services_JSON_Error()
- Services_JSON_Error
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, class Services_JSON_Error
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, constant SERVICES_JSON_IN_ARR
Marker constant for Services_JSON::decode(), used to flag stack state
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, constant SERVICES_JSON_IN_CMT
Marker constant for Services_JSON::decode(), used to flag stack state
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, constant SERVICES_JSON_IN_OBJ
Marker constant for Services_JSON::decode(), used to flag stack state
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, constant SERVICES_JSON_IN_STR
Marker constant for Services_JSON::decode(), used to flag stack state
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, constant SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE
Behavior switch for Services_JSON::decode()
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, constant SERVICES_JSON_SLICE
Marker constant for Services_JSON::decode(), used to flag stack state
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, constant SERVICES_JSON_SUPPRESS_ERRORS
Behavior switch for Services_JSON::decode()
- setAlt
- in file HTMLImage.class.php, method HTMLImage::setAlt()
Sets the alt-attribute of this image.
- setAlternative
- in file SWFObject.class.php, method SWFObject::setAlternative()
This function is an alias for setBody.
- setAlternativeTextOnHidden
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setAlternativeTextOnHidden()
Set the text that should appear if the select is hidden, cause of zero count of options.
- setArrayUniqueInsert
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setArrayUniqueInsert()
Sets up a function to insert a record into an array only if the record does not already exists in the array.
- setAttributes
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::setAttributes()
This method allows to set the attributes of the tag that are not handled by other methods.
- setAutoZIndex
- in file OverInfo.class.php, method OverInfo::setAutoZIndex()
Stores the popup layer of this OverInfo to the next z-index.
- setBackground
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setBackground()
Sets the body's background-attribute of this document.
- setBGColor
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, method HTMLLayer::setBGColor()
Sets the background color of this layer.
- setBGColor
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setBGColor()
Sets the body's bgcolor-attribute of this document.
- setBody
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, method HTMLLayer::setBody()
Sets the content of this layer.
- setBody
- in file HTMLLabel.class.php, method HTMLLabel::setBody()
Sets the body of this HTML-Object.
- setBody
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setBody()
Sets the body's content of this document.
- setBodyBGColor
- in file Frame.class.php, method Frame::setBodyBGColor()
Sets the background color of the body layer.
- setBodyFreeStyle
- in file Frame.class.php, method Frame::setBodyFreeStyle()
Set the value of style definitions in the body layer that are not handled by implemented methods.
- setBodyHeight
- in file Frame.class.php, method Frame::setBodyHeight()
Sets the height of this body layer.
- setBorder
- in file HTMLImage.class.php, method HTMLImage::setBorder()
Sets the border of this image.
- setBorder
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::setBorder()
Sets the content of the border-attribute of the table-tag.
- setBrowseButtonLabel
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, method FTPUploadApplet::setBrowseButtonLabel()
Sets the string to act as label for the browse-button.
- setCancelOrder
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::setCancelOrder()
Sets the mouseUp-function of the cancel button.
- setCellpadding
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::setCellpadding()
Sets the content of the cellpadding-attribute of the table-tag.
- setCellspacing
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::setCellspacing()
Sets the content of the cellspacing-attribute of the table-tag.
- setCellSpanRange
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::setCellSpanRange()
Sets the span of the cell at the given position.
- setChangeOrder
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::setChangeOrder()
Sets the onChange-Attribute of the checkbox.
- setChangeOrder
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setChangeOrder()
Sets the javascript that should execute if the value of the select changes
- setChangeOrder
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::setChangeOrder()
Sets the mouseUp-Attribute of the radio button.
- setCharset
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setCharset()
Sets the charset for the optionlabels of this select.
- setChecked
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::setChecked()
Sets this checkbox checked.
- setChecked
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::setChecked()
Sets this radio button checked.
- setColAttributes
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::setColAttributes()
Changes the attributes of a given cell.
- setCols
- in file CSVFiles.class.php, method CSVFiles::setCols()
Stores the number of columns of this csv-file object.
- setCols
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::setCols()
Sets the the width of this text area in text cols (letter count per row).
- setCols
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::setCols()
Sets the number of cols this table should have. For example you want to set the table column by column, you simply have to increment the number of cols of this table by one after you set all rows of a col, and so on.
- setConnectionErrorCallback
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::setConnectionErrorCallback()
Sets the name of the function that should be invoked on a connection error.
- setContent
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::setContent()
Sets the content of this file object.
- setContentType
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::setContentType()
Sets the type of content of the e-mail. Possible values are "text/plain" or "text/html" for plain text e-mail or html e-email.
- setCustomFields
- in file ABSTView.class.php, method ABSTView::setCustomFields()
Sets additionally fields to the definition of the result list of the query.
- setDateTemplate
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::setDateTemplate()
Sets the template how to display date in the text input. The rules follow the parameter rules of the date()-function.
- setDaySelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setDaySelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the day of a date.
- setDecimalCount
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, method NumberTextInput::setDecimalCount()
Stores how many decimal numbers should be shown.
- setDelay
- in file SWFObject.class.php, method SWFObject::setDelay()
Sets a delay for writing the object into the html-container. This can be used if a browser have problems with the display on a site refresh.
- setDir
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::setDir()
Sets the directory which content should be display by this select.
- setDisabled
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::setDisabled()
Disables this item.
- setDisabled
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setDisabled()
Disables all formitems. This function is an alias for the function disableAllFormItems()
- setDocument
- in file PHPFile.class.php, method PHPFile::setDocument()
Sets htmldoc, the variable of this object, that should contain the object's reference of the html-document whose sourcecode will be written if this object will be printed.
- setEmpty
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setEmpty()
Sets up a function to check if a given variable is empty. It has the same behavior like the function "empty" in php.
- setEnabled
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::setEnabled()
Enables this item.
- setErrorCallback
- in file ABSTView.class.php, method ABSTView::setErrorCallback()
Sets the name of the function that should be invoked on a connection error.
- setErrorCallback
- in file Database.class.php, method Database::setErrorCallback()
Sets the name of the function that should be invoked on a connection error.
- setFilesize
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::setFilesize()
Sets the content of this file object.
- setFindPosX
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setFindPosX()
Sets up a function to get the x-position of an html-element.
- setFindPosY
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setFindPosY()
Sets up a function to get the y-position of an html-element.
- setFixedWhere
- in file MySQLView.class.php, method MySQLView::setFixedWhere()
Sets the condition of first priority.
- setFlashVersion
- in file SWFObject.class.php, method SWFObject::setFlashVersion()
This function sets the required version of the flash player. This method is an alias for setVersion( $int ).
- setFormBody
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setFormBody()
Builds the content of this Form andstores it in the attribute form_body.
- setFreeStyle
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::setFreeStyle()
Set the value of style definitions that are not handled by implemented methods.
- setFreeStyle
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::setFreeStyle()
Set the value of style definitions that are not handled by implemented methods.
- setFreeStyles
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setFreeStyles()
Sets the style attributes of the options of this select in order to the given array.
- setGap
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, method NewsTicker::setGap()
Stores the gap between the two text-<div> of the ticker.
- setGapBetweenText
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, method NewsTicker::setGapBetweenText()
Stores the gap between the two text-<div> of the ticker. This function is an alias for the function setGap().
- setGetInnerWindowHeight
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setGetInnerWindowHeight()
Sets up a function to get the value of the inner window height.
- setGetInnerWindowWidth
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setGetInnerWindowWidth()
Sets up a function to get the value of the inner window width.
- setGlobalJavaScript
- in file OverInfo.class.php, method OverInfo::setGlobalJavaScript()
Stores the needed javascript to output in the head of html-document.
- setHead
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setHead()
Sets the head of this document.
- setHeight
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, method FTPUploadApplet::setHeight()
Sets how the uploaded file should be named.
- setHeight
- in file HTMLEmbed.class.php, method HTMLEmbed::setHeight()
Sets how the uploaded file should be named.
- setHeight
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, method NewsTicker::setHeight()
Stores the height of the ticker.
- setHeight
- in file ABSTDimensionObject.class.php, method ABSTDimensionObject::setHeight()
Sets the height-attribute of this object.
- setHeight
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::setHeight()
Sets the value of the height-attribute of the table-tag.
- setHeight
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, method HTMLLayer::setHeight()
Sets the height of this layer.
- setHost
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::setHost()
Sets the hostname.
- setHourSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setHourSelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the hour of a date.
- setHREF
- in file HTMLLink.class.php, method HTMLLink::setHREF()
Sets the value of the href-attribute of this link.
- setId
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::setId()
Sets the content of the id-attribute of the table-tag.
- setId
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, method NewsTicker::setId()
Stores the value of this item's "id"-attribute with the suffix "tickerlayout_".
- setId
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::setId()
Stores the value of this item's "id"-attribute.
- setInArray
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setInArray()
Sets up a function to check if a given array contains the given value.
- setIndent
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::setIndent()
Sets the indent of all lines of a string if the function "breakBy", "format" or "blockqoutePlainText" is used and no indent is given by parameter.
- setInvisible
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, method HTMLLayer::setInvisible()
Sets the visibility of this layer to visible.
- setIsAncestorOf
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setIsAncestorOf()
Sets up a function to check if a given HTML-element includes another HTML-element.
- setISODate
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setISODate()
Sets the values of the select group with the given ISO date.
- setJPEGCompression
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, method ImageFiles::setJPEGCompression()
Sets the comression quality for jpg between 0 (zero) and 100 (one hundred).
- setJPGCompression
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, method ImageFiles::setJPGCompression()
Sets the comression quality for jpg between 0 (zero) and 100 (one hundred).
- setJSerrorMessage
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setJSerrorMessage()
Sets the javascript error message that appears if user information is missing.
- setJSForLabelChangeOnSubmitSuccess
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, method HTMLSubmitButton::setJSForLabelChangeOnSubmitSuccess()
Sets the javascript to change the label of this button on mouseup if the form data could be send.
- setKind
- in file HTMLList.class.php, method HTMLList::setKind()
Sets the the kind of this list ("ul" or "ol").
- setLabel
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::setLabel()
Stores the given label object to the extended underlying form component.
- setLabel
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::setLabel()
Sets the label of this checkbox.
- setLabel
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::setLabel()
Sets the label of this checkbox.
- setLabel
- in file HTMLLink.class.php, method HTMLLink::setLabel()
Sets the label of this link.
- setLabelFreeStyle
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::setLabelFreeStyle()
Set the value of inline styles of the labels for the radiobuttons of the group.
- setLabelOfCancelButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::setLabelOfCancelButton()
Sets the label of the reset button.
- setLabelOfResetButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::setLabelOfResetButton()
Sets the label of the reset button.
- setLabelOfSubmitButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::setLabelOfSubmitButton()
Sets the label of the submit button.
- setLabelOfSubmitButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::setLabelOfSubmitButton()
Sets the label of the submit button.
- setLabelOnSubmitSuccess
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, method HTMLSubmitButton::setLabelOnSubmitSuccess()
Sets the label of this button on mouseup if the form data could be send.
- setLabelPositionLeft
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::setLabelPositionLeft()
Sets the position of the label to the left side.
- setLabelPositionRight
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::setLabelPositionRight()
Sets the position of the label to the right side.
- setLabels
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setLabels()
Sets the labels of this select in order to the given array.
- setLayoutString
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setLayoutString()
Adds the string by dint of the form should be formatted.
- setLayoutTable
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setLayoutTable()
Adds the table by dint of the form should be formatted.
- setLayoutTableHead
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setLayoutTableHead()
This is for example to add a filter select for the target database table to the top of this select. Then you will be able to align it flush with the right side of this select.
- setLeadingZeros
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setLeadingZeros()
Sets up a function to fill a given string with zeros until it has the count of given length.
- setLeft
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, method HTMLLayer::setLeft()
Sets the left-position of this layer.
- setLeftMargin
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setLeftMargin()
Sets the body's leftmargin-attribute of this document.
- setLeftSelectSize
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setLeftSelectSize()
Sets the size of the select appering on the left side.
- setLeftSelectStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setLeftSelectStyle()
Sets the styleclass of the select appering on the left side.
- setManipulateable
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::setManipulateable()
Makes sure that this item is manipulateable by the user.
- setMarginHeight
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setMarginHeight()
Sets the body's marginheight-attribute of this document.
- setMarginWidth
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setMarginWidth()
Sets the body's marginwidth-attribute of this document.
- setMarkedValue
- in file AlphabetFilter.class.php, method AlphabetFilter::setMarkedValue()
Sets the style of the a list item identified by his given value.
- setMarkedValue
- in file WebsiteNavigation.class.php, method WebsiteNavigation::setMarkedValue()
Sets the style of the a list item identified by his given value.
- setMaxChars
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::setMaxChars()
A overwritten method to forbid to set the maximal capacity of this special kind of input.
- setMaxChars
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::setMaxChars()
Sets the maximum of characters that should be in a line if the function "breakBy", "format" or "blockqoutePlainText" is used and no indent is given by parameter.
- setMaxChars
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::setMaxChars()
Stores the value of this item's "maxLength"-attribute.
- setMD5
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setMD5()
Sets up a function to encode a string to md5.
- setMedia
- in file Stylesheet.class.php, method Stylesheet::setMedia()
Sets the type of media to the stylesheet.
- setMethod
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setMethod()
Sets the method, how the data should be send; POST or GET.
- setMinuteSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setMinuteSelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the minute of a date.
- setMode
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setMode()
Sets the mode of this document to quirk or standard. Preselect on method call with no entered parameter is the quirk mode, because preselect of the class-initiation is the standard mode.
- setMode
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, method FTPUploadApplet::setMode()
Stets the connection mode (PASV or ACTIVE)
- setMonthSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setMonthSelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the month of a given year.
- setMouseup
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, method HTMLSubmitButton::setMouseup()
Sets the value of the onMouseup-attribute of this submit button.
- setMouseUpArray
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::setMouseUpArray()
Adding an array to this object, that carries the javascript for the onMouseup-tag of each radiobutton.
- setMoveToLeftButtonStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setMoveToLeftButtonStyle()
Sets the styleclass of the button thats function is to move the items from the select on the right side to the select on the left side.
- setMoveToRightButtonStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setMoveToRightButtonStyle()
Sets the styleclass of the button thats function is to move the items from the select on the left side to the select on the right side.
- setMultiple
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setMultiple()
Sets this select to be able in selecting multiple values.
- setName
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::setName()
Stores the value of this tag's "name"-attribute.
- setName
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, method NewsTicker::setName()
Stores the value of this tag's "name"-attribute with the suffix "tickerlayout_".
- setName
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setName()
Sets the name of this form.
- setName
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseTable::setName()
Sets the name of the databasetable.
- setName
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::setName()
Returns the value of textfield tag's "name"-attribute.
- setName
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::setName()
Sets the hostname. This method is an alias of the method setHost( $string ).
- setNameOfForm
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setNameOfForm()
Somtimes it can be usefule to filter the achievement from the Target database table.
- setNoFormat
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::setNoFormat()
Stores that the HTML-elements should not format by "\r\n" in the source.
- setNoFormat
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setNoFormat()
Stores that the HTML-elements should not format by "\r\n" in the source.
- setNoFormat
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::setNoFormat()
Sets whether the table should format in the source by "\r\n" or not.
- setNoFormat
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setNoFormat()
Sets the behaviour of body's formatting. If noformat is set to true then the body will not be formatted by the plaintextformatter. Look at package CLASSPATH."core" at the class PlainTextFormatter for further information.
- setNotManipulateable
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::setNotManipulateable()
Makes sure that this item is not manipulateable by the user, but carrys the value trough the form.
- setNumberFormat
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setNumberFormat()
Returns a function that has the same behaviour like the same named php-function.
- setOnBlur
- in file EMailTextInput.class.php, method EMailTextInput::setOnBlur()
Stores the value of this item's "onBlur"-attribute.
- setOnBlur
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::setOnBlur()
Stores the value of this item's "onBlur"-attribute.
- setOnBlur
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setOnBlur()
Sets the body's onblur-attribute of this document.
- setOnBlur
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::setOnBlur()
Sets the value of the blur-attribute of this html-tag.
- setOnClick
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::setOnClick()
Sets the value of the click-attribute of this html-tag.
- setOnFocus
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::setOnFocus()
Sets the value of the focus-attribute of this html-tag.
- setOnLoad
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setOnLoad()
Sets the body's onload-attribute of this document.
- setOnlyFutureDates
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setOnlyFutureDates()
With this method you can set the checkup of guilty dates in the future by javascript.
- setOnlyFutureErrMSG
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setOnlyFutureErrMSG()
With this method you can set the message that should appear if the given date isn't a date in the future.
- setOnMouseMove
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::setOnMouseMove()
Sets the value of the mousemove-attribute of this html-tag.
- setOnMouseOut
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::setOnMouseOut()
Sets the value of the mouseout-attribute of this html-tag.
- setOnMouseOver
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::setOnMouseOver()
Sets the value of the mouseover-attribute of this html-tag.
- setOnMouseUp
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::setOnMouseUp()
Sets the value of the mouseup-attribute of this html-tag.
- setOnResize
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setOnResize()
Sets the body's onresize-attribute of this document.
- setOnScroll
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setOnScroll()
Sets the body's onscroll-attribute of this document.
- setOpenCentredWindow
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setOpenCentredWindow()
Sets up a function to open a centred browser window.
- setOutputKind
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::setOutputKind()
Sets the value of the kind of output ( FILE, FOLDER, FILEORFOLDER ).
- setOutputTemplate
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setOutputTemplate()
This sets in which order the selects should be output.
- setOverSRC
- in file HTMLImage.class.php, method HTMLImage::setOverSRC()
Sets the source of this image on mouseover.
- setParent
- in file TreeNode.class.php, method TreeNode::setParent()
Adds a childnode of type TreeNode to this object.
- setParent
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseTable::setParent()
Sets the parent of this object.
- setParent
- in file Database.class.php, method Database::setParent()
Sets the parent of this object.
- setParentFolder
- in file Files.class.php, method Files::setParentFolder()
Sets the parent folder of this file object that there is a back reference up to the root of the filesystem tree,
- setParentFolder
- in file Folder.class.php, method Folder::setParentFolder()
Sets the parent folder of this folder object that there is a back reference up to the root of the filesystem tree,
- setParentForm
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::setParentForm()
Sets the "parentform"-attribute of both buttons.
- setParentForm
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::setParentForm()
Returns the name of the submit button.
- setParentForm
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::setParentForm()
Stores a reference to the form-object that contains this item-object.
- setParentForm
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::setParentForm()
Stores a reference to the form-object that contains this item-object.
- setPassword
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::setPassword()
Sets the password that should be used to connect to the host.
- setPathToClasses
- in file PHPFile.class.php, method PHPFile::setPathToClasses()
Sets pathtoclasses, the variable of this object, that should contain the path to the class library relatively from the location of this file.
- setPersistantConnection
- in file MySQLDatabaseHost.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseHost::setPersistantConnection()
Sets whether a persistant connection should be use.
- setPluginspage
- in file HTMLEmbed.class.php, method HTMLEmbed::setPluginspage()
Sets the value of the attribute pluginspage of the embed-tag.
- setPort
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::setPort()
Specifies the port that should be used to connect to the host.
- setPort
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::setPort()
Stets the connection port. Standard is 21.
- setPosition
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, method HTMLLayer::setPosition()
Sets the behaviour of the position of this layer.
- setPrimaryEntitySelectStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setPrimaryEntitySelectStyle()
Sets the styleclass of the select appering on the top of the select on the right side.
- setRefreshRate
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, method NewsTicker::setRefreshRate()
Stores the period in milliseconds between the refreshes of the ticker.
- setReplyEmail
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::setReplyEmail()
Stores the email where the message should be send on reply.
- setRightSelectSize
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setRightSelectSize()
Sets the size of the select appering on the right side.
- setRightSelectStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setRightSelectStyle()
Sets the styleclass of the select appering on the right side.
- setRows
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::setRows()
Sets the number of rows this table should have. This makes only sense if you want to put out a table without any content.
- setRows
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::setRows()
Sets the the height of this text area in text rows.
- setSecondSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setSecondSelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the second of a date.
- setSelectedValue
- in file WebsiteNavigation.class.php, method WebsiteNavigation::setSelectedValue()
Sets the style of the a list item identified by his given value. This function is an alias for the function setMarkedValue.
- setSendButtonLabel
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, method FTPUploadApplet::setSendButtonLabel()
Sets the string to act as label for the send-button.
- setSerialize
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setSerialize()
Sets up a function to serialize arrays like in php.
- setShouldZipped
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, method FTPUploadApplet::setShouldZipped()
Sets whether the file should zipped before upload.
- setSingleValueTemplate
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setSingleValueTemplate()
If the single value template is set, then the method get() will only output the parsed template instead of the selectbox. You can use the template variable [#label#] to place the single label in the template string.
- setSize
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::setSize()
Stores the value of this item's "size"-attribute.
- setSize
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setSize()
Sets the size-attribute of this select.
- setSRC
- in file ABSTSourceObject.class.php, method ABSTSourceObject::setSRC()
Sets the source of this image.
- setSRC
- in file HTMLImage.class.php, method HTMLImage::setSRC()
Sets the source of this image.
- setStandardDateFormat
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setStandardDateFormat()
This sets how the selected date should be standardly handled. The Following
- setStandardLabel
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setStandardLabel()
Sets the label of this select that schould be shown if no value is selected.
- setStandardText
- in file HTMLTextInput.class.php, method HTMLTextInput::setStandardText()
Sets the text that should be shown if the textfields value is empty.
- setStandardYearSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setStandardYearSelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the year of date. It will start on tree years ago and two years int he future
- setStateStyle
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setStateStyle()
- setStepWidth
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, method NewsTicker::setStepWidth()
Stores the step width in pixel per each refresh of the ticker.
- setStringBeforeLabel
- in file AlphabetFilter.class.php, method AlphabetFilter::setStringBeforeLabel()
Sets the string that should concate in front of the label string.
- setStringBehindLabel
- in file AlphabetFilter.class.php, method AlphabetFilter::setStringBehindLabel()
Sets the string that should concate behind the label string.
- setStrRepeat
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setStrRepeat()
Sets up a function to repeat a given string given times. It has the same behavior like the function "str_repeat" in php.
- setStyle
- in file ABSTHTMLTag.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTag::setStyle()
Set the value of the class-attribute of this tag.
- setStyle
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::setStyle()
Sets the content of the class-attribute of the table-tag.
- setStyleOnMouseOver
- in file WebsiteNavigation.class.php, method WebsiteNavigation::setStyleOnMouseOver()
Sets the style that should be used on mouseover for each element.
- setStyleOnMouseUp
- in file WebsiteNavigation.class.php, method WebsiteNavigation::setStyleOnMouseUp()
Sets the style that should be used on mouseup for each element.
- setStyles
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setStyles()
Sets the style classes of the options of this select in order to the given array.
- setSubmitOrder
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setSubmitOrder()
Sets the javascript that should execute on submit.
- setSwapStyle
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setSwapStyle()
- setTarget
- in file HTMLLink.class.php, method HTMLLink::setTarget()
Sets the target of this link.
- setTargetAfterUpload
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, method FTPUploadApplet::setTargetAfterUpload()
Sets the target url to retrieve after the selectedfile is uploaded.
- setTargetEmail
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::setTargetEmail()
Stores the email where the message should be send.
- setTargetEmail
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::setTargetEmail()
Stores the email where the message should be send.
- setTargetEmailBlindCopyArray
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::setTargetEmailBlindCopyArray()
Stores the emails where the message should be send in blind copy.
- setTargetEmailBlindCopyArray
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::setTargetEmailBlindCopyArray()
Stores the emails where the message should be send in blind copy.
- setTargetEmailCopyArray
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::setTargetEmailCopyArray()
Stores the emails where the message should be send in copy.
- setTargetEmailCopyArray
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::setTargetEmailCopyArray()
Stores the emails where the message should be send in copy.
- setTargetFile
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setTargetFile()
Sets the target script of the data; The "action"-attribute.
- setTargetFilename
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, method FTPUploadApplet::setTargetFilename()
Sets how the uploaded file should be named.
- setTargetFrame
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setTargetFrame()
Sets the target frame where the target script should appear; The "target"-attribute.
- setTargetPath
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, method FTPUploadApplet::setTargetPath()
Sets where to put the files to upload. The path has to have an ending slash.
- setText
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, method NewsTicker::setText()
Stores the text of this ticker text.
- setText
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setText()
Sets the body's text-attribute of this document.
- setTimestamp
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setTimestamp()
Sets the values of the select group with the given timestamp.
- procedural page
- setTitle
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setTitle()
Sets the title of this document.
- setTitle
- in file HTMLImage.class.php, method HTMLImage::setTitle()
Sets the title-attribute of this image.
- setTitleBGColor
- in file Frame.class.php, method Frame::setTitleBGColor()
Sets the background color of the title layer.
- setTitleFreeStyle
- in file Frame.class.php, method Frame::setTitleFreeStyle()
Set the value of style definitions in the title layer that are not handled by implemented methods.
- setTitleHeight
- in file Frame.class.php, method Frame::setTitleHeight()
Sets the height of this title layer.
- setTop
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, method HTMLLayer::setTop()
Sets the top-position of this layer.
- setTopMargin
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, method HTMLDocument::setTopMargin()
Sets the body's topmargin-attribute of this document.
- setTree
- in file FilesystemTree.class.php, method FilesystemTree::setTree()
Builds a tree of the filesystem beginning at $dir.
- setType
- in file Join.class.php, method Join::setType()
Sets the type of join. Has to be INNER, CROSS, LEFT [OUTER], RIGHT [OUTER] or NATURAL [LEFT | RIGTH [OUTER]]
- setTypeOf
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setTypeOf()
Sets up a function to inspect the type of data.
- setUnserialize
- in file JavaScript.class.php, method JavaScript::setUnserialize()
Sets up a function to unserialize arrays like in php.
- setupDBT
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::setupDBT()
Sets up the databasetable by using the information of the form.
- setUser
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::setUser()
Specifies the user who should connect with to the host.
- setValue
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::setValue()
Sets the value of textfield tag's "value"-attribute.
- setValue
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::setValue()
Stores the value of this item's "value"-attribute.
- setValues
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setValues()
Sets the values of this select in order to the given array.
- setVersion
- in file SWFObject.class.php, method SWFObject::setVersion()
This function sets the required version of the flash player.
- setVisible
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, method HTMLLayer::setVisible()
Sets the visibility of this layer to visible.
- setWeekDaySelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setWeekDaySelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the weekday of a date.
- setWeeknumSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setWeeknumSelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the weeknum of a given year.
- setWhereClauseOfsecondaryEntityDBT
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setWhereClauseOfsecondaryEntityDBT()
Somtimes it can be usefule to filter the achievement from the secondary entity database table.
- setWhereClauseOfTargetDBT
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setWhereClauseOfTargetDBT()
Somtimes it can be usefule to filter the achievement from the Target database table.
- setWidth
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, method NewsTicker::setWidth()
Stores the width of the ticker.
- setWidth
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, method FTPUploadApplet::setWidth()
Sets how the uploaded file should be named.
- setWidth
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, method HTMLLayer::setWidth()
Sets the width of this layer.
- setWidth
- in file ABSTDimensionObject.class.php, method ABSTDimensionObject::setWidth()
Sets the width-attribute of this object.
- setWidth
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, method HTMLTable::setWidth()
Sets the value of the width-attribute of the table-tag.
- setWidth
- in file HTMLEmbed.class.php, method HTMLEmbed::setWidth()
Sets how the uploaded file should be named.
- setYearSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setYearSelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the year of a date. You have to define the value on which it should start and this one on which it should end.
- setZIndex
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, method HTMLLayer::setZIndex()
Sets the depth of this layer.
- setZipFilename
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, method FTPUploadApplet::setZipFilename()
Use this only if you want to upload the file AND generate separatly a zip archive of the file. If you only want to get the file to upload zipped, then it is effectual to give only the target filename.
- setZipPath
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, method FTPUploadApplet::setZipPath()
Use this only if you want to upload the file AND generate separatly a zip archive of the file. If you only want to get the file to upload zipped in the target folder of the file, then it is effectual to give only the target path.
- showAltoughOnZeroLabelCount
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::showAltoughOnZeroLabelCount()
Sets whether the select schould be shown if no value is presented on it.
- showStandardLabel
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::showStandardLabel()
Sets whether the standardlabel of this select schould be shown if no value is selected to.
- in file, constant SINGLE_QUOTATION_STRING
Identify strings that are in single quotation in a text.
- size_readable
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, method FilesystemToolkit::size_readable()
Return human readable sizes.
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::SOKH()
This method is importantly only for private use of the class, otherwise there it can cause side effects, because the object attributes will not be refresh.
- sortSecondDimension
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::sortSecondDimension()
Sorts an array by a given second index. You can affect the order of
- in file, constant STANDARD_LABEL
- in file, constant STANDARD_LABEL_CANCEL_BT
- in file, constant STANDARD_LABEL_SUBMIT_BT
- startsWith
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::startsWith()
Returns whether the given string begins with substring $what.
- storeFieldFlags
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::storeFieldFlags()
Stores the Flags: (!)not_null <=> $this->field_can_be_null[FIELDINDEX], primary_key <=> $this->field_is_primary_member[FIELDINDEX], auto_increment <=> $this->field_has_auto_increment[FIELDINDEX]. This is necessary to get dump of the table data.
- storeFieldnames
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::storeFieldnames()
Stores the names of fields in this object.
- str2time
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::str2time()
Returns a timestamp from a date.
- Strings
- in file Strings.class.php, class Strings
Static methods
- strToUpper
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::strToUpper()
Make a string uppercase atleast for ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) full with all special characters.
- Stylesheet
- in file Stylesheet.class.php, class Stylesheet
- Stylesheet
- in file Stylesheet.class.php, method Stylesheet::Stylesheet()
The constructor can be used to set the first stylesheet-class.
- SubmitCancelButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::SubmitCancelButton()
- SubmitCancelButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, class SubmitCancelButton
A class to create a reset and a buton to submit forms.
- summate
- in file Matrix.class.php, method Matrix::summate()
Summates two matrices and returns an object of the sum matrix.
- swapFieldValuesOf
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::swapFieldValuesOf()
Swaps values of a specified field in two tupel.
- swapLeftRight
- in file Join.class.php, method Join::swapLeftRight()
Swaps the left-right definition. The reference from the left table moves to the reference of the right database table and the other way around.
- swapRows
- in file Matrix.class.php, method Matrix::swapRows()
Swaps two rows in this matrix. The row count begins at 1 (one)! This is an elemantary matrix row operation.
- SWFObject
- in file SWFObject.class.php, class SWFObject
- SWFObject
- in file SWFObject.class.php, method SWFObject::SWFObject()
- $tableAttributes
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$tableAttributes
Stores the customized attributes of this table.
- $tag_arr
- in file Stylesheet.class.php, variable Stylesheet::$tag_arr
- $target
- in file HTMLLink.class.php, variable HTMLLink::$target
- $targetDBTObject
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$targetDBTObject
- $targetDBTWhereClause
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$targetDBTWhereClause
- $targetFile
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$targetFile
The data target of this form.
- $targetFrame
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$targetFrame
The target frame in a frameset for example.
- $targetPrimaryEntityKey
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$targetPrimaryEntityKey
- $targetSecondaryEntityKey
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$targetSecondaryEntityKey
- $target_email
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$target_email
Stores the e-mail address of the recipient.
- $target_email_blindcopy_arr
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$target_email_blindcopy_arr
Stores the e-mail addresses of the recipients in blind carbon copy.
- $target_email_copy_arr
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$target_email_copy_arr
Stores the e-mail addresses of the recipients in carbon copy.
- $target_filename
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, variable FTPUploadApplet::$target_filename
Stores the filename for uploaded file.
- $target_href_after_upload
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, variable FTPUploadApplet::$target_href_after_upload
Stores the target url to retrieve after the selectedfile is uploaded.
- $target_path
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, variable FTPUploadApplet::$target_path
Stores the target path for uploaded files. Must have an ending slash.
- $tar_file
- in file TAR.class.php, variable TAR::$tar_file
The data content of the archive will be stored in ths variable.
- $template_date_format
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, variable BirthdayDateTextInput::$template_date_format
The template for how to interpret the date.
- $template_date_format
- in file TimeTextInput.class.php, variable TimeTextInput::$template_date_format
The template for how to interpret the date.
- $text
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$text
Stores the value of the text-attribute of the body-tag.
- $textBeforeItems
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$textBeforeItems
The text content before all items.
- $textBehindItems
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$textBehindItems
The text content behind all items.
- $textinput
- in file ColorInput.class.php, variable ColorInput::$textinput
- $text_on_hidden
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$text_on_hidden
- $thousandseperatorchar
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, variable NumberTextInput::$thousandseperatorchar
- $ticker_text
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, variable NewsTicker::$ticker_text
- $timestamp
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$timestamp
- $title
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$title
The title of this document.
- $title
- in file HTMLImage.class.php, variable HTMLImage::$title
The title-attribute of the image-tag.
- $title_layer
- in file Frame.class.php, variable Frame::$title_layer
- $tmp_fh
- in file Files.class.php, variable Files::$tmp_fh
Is set if the function saveTmp() has been invoke.
- $top
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, variable HTMLLayer::$top
- $topmargin
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$topmargin
Stores the value of the topmargin-attribute of the body-tag.
- $type
- in file Join.class.php, variable Join::$type
Carries the type of join. Can be INNER, CROSS, LEFT [OUTER], RIGHT [OUTER] or NATURAL [LEFT | RIGTH [OUTER]]. The Standard is LEFT, because it was the only used join in the past.
- TreeNode.class.php
- procedural page TreeNode.class.php
- TreeRoot.class.php
- procedural page TreeRoot.class.php
- TAR.class.php
- procedural page TAR.class.php
- TimeTextInput.class.php
- procedural page TimeTextInput.class.php
- in file TAR.class.php, class TAR
This class reads and writes Tape-Archive (TAR) Files and Gzip compressed TAR files, which are mainly used on UNIX systems.
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::TAR()
Class Constructor -- Does nothing...
- text2HTML
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::text2HTML()
Replaces character in that kind, that only html-character remain.
- TimeTextInput
- in file TimeTextInput.class.php, method TimeTextInput::TimeTextInput()
- TimeTextInput
- in file TimeTextInput.class.php, class TimeTextInput
A class to generate text input fields to fill in Dates.
- in file, constant TOPLEVELDOMAIN
Identify topleveldomains with a regular expression
- toTar
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::toTar()
Saves tar archive to a different file than the current file.
- translateDoubleVal
- in file Numbers.class.php, method Numbers::translateDoubleVal()
Returns a double from a given string. Translates a number from other language formates.
- TreeNode
- in file TreeNode.class.php, method TreeNode::TreeNode()
- TreeNode
- in file TreeNode.class.php, class TreeNode
- TreeRoot
- in file TreeRoot.class.php, method TreeRoot::TreeRoot()
- TreeRoot
- in file TreeRoot.class.php, class TreeRoot
- $user
- in file FTPHost.class.php, variable FTPHost::$user
The username to log on the ftp server.
- $user
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, variable ABSTDatabaseHost::$user
The username to log on the database server.
- $use_marquee
- in file NewsTicker.class.php, variable NewsTicker::$use_marquee
- URLTextInput.class.php
- procedural page URLTextInput.class.php
- uniqueInsert
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::uniqueInsert()
Fills $record in $this->mixed only if $this->mixed does not already contains it.
- uniqueInsert
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::uniqueInsert()
Fills $record in $array only if $array does not already contains it.
- uniqueRecords
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::uniqueRecords()
Removes doubly occuring records in $this->mixed.
- uniqueRecords
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::uniqueRecords()
Removes doubly occuring records in $array and set up new indexes, so that the first index of the array beginns at zero and the other indexes following integrated and ascendending.
- unsetOverruledFieldnames
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::unsetOverruledFieldnames()
Unsets the overrules of fieldnames.
- in file, constant UNSIGNEDINTEGER
Identify positive integer.
- update
- in file MySQLDatabaseTable.class.php, method MySQLDatabaseTable::update()
Updates the specified dataset.
- updateDBT
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::updateDBT()
Updates the gotten Dataset.
- uploadFile
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::uploadFile()
Uploads a file.
- URLTextInput
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::URLTextInput()
- URLTextInput
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, class URLTextInput
A class to generate text input fields that can only carry URLs.
- url_exists
- in file FilesystemToolkit.class.php, method FilesystemToolkit::url_exists()
Checks whether an url can access.
- utf82utf16
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, method Services_JSON::utf82utf16()
convert a string from one UTF-8 char to one UTF-16 char
- utf162utf8
- in file Services_JSON.class.php, method Services_JSON::utf162utf8()
convert a string from one UTF-16 char to one UTF-8 char
- $value
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLFormItem::$value
The value of the "value"-attribute of this form item object.
- $value
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, variable HTMLCheckBox::$value
- $value
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, variable HTMLRadioButton::$value
- $value_arr
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$value_arr
- $variable_arr
- in file SWFObject.class.php, variable SWFObject::$variable_arr
Stores the variables that should put into the swf.
- $version
- in file HTMLDocument.class.php, variable HTMLDocument::$version
Standard is 4.01.
- $view
- in file Database.class.php, variable Database::$view
Carryies the view's objects of this database.
- $visible
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, variable HTMLLayer::$visible
- Vector.class.php
- procedural page Vector.class.php
- Vector
- in file Vector.class.php, method Vector::Vector()
- Vector
- in file Vector.class.php, class Vector
- $weekdaySelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$weekdaySelect
- $weeknumSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$weeknumSelect
- $where
- in file DBKeySelect.class.php, variable DBKeySelect::$where
- $where
- in file DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php, variable DBKeyRadioGroup::$where
- $width
- in file HTMLTable.class.php, variable HTMLTable::$width
Stores the value of the width-attribute of this table.
- $width
- in file HTMLLayer.class.php, variable HTMLLayer::$width
- $width
- in file ABSTDimensionObject.class.php, variable ABSTDimensionObject::$width
Stores the value of the width-attribute of this dimension Object.
- $width
- in file ImageFiles.class.php, variable ImageFiles::$width
- $width
- in file HTMLEmbed.class.php, variable HTMLEmbed::$width
Stores the value of the width-attribute of this HTMLEmbed-object.
- $width
- in file FTPUploadApplet.class.php, variable FTPUploadApplet::$width
Stores the value of the width-attribute of this applet.
- $write_to_doc_directly
- in file OverInfo.class.php, variable OverInfo::$write_to_doc_directly
- WebsiteNavigation.class.php
- procedural page WebsiteNavigation.class.php
- WMVObject.class.php
- procedural page WMVObject.class.php
- in file, constant WEBCOLORNAMES
Identify webcolor names
- in file, constant WEBGRAPHICS
Identify files of webgraphics.
- in file, constant WEBSAFECOLOR
Identify websafe colors.
- WebsiteNavigation
- in file WebsiteNavigation.class.php, class WebsiteNavigation
A class to generate the navigation of a website.
- WebsiteNavigation
- in file WebsiteNavigation.class.php, method WebsiteNavigation::WebsiteNavigation()
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, constant WEEKINSECONDS
The number of seconds in a week. This is useful with the calculation of dates in unix timestamp.
- WMVObject
- in file WMVObject.class.php, method WMVObject::WMVObject()
- WMVObject
- in file WMVObject.class.php, class WMVObject
- writeToDocumentDirectly
- in file OverInfo.class.php, method OverInfo::writeToDocumentDirectly()
Order that the div-tag (popup layer) should be written directly to the body; otherwise the div-tag will be written onload-event of the body-tag.
- $____dbt
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, variable DatabaseEntity::$____dbt
Stores the reference to an object of a database table.
- $____entity_arr
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, variable DatabaseEntity::$____entity_arr
Stores the references to other entities.
- $____key_arr
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, variable DatabaseEntity::$____key_arr
Stores the key fieldnames.
- $____key_object_arr
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, variable DatabaseEntity::$____key_object_arr
Stores the references to the objects of the key entities.
- $____key_table_arr
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, variable DatabaseEntity::$____key_table_arr
Stores the references to the objects of the key database tables.
- $____parent_obj
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, variable DatabaseEntity::$____parent_obj
Stores the reference to an object of a database entity.
- $____relation_arr
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, variable DatabaseEntity::$____relation_arr
Stores the references to other entities. But with a relation name as key in the first array dimension.
- $____str_where
- in file DatabaseEntity.class.php, variable DatabaseEntity::$____str_where
Stores the where-clause to generate the data of this entity.
- __computeUnsignedChecksum
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::__computeUnsignedChecksum()
Computes the unsigned Checksum of a file's header to try to ensure valid file.
- __constructor
- in file ABSTDatabaseHost.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseHost::__constructor()
- __constructor
- in file ABSTView.class.php, method ABSTView::__constructor()
- __constructor
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::__constructor()
- __contructor
- in file ABSTDatabaseTable.class.php, method ABSTDatabaseTable::__contructor()
- __generateTAR
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::__generateTAR()
Generates a TAR file from the processed data.
- __parseNullPaddedString
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::__parseNullPaddedString()
Converts a NULL padded string to a non-NULL padded string.
- __parseTar
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::__parseTar()
This function parses the current TAR file.
- __parse_vars
- in file MySQLDatabase.class.php, method MySQLDatabase::__parse_vars()
This function parses pseudo variables in a text on SQL-errors.
- __readTar
- in file TAR.class.php, method TAR::__readTar()
Read a non gzipped tar file in for processing.