Element index for package communication
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- $content
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$content
Stores the content of the e-mail.
- $content_type
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$content_type
Stores the type of content of the e-mail. Possible values are "text/plain" or "text/html" for plain text e-mail or html e-email.
- chmod
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::chmod()
Attempts to change the mode of the specified file to that given in mode.
- connect
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::connect()
Opens a connection to the ftp server.
- copy
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::copy()
Copys a given file/directory.
- delete
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::delete()
Deletes a file or a folder. Folders will be delete recursively!
- disconnect
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::disconnect()
Closes the current connection to the ftp server.
- dissolveDir
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::dissolveDir()
To dissolve a directory means that all containing files will be shifted up a level and the directory itself will be removed.
- EMail.class.php
- procedural page EMail.class.php
- EMail
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::EMail()
- EMail
- in file EMail.class.php, class EMail
This class can be used to create emails of the type text or html. If you want you can add attachments.
- FTPHost.class.php
- procedural page FTPHost.class.php
- filesize
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::filesize()
Puts out the size of a given file.
- file_exists
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::file_exists()
Checks whether the given file exists.
- FTPHost
- in file FTPHost.class.php, class FTPHost
- FTPHost
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::FTPHost()
- ftp_chmod
- in file FTPHost.class.php, function ftp_chmod()
Sets the permissions on the specified remote file to mode.
- getAttachmentContent
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::getAttachmentContent()
Returns the generated attachment data as header information in mime type.
- getHost
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::getHost()
Returns the hostname.
- getName
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::getName()
Returns the hostname. This method is an alias of the method getHost().
- getPassword
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::getPassword()
Returns the given password which should be usedto connect to the host.
- getPort
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::getPort()
Returns the specified port to use to connect to the host.
- getTargetEmail
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::getTargetEmail()
Returns the stored email.
- getUser
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::getUser()
Returns the specified user who should connect with to the host.
- $is_connected
- in file FTPHost.class.php, variable FTPHost::$is_connected
The connection's state of the ftp host.
- is_dir
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::is_dir()
Checks whether the given directory exists.
- is_file
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::is_file()
Checks whether the given file exists.
- is_guilty
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::is_guilty()
Returns whether the given email is valid.
- is_valid
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::is_valid()
Returns whether the given email is valid.
- mkdir
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::mkdir()
Creates a directory with given name.
- $name
- in file FTPHost.class.php, variable FTPHost::$name
The Name of the databasehost.
- $password
- in file FTPHost.class.php, variable FTPHost::$password
The password to log on the ftp server.
- $port
- in file FTPHost.class.php, variable FTPHost::$port
The connection's port.
- $reply_email
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$reply_email
Stores the e-mail address of the recipient on reply.
- rename
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::rename()
Renames/moves a given file/directory.
- $str_attachment_boundary
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$str_attachment_boundary
Stores the boundary for attachments.
- $str_header_separator
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$str_header_separator
Stores the chars to seperate header information. It is immediatly adviced to let it the character "\n", because some email-provider can't handle header information separated by "\r\n" correctly!
- $subject
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$subject
Stores the subject of the e-mail.
- saveFile
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::saveFile()
Creates a file with given name and content.
- send
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::send()
Sends the email with values of the form to the addressee stored in $this->target_email.
- setContentType
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::setContentType()
Sets the type of content of the e-mail. Possible values are "text/plain" or "text/html" for plain text e-mail or html e-email.
- setPort
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::setPort()
Stets the connection port. Standard is 21.
- setReplyEmail
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::setReplyEmail()
Stores the email where the message should be send on reply.
- setTargetEmail
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::setTargetEmail()
Stores the email where the message should be send.
- setTargetEmailBlindCopyArray
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::setTargetEmailBlindCopyArray()
Stores the emails where the message should be send in blind copy.
- setTargetEmailCopyArray
- in file EMail.class.php, method EMail::setTargetEmailCopyArray()
Stores the emails where the message should be send in copy.
- $target_email
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$target_email
Stores the e-mail address of the recipient.
- $target_email_blindcopy_arr
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$target_email_blindcopy_arr
Stores the e-mail addresses of the recipients in blind carbon copy.
- $target_email_copy_arr
- in file EMail.class.php, variable EMail::$target_email_copy_arr
Stores the e-mail addresses of the recipients in carbon copy.
- $user
- in file FTPHost.class.php, variable FTPHost::$user
The username to log on the ftp server.
- uploadFile
- in file FTPHost.class.php, method FTPHost::uploadFile()
Uploads a file.