Element index for package forms
[ a ]
[ b ]
[ c ]
[ d ]
[ e ]
[ f ]
[ g ]
[ h ]
[ i ]
[ j ]
[ k ]
[ l ]
[ m ]
[ n ]
[ o ]
[ p ]
[ r ]
[ s ]
[ t ]
[ u ]
[ v ]
[ w ]
[ y ]
[ _ ]
- addDummyItem
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::addDummyItem()
Adds dummy-form-item to this object. It doesn't apear on the website.
- addFormBodyText
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::addFormBodyText()
Adds text into the form.
- addFormItem
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::addFormItem()
Adds references of form-items to this object.
- addHiddenFormItem
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::addHiddenFormItem()
Adds hidden-form-items to this object.
- addTargetEmailBlindCopy
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::addTargetEmailBlindCopy()
Adds an email to the array of emails where the message should be send in blind copy.
- addTargetEmailCopy
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::addTargetEmailCopy()
Adds an email to the array of emails where the message should be send in copy.
- addToFormItem
- in file HTMLLabel.class.php, method HTMLLabel::addToFormItem()
Adds this label to a specified form item.
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, class ABSTHTMLFormItem
An abstract class as base for classes to create form items.
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::ABSTHTMLTextInput()
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, class ABSTHTMLTextInput
A class to generate text input fields.
- addButton
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::addButton()
Adds a new radiobutton to the group.
- addOption
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::addOption()
Adds an option to this this select.
- addOptionAt
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::addOptionAt()
Adds an option to this this select at a specified position.
- addProtocolPrefix
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::addProtocolPrefix()
Adds a new protocol type to the array of all prefixes for the protocol that are allowed to put in the textfield, like "http://" or/and "ftp://" etc.
- addValue
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::addValue()
Concats the given string to the value of this item's "value"-attribute.
- ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php
- procedural page ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php
- ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php
- procedural page ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php
- changeHiddenFormItem
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::changeHiddenFormItem()
Changes the value of the hidden form item with the given namen.
- ContactForm
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::ContactForm()
- ContactForm
- in file ContactForm.class.php, class ContactForm
A class to generate contact forms. After submit there will be generate a plaintext email to a recipient.
- ContactForm.class.php
- procedural page ContactForm.class.php
- $charset
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$charset
The charset to be used on option-labels
- $checked
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, variable HTMLCheckBox::$checked
- $checked
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, variable HTMLRadioButton::$checked
- $cncbt
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, variable SubmitCancelButton::$cncbt
- $cols
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, variable HTMLTextArea::$cols
Stores the width of this text area in text cols (letter count per row).
- $count_of_decimals
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, variable NumberTextInput::$count_of_decimals
- ColorInput
- in file ColorInput.class.php, class ColorInput
- ColorInput
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::ColorInput()
- ColorInput.class.php
- procedural page ColorInput.class.php
- $dbt_obj
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, variable DBTfillingForm::$dbt_obj
The reference to the needed Databasetable-Object.
- $dummy_item_arr
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$dummy_item_arr
Stores names of dummy items.
- DBTfillingForm
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::DBTfillingForm()
- DBTfillingForm
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, class DBTfillingForm
A class to generate forms to put data in a databasetable.
- disable
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::disable()
Disables all formitems. This function is an alias for the function disableAllFormItems()
- disableAllFormItems
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::disableAllFormItems()
Disables all formitems.
- DBTfillingForm.class.php
- procedural page DBTfillingForm.class.php
- $day
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, variable BirthdayDateTextInput::$day
Stores the interpreted day
- $daySelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$daySelect
- $dbt
- in file DBKeySelect.class.php, variable DBKeySelect::$dbt
- $dbt
- in file DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php, variable DBKeyRadioGroup::$dbt
- $decimalchar
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, variable NumberTextInput::$decimalchar
- $dir
- in file FileSelect.class.php, variable FileSelect::$dir
- $do_not_disable
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$do_not_disable
This attribute is to prevent errors if the class MultRelationSelect is used. If it is set to true the disabling of this item is not possible.
- DateSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::DateSelect()
- DateSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, class DateSelect
- DBKeyRadioGroup
- in file DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php, class DBKeyRadioGroup
- DBKeyRadioGroup
- in file DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php, method DBKeyRadioGroup::DBKeyRadioGroup()
- DBKeySelect
- in file DBKeySelect.class.php, method DBKeySelect::DBKeySelect()
- DBKeySelect
- in file DBKeySelect.class.php, class DBKeySelect
- disable
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::disable()
Disables this item. This method is an alias for the method setDisabled().
- disableJSCheck
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::disableJSCheck()
With this method you can disable the checkup of guilty dates by javascript.
- de.inc.php
- procedural page de.inc.php
- de.inc.php
- procedural page de.inc.php
- DateSelect.class.php
- procedural page DateSelect.class.php
- DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php
- procedural page DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php
- DBKeySelect.class.php
- procedural page DBKeySelect.class.php
- de.inc.php
- procedural page de.inc.php
- de.inc.php
- procedural page de.inc.php
- de.inc.php
- procedural page de.inc.php
- de.inc.php
- procedural page de.inc.php
- de.inc.php
- procedural page de.inc.php
- $formInTag
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$formInTag
Carries the beginning of the form.
- $formItems
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$formItems
References to the form's items.
- $form_body
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$form_body
The content of the form.
- $form_item_obj
- in file HTMLLabel.class.php, variable HTMLLabel::$form_item_obj
Reference back to the form item this label stnds for.
- $first_output
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, variable BirthdayDateTextInput::$first_output
Stores whether this object has been output already.
- $first_output
- in file TimeTextInput.class.php, variable TimeTextInput::$first_output
Stores whether this object has been output already.
- $form_name
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$form_name
- $freestyle_arr
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$freestyle_arr
- FileSelect
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::FileSelect()
- FileSelect
- in file FileSelect.class.php, class FileSelect
A class to generate select fields to choose a file on the filesystem.
- FileSelect.class.php
- procedural page FileSelect.class.php
- get
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::get()
Returns a generated string based on the Attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file HTMLLabel.class.php, method HTMLLabel::get()
Returns a generated string based on the Attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::get()
Returns a generated string based on the Attributes of this HTML-Object.
- getDatasetsWithFields
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::getDatasetsWithFields()
Returns the datasets as an two dimensional array if the query could be execute. The first dimension carries the datasets. The second dimension carries the fields's values of the result list.
- getDBTFieldNames
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::getDBTFieldNames()
Returns the table's fieldnames.
- getFieldsAndValues
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getFieldsAndValues()
Returns the fieldnames and values of the form by a two dimensional array.
- getFieldsAndValues
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::getFieldsAndValues()
Returns the fieldnames and values of the form by a two dimensional array.
- getFormInTag
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getFormInTag()
Builds the tag to introduce the html form.
- getFormItemCount
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getFormItemCount()
Returns the count of items of this form.
- getItemPHPSource
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getItemPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getJScheckData
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getJScheckData()
Returns a javascript to validate the input of the form.
- getMethod
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getMethod()
Returns the method-attribute of this form.
- getName
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getName()
Returns the name of this form.
- getPHPSource
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getRightRequestData
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getRightRequestData()
Returns raw data from a given request variable; Removes escapings if magic quotes is enabled.
- getSingleDataset
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::getSingleDataset()
Returns a single dataset as an array if the query could be execute.
- getSubmitOrder
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getSubmitOrder()
Returns the javascript that should execute on form submit.
- getTargetEmail
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::getTargetEmail()
Returns the stored email.
- getTargetFile
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::getTargetFile()
Returns the action-attribute of this form.
- get
- in file HTMLPasswordInput.class.php, method HTMLPasswordInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLResetButton.class.php, method HTMLResetButton::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLHiddenInput.class.php, method HTMLHiddenInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLFileInput.class.php, method HTMLFileInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file EMailTextInput.class.php, method EMailTextInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLButton.class.php, method HTMLButton::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, method HTMLSubmitButton::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file TimeTextInput.class.php, method TimeTextInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this HTML-Object.
- get
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, method NumberTextInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLTextInput.class.php, method HTMLTextInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- get
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::get()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object.
- getButtonLabel
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::getButtonLabel()
Returns the value of button tag's "value"-attribute.
- getChangeOrder
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getChangeOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getChangeOrder
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::getChangeOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getChangeOrder
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getChangeOrder()
Returns the javascript that should execute if the value this select changes.
- getChecked
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::getChecked()
Returns if the checkbox is declared is checked.
- getChecked
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getChecked()
Returns if the checkbox is declared is checked.
- getCheckOrder
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, method HTMLSubmitButton::getCheckOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getCheckOrder
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::getCheckOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getCheckOrder
- in file HTMLButton.class.php, method HTMLButton::getCheckOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getCheckOrder
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getCheckOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getCheckOrder
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getCheckOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getCheckOrder
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, method NumberTextInput::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getCheckOrder
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::getCheckOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether this item is NOT filled
- getClone
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getClone()
Returns a clone of this object.
- getClone
- in file HTMLPasswordInput.class.php, method HTMLPasswordInput::getClone()
Makes a clone of this object an returns a reference to this clone.
- getClone
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::getClone()
Makes a clone of this object an returns a reference to this clone.
- getClone
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getClone()
Returns a clone of this object.
- getClone
- in file HTMLTextInput.class.php, method HTMLTextInput::getClone()
Makes a clone of this object an returns a reference to this clone.
- getClone
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::getClone()
Returns a clone of this object.
- getCols
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::getCols()
Returns the the width of this text area in text cols (letter count per row).
- getDaySelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getDaySelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's day-select.
- getDir
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::getDir()
Returns the directory which content should be display by this select.
- getHourSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getHourSelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's hour-select.
- getISODate
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getISODate()
Returns an iso date from a given timestamp or extracts the iso date from
- getISODate
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::getISODate()
Returns the value of this item in ISO format.
- getISOTime
- in file TimeTextInput.class.php, method TimeTextInput::getISOTime()
Returns the value of this item in ISO format.
- getJS2getAllValuesFrom
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getJS2getAllValuesFrom()
Returns an javascript-function to get all values from a given select as an array.
- getJS2getSelectedOption
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getJS2getSelectedOption()
Returns an javascript-function to get the selectedoption-object of a given select.
- getJS2getSelectedValue
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getJS2getSelectedValue()
Returns an javascript-function to get the value of a given select.
- getJS2moveItem
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getJS2moveItem()
Returns an javascript-function to move the selected items of a select to another.
- getJS2selectValue
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getJS2selectValue()
Returns an javascript-function to get the value of a given select.
- getJSCheckAllInForm
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getJSCheckAllInForm()
Returns a javascript to check all checkboxes in a given form. You have to give the name of the form and the element which should not checked in the javascript function.
- getJSCheckAllWithAncestor
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getJSCheckAllWithAncestor()
Returns a javascript to check all checkboxes in a given form. You have to give the name of the form and the element which should not checked in the javascript function.
- getJSFunctions
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::getJSFunctions()
Returns a string which contains a function of a javascript to check the radiobutton which value is the given one.
- getJSFunctionsToCheckDate
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::getJSFunctionsToCheckDate()
Returns a javascript functions to validate the correctness of a date.
- getJSFunctionsToCheckDate
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getJSFunctionsToCheckDate()
Creates javascript-functions to verify the date choosen by an user.
- getJSFunctionsToCheckEmail
- in file EMailTextInput.class.php, method EMailTextInput::getJSFunctionsToCheckEmail()
Returns a javascript to probe if the value, that was typed in the textfield, is an email.
- getJSFunctionsToCheckNumber
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, method NumberTextInput::getJSFunctionsToCheckNumber()
Returns a javascript to probe if the value, that was typed in the textfield, is a number.
- getJSFunctionsToCheckTime
- in file TimeTextInput.class.php, method TimeTextInput::getJSFunctionsToCheckTime()
Returns a javascript functions to validate the correctness of a time.
- getJSFunctionsToCheckURL
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::getJSFunctionsToCheckURL()
Returns a javascript to probe if the value, that was typed in the textfield, is a number.
- getJSManageAllCheckboxesByOne
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getJSManageAllCheckboxesByOne()
Returns a javascript to check and uncheck all checkboxes in a given form by one checkbox.
- getJSManageAllCheckboxesWithAnchestorByOne
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getJSManageAllCheckboxesWithAnchestorByOne()
Returns a javascript to check and uncheck all checkboxes in a given form by one checkbox.
- getJSUncheckAllInForm
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getJSUncheckAllInForm()
Returns a javascript to check all checkboxes in a given form. You have to give the name of the form and the element which should not unchecked in the javascript function.
- getJSUncheckAllWithAncestor
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getJSUncheckAllWithAncestor()
Returns a javascript to uncheck all checkboxes in a given form. You have to give the name of the form and the element which should not checked in the javascript function.
- getLabel
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::getLabel()
Returns the label to the extended extended underlying form component as string.
- getLabelArr
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getLabelArr()
Returns the array containing the labels of this select.
- getLabelOfCancelButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getLabelOfCancelButton()
Returns the label of the cancel button.
- getLabelOfResetButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getLabelOfResetButton()
Returns the label of the submit button.
- getLabelOfSubmitButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getLabelOfSubmitButton()
Returns the label of the submit button.
- getLabelOfSubmitButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getLabelOfSubmitButton()
Returns the label of the submit button.
- getLastQuery
- in file DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php, method DBKeyRadioGroup::getLastQuery()
Returns the last stored database query.
- getLastQuery
- in file DBKeySelect.class.php, method DBKeySelect::getLastQuery()
Returns the last stored database query.
- getMaxChars
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::getMaxChars()
Returns the value of this item's "maxLength"-attribute.
- getMinuteSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getMinuteSelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's minute-select.
- getMonthSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getMonthSelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's minute-select.
- getName
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getName()
Returns the name suffix of this select group.
- getName
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getName()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getName
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::getName()
Returns the value of textfield tag's "name"-attribute.
- getName
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getName()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getNameOfCancelButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getNameOfCancelButton()
Returns the name of the cancel button.
- getNameOfResetButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getNameOfResetButton()
Returns the name of the reset button.
- getNameOfSubmitButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getNameOfSubmitButton()
Returns the name of the submit button.
- getNameOfSubmitButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getNameOfSubmitButton()
Returns the name of the submit button.
- getOutputKind
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::getOutputKind()
Returns the value of the kind of output ( FILE, FOLDER, FILEORFOLDER ).
- getPHPSource
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, method NumberTextInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLTextInput.class.php, method HTMLTextInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLPasswordInput.class.php, method HTMLPasswordInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file EMailTextInput.class.php, method EMailTextInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getPHPSource
- in file HTMLFileInput.class.php, method HTMLFileInput::getPHPSource()
Generates the sourcecode to build this object and returns it.
- getRows
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::getRows()
Returns the the height of this text area in text rows.
- getSecondSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getSecondSelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's second-select.
- getSelectedLabel
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getSelectedLabel()
Returns the selected label of this select.
- getSelectedValue
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getSelectedValue()
Returns the selected value of this select.
- getSize
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::getSize()
Returns the value of this item's "size"-attribute.
- getSize
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::getSize()
Returns the size of textfield in text columns.
- getStandardLabel
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getStandardLabel()
Returns the standard label of this select.
- getTimestamp
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getTimestamp()
Returns the timestamp value that can compute from the values of the selects.
- getValidationOrder
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::getValidationOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getValidationOrder
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::getValidationOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getValidationOrder
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::getValidationOrder()
Returns a javascript to check if the given value is valid for this kind of input.
- getValidationOrder
- in file EMailTextInput.class.php, method EMailTextInput::getValidationOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether the value of this item has the correct format.
- getValidationOrder
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::getValidationOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether the value of this item has the correct format.
- getValidationOrder
- in file HTMLButton.class.php, method HTMLButton::getValidationOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getValidationOrder
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, method HTMLSubmitButton::getValidationOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getValidationOrder
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::getValidationOrder()
Blind method cause other objects will invoke it.
- getValidationOrder
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, method NumberTextInput::getValidationOrder()
Returns an if-order of a javascript to check whether the value of this item has the correct format.
- getValue
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::getValue()
Returns the value of this item's "value"-attribute.
- getValue
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::getValue()
Returns the value of textfield tag's "value"-attribute.
- getValueArr
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::getValueArr()
Returns the array containing the valuess of this select.
- getWeekDaySelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getWeekDaySelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's weekday-select.
- getWeeknumSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getWeeknumSelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's minute-select.
- getYearSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::getYearSelect()
Returns a generated string based on the attributes of this object's minute-select.
- $hiddenFormItems
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$hiddenFormItems
References to the hidden form's items.
- HTMLForm.class.php
- procedural page HTMLForm.class.php
- HTMLLabel.class.php
- procedural page HTMLLabel.class.php
- HTMLForm
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::HTMLForm()
- HTMLForm
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, class HTMLForm
A class to generate forms.
- HTMLLabel
- in file HTMLLabel.class.php, method HTMLLabel::HTMLLabel()
- HTMLLabel
- in file HTMLLabel.class.php, class HTMLLabel
Creating HTML-Label-Tags
- $hiddenValueInput
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$hiddenValueInput
- $horizontal
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, variable HTMLRadioGroup::$horizontal
Stores whether the radio buttons should arrange horizontal; Arrangement with or without breaks.
- $hourSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$hourSelect
- HTMLButton.class.php
- procedural page HTMLButton.class.php
- HTMLCheckBox.class.php
- procedural page HTMLCheckBox.class.php
- HTMLFileInput.class.php
- procedural page HTMLFileInput.class.php
- HTMLHiddenInput.class.php
- procedural page HTMLHiddenInput.class.php
- HTMLPasswordInput.class.php
- procedural page HTMLPasswordInput.class.php
- HTMLRadioButton.class.php
- procedural page HTMLRadioButton.class.php
- HTMLRadioGroup.class.php
- procedural page HTMLRadioGroup.class.php
- HTMLResetButton.class.php
- procedural page HTMLResetButton.class.php
- HTMLSelect.class.php
- procedural page HTMLSelect.class.php
- HTMLSubmitButton.class.php
- procedural page HTMLSubmitButton.class.php
- HTMLTextArea.class.php
- procedural page HTMLTextArea.class.php
- HTMLTextInput.class.php
- procedural page HTMLTextInput.class.php
- HTMLButton
- in file HTMLButton.class.php, class HTMLButton
Creating HTML-Buttons
- HTMLButton
- in file HTMLButton.class.php, method HTMLButton::HTMLButton()
- HTMLCheckBox
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, class HTMLCheckBox
A class to generate checkboxes.
- HTMLCheckBox
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::HTMLCheckBox()
- HTMLFileInput
- in file HTMLFileInput.class.php, method HTMLFileInput::HTMLFileInput()
- HTMLFileInput
- in file HTMLFileInput.class.php, class HTMLFileInput
A class to generate a input to uploading files.
- HTMLFormItem
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::HTMLFormItem()
- HTMLHiddenInput
- in file HTMLHiddenInput.class.php, class HTMLHiddenInput
- HTMLHiddenInput
- in file HTMLHiddenInput.class.php, method HTMLHiddenInput::HTMLHiddenInput()
- HTMLPasswordInput
- in file HTMLPasswordInput.class.php, class HTMLPasswordInput
A class to generate text input fields.
- HTMLPasswordInput
- in file HTMLPasswordInput.class.php, method HTMLPasswordInput::HTMLPasswordInput()
- HTMLRadioButton
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::HTMLRadioButton()
- HTMLRadioButton
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, class HTMLRadioButton
A class to generate checkboxes.
- HTMLRadioGroup
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, class HTMLRadioGroup
- HTMLRadioGroup
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::HTMLRadioGroup()
- HTMLResetButton
- in file HTMLResetButton.class.php, class HTMLResetButton
A class to generate a reset button.
- HTMLResetButton
- in file HTMLResetButton.class.php, method HTMLResetButton::HTMLResetButton()
- HTMLSelect
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, class HTMLSelect
A class to generate select fields.
- HTMLSelect
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::HTMLSelect()
- HTMLSubmitButton
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, method HTMLSubmitButton::HTMLSubmitButton()
- HTMLSubmitButton
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, class HTMLSubmitButton
- HTMLTextArea
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, class HTMLTextArea
- HTMLTextArea
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::HTMLTextArea()
- HTMLTextInput
- in file HTMLTextInput.class.php, method HTMLTextInput::HTMLTextInput()
- HTMLTextInput
- in file HTMLTextInput.class.php, class HTMLTextInput
A class to generate text input fields.
- $js_err_msg
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$js_err_msg
The error that should be alert if some information is missing.
- $jscheck
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$jscheck
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_DATE_DIGIT_SEPARATOR
The the separator for the date digits.
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_EER_MONTH_GREATER_THAN_TWELVE
The error message that appears if the user put in a month greater than twelve.
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_ERR_DAY_GREATER_THAN_28_IN_FEBUARY_OF_A_NON_LEAP_YEAR
The error message that appears if the user put in a day greater than 28 on february of a non leap year.
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_ERR_DAY_GREATER_THAN_29_IN_FEBUARY_OF_A_LEAP_YEAR
The error message that appears if the user put in a day greater than 29 on february of a leap year.
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_ERR_DAY_GREATER_THAN_30_MSG
The error message that appears if the user put in a day greater than 30 on a month that only has 30 days.
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_ERR_DAY_GREATER_THAN_31_MSG
The error message that appears if the user put in a month greater than 31.
- in file en.inc.php, constant JS_ERR_DAY_IS_ZERO
The error message that appears if the user put in a day equal to zero.
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_ERR_DAY_IS_ZERO_MSG
The error message that appears if the user put in a day equal to zero.
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_ERR_INVALID_DATE_MSG
The error message that appears if the user put in an incorrect date.
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_ERR_INVALID_TIME_MSG
The error message that appears if the user put in an incorrect time.
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_ERR_MISSING
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_ERR_MONTH_IS_ZERO_MSG
The error message that appears if the user put in a month equal to zero.
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_ERR_MSG
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_ERR_WRONG_URL_MSG
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_REGEXP_VALID_DATE
The regular expression to validate the input date.
- in file de.inc.php, constant JS_REGEXP_VALID_TIME
The regular expression to validate the input time.
- $lastEntryId
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, variable DBTfillingForm::$lastEntryId
- $layout_table
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$layout_table
- $label_arr
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$label_arr
- $label_fields
- in file DBKeySelect.class.php, variable DBKeySelect::$label_fields
- $label_fields
- in file DBKeyRadioGroup.class.php, variable DBKeyRadioGroup::$label_fields
- $label_obj
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLFormItem::$label_obj
A reference to a label object, which carries information for this input object.
- $label_on_submit_success
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, variable HTMLSubmitButton::$label_on_submit_success
- $label_position_right
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, variable HTMLCheckBox::$label_position_right
- $layout_table_head
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$layout_table_head
- $leftSelectSize
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$leftSelectSize
- $leftSelectStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$leftSelectStyle
- $method
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$method
The method in which kind the data should be send.
- $multipart
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$multipart
- $manipulateable
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLFormItem::$manipulateable
- $maxchars
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTextInput::$maxchars
- $minuteSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$minuteSelect
- $month
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, variable BirthdayDateTextInput::$month
Stores the interpreted month
- $monthSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$monthSelect
- $mouseup
- in file HTMLButton.class.php, variable HTMLButton::$mouseup
- $moveToLeftButtonLabel
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$moveToLeftButtonLabel
- $moveToLeftButtonStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$moveToLeftButtonStyle
- $moveToRightButtonLabel
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$moveToRightButtonLabel
- $moveToRightButtonStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$moveToRightButtonStyle
- $multiple
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$multiple
- MultiRelationSelect.class.php
- procedural page MultiRelationSelect.class.php
- MultiRelationSelect
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::MultiRelationSelect()
- MultiRelationSelect
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, class MultiRelationSelect
A class to generate selects mainly to handle multiple relation between two databasetables.
- $requiredItemOutputs
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$requiredItemOutputs
Carries the error output for each required item.
- $requiredItems
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$requiredItems
References to the form's items that are required for a complete set of information.
- removeHiddenFormItem
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::removeHiddenFormItem()
Removes the hidden item with the given name.
- replaceIntoDBT
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::replaceIntoDBT()
Replaces a Dataset into the specified database's table.
- $radioButtonsLabels
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, variable HTMLRadioGroup::$radioButtonsLabels
- $radioButtonsLabelsInlineStyle
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, variable HTMLRadioGroup::$radioButtonsLabelsInlineStyle
- $radioButtonsOnMouseUp
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, variable HTMLRadioGroup::$radioButtonsOnMouseUp
- $radioButtonsValues
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, variable HTMLRadioGroup::$radioButtonsValues
- $rightSelectSize
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$rightSelectSize
- $rightSelectStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$rightSelectStyle
- $rows
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, variable HTMLTextArea::$rows
Stores the height of this text area in text rows.
- $rstbt
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, variable ResetSubmitButton::$rstbt
- ResetSubmitButton.class.php
- procedural page ResetSubmitButton.class.php
- refresh
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::refresh()
This method refreshes the new entries.
- ResetSubmitButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::ResetSubmitButton()
- ResetSubmitButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, class ResetSubmitButton
A class to create a reset and a buton to submit forms.
- $str_body
- in file HTMLLabel.class.php, variable HTMLLabel::$str_body
The content of this label.
- $str_layout
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$str_layout
- send
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::send()
Sends the email with values of the form to the addressee stored in $this->target_email.
- setBody
- in file HTMLLabel.class.php, method HTMLLabel::setBody()
Sets the body of this HTML-Object.
- setDisabled
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setDisabled()
Disables all formitems. This function is an alias for the function disableAllFormItems()
- setFormBody
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setFormBody()
Builds the content of this Form andstores it in the attribute form_body.
- setJSerrorMessage
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setJSerrorMessage()
Sets the javascript error message that appears if user information is missing.
- setLayoutString
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setLayoutString()
Adds the string by dint of the form should be formatted.
- setLayoutTable
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setLayoutTable()
Adds the table by dint of the form should be formatted.
- setMethod
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setMethod()
Sets the method, how the data should be send; POST or GET.
- setName
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setName()
Sets the name of this form.
- setNoFormat
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setNoFormat()
Stores that the HTML-elements should not format by "\r\n" in the source.
- setSubmitOrder
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setSubmitOrder()
Sets the javascript that should execute on submit.
- setTargetEmail
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::setTargetEmail()
Stores the email where the message should be send.
- setTargetEmailBlindCopyArray
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::setTargetEmailBlindCopyArray()
Stores the emails where the message should be send in blind copy.
- setTargetEmailCopyArray
- in file ContactForm.class.php, method ContactForm::setTargetEmailCopyArray()
Stores the emails where the message should be send in copy.
- setTargetFile
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setTargetFile()
Sets the target script of the data; The "action"-attribute.
- setTargetFrame
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, method HTMLForm::setTargetFrame()
Sets the target frame where the target script should appear; The "target"-attribute.
- setupDBT
- in file DBTfillingForm.class.php, method DBTfillingForm::setupDBT()
Sets up the databasetable by using the information of the form.
- $sbtbt
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, variable ResetSubmitButton::$sbtbt
- $sbtbt
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, variable SubmitCancelButton::$sbtbt
- $secondaryEntityDBTObject
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$secondaryEntityDBTObject
- $secondaryEntityLabelFieldArr
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$secondaryEntityLabelFieldArr
- $secondaryEntityPrimaryKey
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$secondaryEntityPrimaryKey
- $secondaryEntityWhereClause
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$secondaryEntityWhereClause
- $secondSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$secondSelect
- $serializedStandardValue
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$serializedStandardValue
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$SETTING
- $show_despite_zero_label_count
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$show_despite_zero_label_count
- $show_standard_label
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$show_standard_label
- $show_standard_label_on_single_value
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$show_standard_label_on_single_value
- $size
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$size
- $size
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, variable ABSTHTMLTextInput::$size
- $standard_date_format
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$standard_date_format
- $standard_label
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$standard_label
- $standard_text
- in file HTMLTextInput.class.php, variable HTMLTextInput::$standard_text
Carries the text that should be shown if the textfields value is empty.
- $str_single_value_template
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$str_single_value_template
Enter description here...
- $style_class_arr
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$style_class_arr
- SubmitCancelButton.class.php
- procedural page SubmitCancelButton.class.php
- setAlternativeTextOnHidden
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setAlternativeTextOnHidden()
Set the text that should appear if the select is hidden, cause of zero count of options.
- setCancelOrder
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::setCancelOrder()
Sets the mouseUp-function of the cancel button.
- setChangeOrder
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::setChangeOrder()
Sets the mouseUp-Attribute of the radio button.
- setChangeOrder
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::setChangeOrder()
Sets the onChange-Attribute of the checkbox.
- setChangeOrder
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setChangeOrder()
Sets the javascript that should execute if the value of the select changes
- setCharset
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setCharset()
Sets the charset for the optionlabels of this select.
- setChecked
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::setChecked()
Sets this radio button checked.
- setChecked
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::setChecked()
Sets this checkbox checked.
- setCols
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::setCols()
Sets the the width of this text area in text cols (letter count per row).
- setDateTemplate
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::setDateTemplate()
Sets the template how to display date in the text input. The rules follow the parameter rules of the date()-function.
- setDaySelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setDaySelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the day of a date.
- setDecimalCount
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, method NumberTextInput::setDecimalCount()
Stores how many decimal numbers should be shown.
- setDir
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::setDir()
Sets the directory which content should be display by this select.
- setDisabled
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::setDisabled()
Disables this item.
- setEnabled
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::setEnabled()
Enables this item.
- setFreeStyles
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setFreeStyles()
Sets the style attributes of the options of this select in order to the given array.
- setHourSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setHourSelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the hour of a date.
- setISODate
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setISODate()
Sets the values of the select group with the given ISO date.
- setJSForLabelChangeOnSubmitSuccess
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, method HTMLSubmitButton::setJSForLabelChangeOnSubmitSuccess()
Sets the javascript to change the label of this button on mouseup if the form data could be send.
- setLabel
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::setLabel()
Sets the label of this checkbox.
- setLabel
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::setLabel()
Stores the given label object to the extended underlying form component.
- setLabel
- in file HTMLRadioButton.class.php, method HTMLRadioButton::setLabel()
Sets the label of this checkbox.
- setLabelFreeStyle
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::setLabelFreeStyle()
Set the value of inline styles of the labels for the radiobuttons of the group.
- setLabelOfCancelButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::setLabelOfCancelButton()
Sets the label of the reset button.
- setLabelOfResetButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::setLabelOfResetButton()
Sets the label of the reset button.
- setLabelOfSubmitButton
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::setLabelOfSubmitButton()
Sets the label of the submit button.
- setLabelOfSubmitButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::setLabelOfSubmitButton()
Sets the label of the submit button.
- setLabelOnSubmitSuccess
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, method HTMLSubmitButton::setLabelOnSubmitSuccess()
Sets the label of this button on mouseup if the form data could be send.
- setLabelPositionLeft
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::setLabelPositionLeft()
Sets the position of the label to the left side.
- setLabelPositionRight
- in file HTMLCheckBox.class.php, method HTMLCheckBox::setLabelPositionRight()
Sets the position of the label to the right side.
- setLabels
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setLabels()
Sets the labels of this select in order to the given array.
- setLayoutTableHead
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setLayoutTableHead()
This is for example to add a filter select for the target database table to the top of this select. Then you will be able to align it flush with the right side of this select.
- setLeftSelectSize
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setLeftSelectSize()
Sets the size of the select appering on the left side.
- setLeftSelectStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setLeftSelectStyle()
Sets the styleclass of the select appering on the left side.
- setManipulateable
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::setManipulateable()
Makes sure that this item is manipulateable by the user.
- setMaxChars
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, method BirthdayDateTextInput::setMaxChars()
A overwritten method to forbid to set the maximal capacity of this special kind of input.
- setMaxChars
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::setMaxChars()
Stores the value of this item's "maxLength"-attribute.
- setMinuteSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setMinuteSelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the minute of a date.
- setMonthSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setMonthSelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the month of a given year.
- setMouseup
- in file HTMLSubmitButton.class.php, method HTMLSubmitButton::setMouseup()
Sets the value of the onMouseup-attribute of this submit button.
- setMouseUpArray
- in file HTMLRadioGroup.class.php, method HTMLRadioGroup::setMouseUpArray()
Adding an array to this object, that carries the javascript for the onMouseup-tag of each radiobutton.
- setMoveToLeftButtonStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setMoveToLeftButtonStyle()
Sets the styleclass of the button thats function is to move the items from the select on the right side to the select on the left side.
- setMoveToRightButtonStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setMoveToRightButtonStyle()
Sets the styleclass of the button thats function is to move the items from the select on the left side to the select on the right side.
- setMultiple
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setMultiple()
Sets this select to be able in selecting multiple values.
- setName
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::setName()
Returns the value of textfield tag's "name"-attribute.
- setNameOfForm
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setNameOfForm()
Somtimes it can be usefule to filter the achievement from the Target database table.
- setNotManipulateable
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::setNotManipulateable()
Makes sure that this item is not manipulateable by the user, but carrys the value trough the form.
- setOnBlur
- in file EMailTextInput.class.php, method EMailTextInput::setOnBlur()
Stores the value of this item's "onBlur"-attribute.
- setOnBlur
- in file URLTextInput.class.php, method URLTextInput::setOnBlur()
Stores the value of this item's "onBlur"-attribute.
- setOnlyFutureDates
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setOnlyFutureDates()
With this method you can set the checkup of guilty dates in the future by javascript.
- setOnlyFutureErrMSG
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setOnlyFutureErrMSG()
With this method you can set the message that should appear if the given date isn't a date in the future.
- setOutputKind
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::setOutputKind()
Sets the value of the kind of output ( FILE, FOLDER, FILEORFOLDER ).
- setOutputTemplate
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setOutputTemplate()
This sets in which order the selects should be output.
- setParentForm
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::setParentForm()
Stores a reference to the form-object that contains this item-object.
- setParentForm
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::setParentForm()
Stores a reference to the form-object that contains this item-object.
- setParentForm
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::setParentForm()
Sets the "parentform"-attribute of both buttons.
- setParentForm
- in file ResetSubmitButton.class.php, method ResetSubmitButton::setParentForm()
Returns the name of the submit button.
- setPrimaryEntitySelectStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setPrimaryEntitySelectStyle()
Sets the styleclass of the select appering on the top of the select on the right side.
- setRightSelectSize
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setRightSelectSize()
Sets the size of the select appering on the right side.
- setRightSelectStyle
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setRightSelectStyle()
Sets the styleclass of the select appering on the right side.
- setRows
- in file HTMLTextArea.class.php, method HTMLTextArea::setRows()
Sets the the height of this text area in text rows.
- setSecondSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setSecondSelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the second of a date.
- setSingleValueTemplate
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setSingleValueTemplate()
If the single value template is set, then the method get() will only output the parsed template instead of the selectbox. You can use the template variable [#label#] to place the single label in the template string.
- setSize
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setSize()
Sets the size-attribute of this select.
- setSize
- in file ABSTHTMLTextInput.class.php, method ABSTHTMLTextInput::setSize()
Stores the value of this item's "size"-attribute.
- setStandardDateFormat
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setStandardDateFormat()
This sets how the selected date should be standardly handled. The Following
- setStandardLabel
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setStandardLabel()
Sets the label of this select that schould be shown if no value is selected.
- setStandardText
- in file HTMLTextInput.class.php, method HTMLTextInput::setStandardText()
Sets the text that should be shown if the textfields value is empty.
- setStandardYearSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setStandardYearSelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the year of date. It will start on tree years ago and two years int he future
- setStyles
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setStyles()
Sets the style classes of the options of this select in order to the given array.
- setTimestamp
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setTimestamp()
Sets the values of the select group with the given timestamp.
- setValue
- in file ColorInput.class.php, method ColorInput::setValue()
Sets the value of textfield tag's "value"-attribute.
- setValue
- in file ABSTHTMLFormItem.class.php, method ABSTHTMLFormItem::setValue()
Stores the value of this item's "value"-attribute.
- setValues
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::setValues()
Sets the values of this select in order to the given array.
- setWeekDaySelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setWeekDaySelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the weekday of a date.
- setWeeknumSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setWeeknumSelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the weeknum of a given year.
- setWhereClauseOfsecondaryEntityDBT
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setWhereClauseOfsecondaryEntityDBT()
Somtimes it can be usefule to filter the achievement from the secondary entity database table.
- setWhereClauseOfTargetDBT
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, method MultiRelationSelect::setWhereClauseOfTargetDBT()
Somtimes it can be usefule to filter the achievement from the Target database table.
- setYearSelect
- in file DateSelect.class.php, method DateSelect::setYearSelect()
Sets up the item to selecting the year of a date. You have to define the value on which it should start and this one on which it should end.
- showAltoughOnZeroLabelCount
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::showAltoughOnZeroLabelCount()
Sets whether the select schould be shown if no value is presented on it.
- showStandardLabel
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, method HTMLSelect::showStandardLabel()
Sets whether the standardlabel of this select schould be shown if no value is selected to.
- in file FileSelect.class.php, method FileSelect::SOKH()
This method is importantly only for private use of the class, otherwise there it can cause side effects, because the object attributes will not be refresh.
- in file de.inc.php, constant STANDARD_LABEL
- in file de.inc.php, constant STANDARD_LABEL_CANCEL_BT
- in file de.inc.php, constant STANDARD_LABEL_SUBMIT_BT
- SubmitCancelButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, class SubmitCancelButton
A class to create a reset and a buton to submit forms.
- SubmitCancelButton
- in file SubmitCancelButton.class.php, method SubmitCancelButton::SubmitCancelButton()
- $targetFile
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$targetFile
The data target of this form.
- $targetFrame
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$targetFrame
The target frame in a frameset for example.
- $textBeforeItems
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$textBeforeItems
The text content before all items.
- $textBehindItems
- in file HTMLForm.class.php, variable HTMLForm::$textBehindItems
The text content behind all items.
- $targetDBTObject
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$targetDBTObject
- $targetDBTWhereClause
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$targetDBTWhereClause
- $targetPrimaryEntityKey
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$targetPrimaryEntityKey
- $targetSecondaryEntityKey
- in file MultiRelationSelect.class.php, variable MultiRelationSelect::$targetSecondaryEntityKey
- $template_date_format
- in file TimeTextInput.class.php, variable TimeTextInput::$template_date_format
The template for how to interpret the date.
- $template_date_format
- in file BirthdayDateTextInput.class.php, variable BirthdayDateTextInput::$template_date_format
The template for how to interpret the date.
- $textinput
- in file ColorInput.class.php, variable ColorInput::$textinput
- $text_on_hidden
- in file HTMLSelect.class.php, variable HTMLSelect::$text_on_hidden
- $thousandseperatorchar
- in file NumberTextInput.class.php, variable NumberTextInput::$thousandseperatorchar
- $timestamp
- in file DateSelect.class.php, variable DateSelect::$timestamp
- TimeTextInput.class.php
- procedural page TimeTextInput.class.php
- TimeTextInput
- in file TimeTextInput.class.php, method TimeTextInput::TimeTextInput()
- TimeTextInput
- in file TimeTextInput.class.php, class TimeTextInput
A class to generate text input fields to fill in Dates.