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Procedural File: HTMLTable.class.php

Source Location: /html/HTMLTable.class.php


A very important class to generate HTML-tables. To keep a fast performance, this class is not purely object oriented. That means that the tabledatas are not objects - their information are stored in arrays.

Page Details:

This is a very important file for the framework "GilliGan".

With the class HTMLTable you can build tables to layout HTML-pages. It is very useful in close collaboration to the form-classes of the package forms.

For including this file you have to define the constant "CLASSPATH". Because every include in the framework depends on the CLASSPATH definition. The CLASSPATH means the relative path to the folder that contains the framework GilliGan.


filesource:  Source Code for this file


include_once(CLASSPATH."") [line 28]
A pool of regular expressions.

require_once(CLASSPATH."core/PlainTextFormatter.class.php") [line 24]
A class to format plaintext.

Documentation generated on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 19:13:10 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.1