Element index for package core
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- Arrays
- in file Arrays.class.php, class Arrays
Static methods to manipulate arrays.
- Arrays__boolcmp
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__boolcmp()
Custom sort algorithm to sort booleans. First false then true.
- Arrays__boolcmp_desc
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__boolcmp_desc()
Custom sort algorithm to sort booleans. First true then false.
- Arrays__charcmp
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__charcmp()
- Arrays__charcmp_desc
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__charcmp_desc()
- Arrays__intcmp
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__intcmp()
Custom sort algorithm to sort integer.
- Arrays__intcmp_desc
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__intcmp_desc()
Custom sort algorithm to sort integer.
- Arrays__strcmp
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__strcmp()
- Arrays__strcmp_desc
- in file Arrays.class.php, function Arrays__strcmp_desc()
- assoc2index
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::assoc2index()
Returns the given array as an index based array.
- Arrays.class.php
- procedural page Arrays.class.php
- in file de.inc.php, constant ALPHABET
This constant describes the order of the alphabet. It is need for the sort
- breakBy
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::breakBy()
Breaks a line after $maxChars characters if no word will be cut else earlier and indent the line for $indent chars
- complementArrays
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::complementArrays()
Merges two arrays to one. All records that occuring in both arrays will be remove.
- contains
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::contains()
Returns true if $array contains $record else it will return false.
- DateFormatter.class.php
- procedural page DateFormatter.class.php
- DateFormatter
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::DateFormatter()
- DateFormatter
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, class DateFormatter
Static methods mainly to compute dates depending on weeknum for industrial
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, constant DAYINSECONDS
The number of seconds in a day. This is useful with the calculation of dates in unix timestamp.
- deleteRecord
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::deleteRecord()
Removes the record at $int-index.
- deleteRecordValue
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::deleteRecordValue()
Searches the first record of $value. If it is found it will be removed else the unchanged array will be given back.
- de.inc.php
- procedural page de.inc.php
- flatten
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::flatten()
Converts a multidimensional array in a one dimensional array.
- format
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::format()
Adds $indent spaces in front of each line from given string and breaks after characters count stored in the class variable $maxChars, but only if no word will be break (then the break will be earlier; before the word).
- formatSQL
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::formatSQL()
Formats sql querys.
- getDateOfWeekDayOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getDateOfWeekDayOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the given weekday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getDaysCountOfMonthOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getDaysCountOfMonthOfYear()
Returns the number of days from given month and year.
- getFirstIndexOf
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::getFirstIndexOf()
Returns the position of the first record that matches the value of $mixedVal. If there is not a record that matches the value then the function will return false.
- getFirstIntegerValue
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::getFirstIntegerValue()
Returns the first occuring value that is a type of integer.
- getFirstPregMatchValue
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::getFirstPregMatchValue()
Returns the first occuring value that matches a regular expression.
- getFirstSecondOfDayFromTimestamp
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getFirstSecondOfDayFromTimestamp()
Returns the first second of a day from a unix-timestamp.
- getFirstWord
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::getFirstWord()
Returns the first Word from a text.
- getFridayDateOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getFridayDateOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the friday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getIndexAsArray
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::getIndexAsArray()
Returns the given second dimension index of a two dimensional array as
- getIntervalRoundingOf
- in file Numbers.class.php, method Numbers::getIntervalRoundingOf()
Apportions a range of numbers between zero and $rangeEnd in $portions commensurate chunks. Then the closest computed value to $value will be returned.
- getMondayDateOfFirstWeekOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getMondayDateOfFirstWeekOfYear()
Returns the monday date of the first calendar week of a given year
- getMondayDateOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getMondayDateOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the monday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getMonthFromWeeknumAndYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getMonthFromWeeknumAndYear()
Returns the number of month associated with the given calendar week and year. Beware! This function will not return the values between 1 and 12, because it could be that a given calendar week is a part of two month.
- getMonthNameFromWeeknumAndYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getMonthNameFromWeeknumAndYear()
Returns the name of month associated with the given calendar week and year.
- getRandomPassword
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::getRandomPassword()
Returns a coincidence created password with given digits.
- getRandomRecord
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::getRandomRecord()
Returns a random record of given $array. Sets automatically a new random set by microtime for real random.
- getRandomWord
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::getRandomWord()
Returns a coincidence created word with given digits.
- getSaturdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getSaturdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the saturday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getSundayDateOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getSundayDateOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the sunday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getThursdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getThursdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the thursday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getTimestampFromISODate
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getTimestampFromISODate()
Returns a timestamp from ISO date and time
- getTimestampFromWeeknumAndYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getTimestampFromWeeknumAndYear()
Returns the timestamp of the week's first second from a given calendar week and year.
- getTranslatedDate
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getTranslatedDate()
Returns a language specified date based on the constant LANG with the rules of a date()-function.
- getTuesdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getTuesdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the tuesday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getValuesOfKey
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::getValuesOfKey()
Returns the values behind all keys that correspond with the given one.
- getWednesdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getWednesdayDateOfWeeknumOfYear()
Returns the date of the wednesday associated with the given calendar week and year as an array. The first entry of the returned array carries the day of the month and the second entry carries the month of the given year.
- getWeekdaynameFromTimestamp
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getWeekdaynameFromTimestamp()
Returns weekday name associated with the given timestamp.
- getWeeknumCountOfYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::getWeeknumCountOfYear()
Returns the number of weeks in a given year.
- hex2int
- in file Numbers.class.php, method Numbers::hex2int()
Returns the decimal value of a given hexadecimal value.
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, constant HOURINSECONDS
The number of seconds in a hour. This is useful with the calculation of dates in unix timestamp.
- $indent
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, variable PlainTextFormatter::$indent
- implodeIndex
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::implodeIndex()
Returns a string containing a string representation of all the array elements on index of the arrays second dimension in the same order, with the glue string between each element.
- indentText
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::indentText()
Adds $indent spaces in front of each line.
- integratedAscending
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::integratedAscending()
Returns whether the records in the array are consecutively numbered in a given range after the array had been sort. This function can be helpful to proof the completeness of data.
- isLeapYear
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::isLeapYear()
Returns whether the given year is a leap year.
- is_empty
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::is_empty()
Returns whether an array is empty. That means every record of the array will be proofed with the function empty().
- leadingChar
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::leadingChar()
Adds $char to string until string has the length of $digits.
- listReplace
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::listReplace()
Replaces substrings in string by the matching keys of an array to the value of that key.
- $maxChars
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, variable PlainTextFormatter::$maxChars
- makeXMLEmbedded
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::makeXMLEmbedded()
Replaces special characters to entities. This is very useful for embed HTML in XML.
- maxchars
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::maxchars()
Cuts the given text that the length is not longer than $max_chars characters. The last three characters will be "...".
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, constant MINUTEINSECONDS
The number of seconds in a minute. This is useful with the calculation of dates in unix timestamp.
- Numbers.class.php
- procedural page Numbers.class.php
- Numbers
- in file Numbers.class.php, method Numbers::Numbers()
- Numbers
- in file Numbers.class.php, class Numbers
Static methods to handle numeric values.
- in file de.inc.php, constant NO_CASE_ALPHABET
If this constant is true the sort algorithm handles 'a' like 'A' or even 'd' LIKE 'D', the next letter will affect the order.
- PlainTextFormatter.class.php
- procedural page PlainTextFormatter.class.php
- parseParam
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::parseParam()
Interprets arguments given by an URL.
- Plaintext2ASCII
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::Plaintext2ASCII()
Replaces character in that kind, that only ascii-character remain.
- PlainTextFormatter
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, class PlainTextFormatter
- pregpos
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::pregpos()
Functions like strpos( string haystack, string needle [, int offset] ), but you can use a regular expression as needle.
- primaryValueToTuple
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::primaryValueToTuple()
Returns a new array with the values from the given key of the second dimension as keys in first dimension refering to the second dimension tuple.
- random
- in file Numbers.class.php, method Numbers::random()
Returns a random number in the range between $including_from and $including_to. Sets automatically a new random set by microtime for real random.
- reduceWhiteSpace
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::reduceWhiteSpace()
Reduces in series lying spaces to only one space. Also all spaces at the beginning of a line will be removed.
- reduceWhiteSpaceOfTextAreas
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::reduceWhiteSpaceOfTextAreas()
Replaces each in series appearing whitespaces inside a textarea to only one whitespace.
- removeLineBreaks
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::removeLineBreaks()
Removes all line breaks in a string.
- removeWhiteSpace
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::removeWhiteSpace()
Removes all white spaces including tabs and line breaks in a string.
- Strings.class.php
- procedural page Strings.class.php
- setIndent
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::setIndent()
Sets the indent of all lines of a string if the function "breakBy", "format" or "blockqoutePlainText" is used and no indent is given by parameter.
- setMaxChars
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::setMaxChars()
Sets the maximum of characters that should be in a line if the function "breakBy", "format" or "blockqoutePlainText" is used and no indent is given by parameter.
- sortSecondDimension
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::sortSecondDimension()
Sorts an array by a given second index. You can affect the order of
- startsWith
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::startsWith()
Returns whether the given string begins with substring $what.
- str2time
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, method DateFormatter::str2time()
Returns a timestamp from a date.
- Strings
- in file Strings.class.php, class Strings
Static methods
- strToUpper
- in file Strings.class.php, method Strings::strToUpper()
Make a string uppercase atleast for ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) full with all special characters.
- text2HTML
- in file PlainTextFormatter.class.php, method PlainTextFormatter::text2HTML()
Replaces character in that kind, that only html-character remain.
- translateDoubleVal
- in file Numbers.class.php, method Numbers::translateDoubleVal()
Returns a double from a given string. Translates a number from other language formates.
- uniqueInsert
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::uniqueInsert()
Fills $record in $array only if $array does not already contains it.
- uniqueRecords
- in file Arrays.class.php, method Arrays::uniqueRecords()
Removes doubly occuring records in $array and set up new indexes, so that the first index of the array beginns at zero and the other indexes following integrated and ascendending.
- in file DateFormatter.class.php, constant WEEKINSECONDS
The number of seconds in a week. This is useful with the calculation of dates in unix timestamp.