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Class: Arrays

Source Location: /core/Arrays.class.php

Class Overview


Static methods to manipulate arrays.



  • 0.2.97


  • Copyright (c) 2003 Daniel Plücken <>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA


Child classes:

Inherited Methods

Class: ABSTObject

Prints out the more complex data by the given array.
Prints out the primitive data by the given arrays.
Prints out the Structure of this Object.
Checks whether the passed object reference points to this object.
Compares two references whether they points to the same object

Class Details

[line 63]
Static methods to manipulate arrays.


author:  Daniel Plücken <>
version:  0.2.97

Copyright (c) 2003 Daniel Plücken <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

license:  GNU Lesser General Public License

[ Top ]

Class Methods

static method assoc2index [line 147]

static array assoc2index( &$array, array $array)

Returns the given array as an index based array.


version:  1.0
since:  0.2.1
access:  public


array   $array   The array that should be converted.

[ Top ]

static method complementArrays [line 512]

static array complementArrays( &$array1, &$array2, array $array1, array $array2)

Merges two arrays to one. All records that occuring in both arrays will be remove.


version:  1.1
since:  0.1.8
access:  public


array   $array1  
array   $array2  

[ Top ]

static method contains [line 317]

static boolean contains( &$array, &$record, array $array, mixed $record)

Returns true if $array contains $record else it will return false.


version:  1.02
since:  0.1.5
access:  public

Overridden in child classes as:

Returns true if $this->mixed (the internal array that is managed by the class Vector) contains $record else it will return false.


array   $array   The array in which schould be searched.
mixed   $record   The value which should compare with the records of the array.

[ Top ]

static method deleteRecord [line 78]

static array deleteRecord( integer $int, &$array, array $array)

Removes the record at $int-index.


return:  The removed index in an one dimensional array
version:  1.4
since:  0.1.0
access:  public


integer   $int   Index of record to remove.
array   $array   The array in which the record should be removed.

[ Top ]

static method deleteRecordValue [line 97]

static array deleteRecordValue( &$value, &$array, mixed $value, array $array)

Searches the first record of $value. If it is found it will be removed else the unchanged array will be given back.


return:  The removed index in an one dimensional array
version:  1.1
since:  0.1.0
access:  public

Overridden in child classes as:

Searches the first record of $value. If it is found it will be delete. All entrys behind the deleted record moving up by one position.


mixed   $value   The value that should be searched.
array   $array   The array in which the record should be removed.

[ Top ]

static method flatten [line 223]

static array &flatten( &$array, &$newArray, [integer $preserve_keys = 1], array $array, array $newArray)

Converts a multidimensional array in a one dimensional array.


author:  bluej100 at gmail dot com
author:  Daniel Plücken <> (some modifications)
version:  1.0
see:  77671
since:  0.2.1
access:  public


array   $array  
array   $newArray  
integer   $preserve_keys  

[ Top ]

static method getFirstIndexOf [line 260]

static integer|false getFirstIndexOf( &$mixedVal, &$array, mixed $mixedVal, array $array)

Returns the position of the first record that matches the value of $mixedVal. If there is not a record that matches the value then the function will return false.


version:  1.2
since:  0.1.2
access:  public

Overridden in child classes as:

Returns the position of the first record that matches the value of $mixedVal.


mixed   $mixedVal   The value that should be searched.
array   $array   The array in which the record should be searched.

[ Top ]

static method getFirstIntegerValue [line 453]

static false|integer getFirstIntegerValue( &$in_arr, array $in_arr)

Returns the first occuring value that is a type of integer.


version:  1.0
since:  0.2.8
access:  public


array   $in_arr  

[ Top ]

static method getFirstPregMatchValue [line 480]

static false|string getFirstPregMatchValue( string $str_reg_exp, &$in_arr, array $in_arr)

Returns the first occuring value that matches a regular expression.


version:  1.0
since:  0.2.8
access:  public


string   $str_reg_exp  
array   $in_arr  

[ Top ]

static method getIndexAsArray [line 393]

static array getIndexAsArray( integer/string $index, &$array, [boolean $empty_entries = false], array $array)

Returns the given second dimension index of a two dimensional array as

a one dimensional array. Imagine that a two dimensional array is pictured as a table and you want to get all values from a specified col of this table, then you can use this function to do so. It is very helpful to extract all values of a field from a set of data.


version:  1.1
since:  0.2.2
access:  public


integer/string   $index  
array   $array   The array of which the index should be extract.
boolean   $empty_entries   Decides wether empty entries should add to the new array or not.

[ Top ]

static method getRandomRecord [line 296]

static array getRandomRecord( array $array)

Returns a random record of given $array. Sets automatically a new random set by microtime for real random.


version:  1.0
since:  0.1.7
access:  public

Overridden in child classes as:

Returns a random record of this vector.


array   $array   The array from which the record should be returned.

[ Top ]

static method getValuesOfKey [line 421]

static array getValuesOfKey( string $str_key_name, &$in_arr, array $in_arr)

Returns the values behind all keys that correspond with the given one.


version:  1.0
since:  0.2.8
access:  public


string   $str_key_name  
array   $in_arr  

[ Top ]

static method implodeIndex [line 633]

static string implodeIndex( string $glue, &$array, integer/string $index, [boolean $empty_entries = false], array $array)

Returns a string containing a string representation of all the array elements on index of the arrays second dimension in the same order, with the glue string between each element.


version:  1.0
since:  0.2.6
access:  public


string   $glue  
array   $array   The array which elements will be used.
integer/string   $index  
boolean   $empty_entries   Decides wether empty entries should add to the string or not.

[ Top ]

static method integratedAscending [line 582]

static array integratedAscending( array $array, integer $rangeA, integer $rangeB)

Returns whether the records in the array are consecutively numbered in a given range after the array had been sort. This function can be helpful to proof the completeness of data.


  1.  $arr array354679);
  2.  ifArrays::integratedAscending$arr3) )
  3.    echo "This will surely be output.";
  5.  ifArrays::integratedAscending$arr3) )
  6.    echo "This will NOT be output.";
  8.  $arr2 array3579);
  9.  ifArrays::integratedAscending$arr23) )
  10.    echo "This will also NOT be output.";


version:  1.0
since:  0.1.9
access:  public


array   $array   The array to be probed.
integer   $rangeA   The minimum of the range.
integer   $rangeB   The maximum of the range.

[ Top ]

static method is_empty [line 119]

static boolean is_empty( &$array, array $array)

Returns whether an array is empty. That means every record of the array will be proofed with the function empty().


version:  1.21
since:  0.2.0
access:  public


array   $array   The array that should be checked of emptiness.

[ Top ]

static method primaryValueToTuple [line 193]

static array &primaryValueToTuple( &$array, string $value_key, array $array)

Returns a new array with the values from the given key of the second dimension as keys in first dimension refering to the second dimension tuple.

  1.  $data_arr array(
  2.                 => array("id"=>24,"name"=>"Vera","name"=>"Oberkönig"),
  3.                 => array("id"=>17,"name"=>"Daniel","name"=>"Plücken"),
  4.                 => array("id"=>23,"name"=>"Kayleigh","name"=>"Moritz")
  5.                   );
  7.  $p_data_arr Arrays::primaryValueToTuple$data_arr"id" );
  9.  // now $p_data_arr is:
  10.  $p_data_arr array(
  11.                "24" => array("id"=>24,"name"=>"Vera","name"=>"Oberkönig"),
  12.                "17" => array("id"=>17,"name"=>"Daniel","name"=>"Plücken"),
  13.                "23" => array("id"=>23,"name"=>"Kayleigh","name"=>"Moritz")
  14.                     );


version:  1.0
since:  0.2.97
access:  public


array   $array  
string   $value_key  

[ Top ]

static method sortSecondDimension [line 709]

static array &sortSecondDimension( &$array, string $index, [string $func = "strcmp"], array $array)

Sorts an array by a given second index. You can affect the order of

character and strings by defining the constnand ALPHABET and NO_CASE_ALPHABET in the language file which can be found in the package core/lang_spec_values. With defining of the constant LANG, you can switch between the various orders on every new page request.


version:  1.0
since:  0.2.3
access:  public


array   $array   The array that should be sort.
string   $index   The index or rather name of the second dimension that should be sort.
string   $func   The suffix of the custum function which should be used (See also the function list of the package core). Possible Values are:
  • boolcmp: To sort boolean values ascending. First cames false, then true.
  • boolcmp_desc: To sort boolean values descending. First cames true, the false.
  • charcmp: To sort character values ascending. The order can be dedicated by defining the constant ALPHABET in the language files that can be found in the package core/lang_spec_values.
  • charcmp_desc: To sort character values descending. The order can be dedicated by defining the constant ALPHABET in the language files that can be found in the package core/lang_spec_values.
  • intcmp: To sort integer values ascending.
  • intcmp_desc To sort integer values descending.
  • strcmp: To sort Strings ascending. The order can be dedicated by defining the constant ALPHABET in the language files that can be found in the package core/lang_spec_values.
  • strcmp_desc: To sort Strings descending. The order can be dedicated by defining the constant ALPHABET in the language files that can be found in the package core/lang_spec_values.

[ Top ]

static method uniqueInsert [line 335]

static void uniqueInsert( &$array, mixed $record, array $array)

Fills $record in $array only if $array does not already contains it.


version:  1.01
since:  0.1.2
access:  public

Overridden in child classes as:

Fills $record in $this->mixed only if $this->mixed does not already contains it.


array   $array   The array in which the record should be filled in.
mixed   $record   The value which should be filled in the array.

[ Top ]

static method uniqueRecords [line 360]

static array uniqueRecords( &$array, array $array)

Removes doubly occuring records in $array and set up new indexes, so that the first index of the array beginns at zero and the other indexes following integrated and ascendending.


version:  1.0
since:  0.1.4
access:  public

Overridden in child classes as:

Removes doubly occuring records in $this->mixed.


array   $array   The array in which each record should be unique.

[ Top ]

Documentation generated on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 19:10:13 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.1