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Class: PlainTextFormatter

Source Location: /core/PlainTextFormatter.class.php

Class Overview




  • 0.2.32


  • Copyright (c) 2003 Daniel Plücken <>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA



Child classes:

A very important class to generate HTML-tables. To keep a fast performance, this class is not purely object oriented. That means that the tabledatas are not objects - their information are stored in arrays.

Inherited Methods

Class: ABSTObject

Prints out the more complex data by the given array.
Prints out the primitive data by the given arrays.
Prints out the Structure of this Object.
Checks whether the passed object reference points to this object.
Compares two references whether they points to the same object

Class Details

[line 53]


author:  Daniel Plücken <>
version:  0.2.32

Copyright (c) 2003 Daniel Plücken <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

license:  GNU Lesser General Public License

[ Top ]

Class Variables

$indent =   5

[line 59]


access:  public

Type:   integer

[ Top ]

$maxChars =  70

[line 65]


access:  public

Type:   integer

[ Top ]

Class Methods

static method breakBy [line 85]

static string breakBy( string $text, [integer $max_chars = 0], [integer $indent = 0])

Breaks a line after $maxChars characters if no word will be cut else earlier and indent the line for $indent chars


author:  Daniel Plücken <>
version:  1.0
since:  0.1.0
access:  public


string   $text   The string which should be modified.
integer   $max_chars   The maximum of characters that should be in a
integer   $indent   The indent of all lines.

[ Top ]

static method extractXMLEmbedded [line 326]

static string extractXMLEmbedded( string $text)

Replaces entities to special characters. This is very useful for handle HTML embedded in XML.


author:  Daniel Plücken <>
version:  1.0
since:  0.1.6
access:  public


string   $text   The string which should be modified.

[ Top ]

static method format [line 217]

static string format( string $text, [integer $indent = 0], [integer $max_chars = 70], [integer $first_line_begin = 0])

Adds $indent spaces in front of each line from given string and breaks after characters count stored in the class variable $maxChars, but only if no word will be break (then the break will be earlier; before the word).


author:  Daniel Plücken <>
version:  1.0
since:  0.1.1
access:  public


string   $text   The string which should be modified.
integer   $indent   The indent of all lines.
integer   $max_chars   The maximum of characters that should be in a line.
integer   $first_line_begin   The negative indent of the first line.

[ Top ]

static method formatSQL [line 349]

static string formatSQL( string $str_in)

Formats sql querys.


author:  Daniel Plücken <>
version:  1.11
since:  0.2.2
access:  public


string   $str_in   The string which should be modified.

[ Top ]

static method indentText [line 163]

static string indentText( [string $text = ""], [integer $indent = 0], integer $maxChars)

Adds $indent spaces in front of each line.


author:  Daniel Plücken <>
version:  1.0
since:  0.1.1
access:  public


string   $text   The string which should be modified.
integer   $maxChars   The maximum of characters that should be in a
integer   $indent   The indent of all lines.

[ Top ]

static method makeXMLEmbedded [line 302]

static string makeXMLEmbedded( string $text)

Replaces special characters to entities. This is very useful for embed HTML in XML.


author:  Daniel Plücken <>
version:  1.0
since:  0.1.6
access:  public


string   $text   The string which should be modified.

[ Top ]

static method maxchars [line 277]

static string maxchars( string $text, $max_chars)

Cuts the given text that the length is not longer than $max_chars characters. The last three characters will be "...".


author:  Daniel Plücken <>
version:  1.1
since:  0.1.1
access:  public


string   $text   The string which should be modified.

[ Top ]

static method Plaintext2ASCII [line 438]

static string Plaintext2ASCII( string $inputstr)

Replaces character in that kind, that only ascii-character remain.


author:  Daniel Plücken <>
version:  1.0
since:  0.1.2
access:  public


string   $inputstr   The string which should be modified.

[ Top ]

static method reduceWhiteSpaceOfTextAreas [line 469]

static string reduceWhiteSpaceOfTextAreas( string $string)

Replaces each in series appearing whitespaces inside a textarea to only one whitespace.


author:  Daniel Plücken <>
version:  1.0
since:  0.1.3
access:  public


string   $string   The string which should be modified.

[ Top ]

static method text2HTML [line 415]

static string text2HTML( string $inputstr)

Replaces character in that kind, that only html-character remain.


author:  Daniel Plücken <>
version:  1.1
since:  0.1.3
access:  public


string   $inputstr   The string which should be modified.

[ Top ]

method setIndent [line 520]

void setIndent( integer $int)

Sets the indent of all lines of a string if the function "breakBy", "format" or "blockqoutePlainText" is used and no indent is given by parameter.


author:  Daniel Plücken <>
version:  1.0
since:  0.1.0
access:  public


integer   $int  

[ Top ]

method setMaxChars [line 536]

void setMaxChars( integer $int)

Sets the maximum of characters that should be in a line if the function "breakBy", "format" or "blockqoutePlainText" is used and no indent is given by parameter.


author:  Daniel Plücken <>
version:  1.0
since:  0.1.0
access:  public


integer   $int  

[ Top ]

Documentation generated on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 19:14:47 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.1